Cozy Cosmos is a Minecraft sever network that aims to provide the ideal NON pay-to-win survival multiplayer experience for everyone! Currently only featuring Towny, a Factions and Skyblock server are in the works, with plans for several others! our server is unique due to our unique features and community, which we as the staff and and I as the owner have worked hard to create and maintain. Here are some of these features:
– Bedrock connections: Despite this being a java server, players on the bedrock edition of the game are able to connect and play! Using the regular IP address and the port 19132 you are able to play just like a java player!
– Brewery: Make custom drinks! Alcohol or not, there’s plenty of options!
– Miden’s Foods: Named for the creator of the plugin who is also the owner of the server, this plugin allows for custom foods to be added to the game that the player actually eats like normal vanilla food. There are plenty of new items that you can make and sell in your own little café.
– Enchants plus: A plugin that has very customizable enchantments in our server! We have spent a lot of time adjusting and balancing these enchants. A list of enchantments and what they do can be found in our discord.
– Siege war: A type of war-on-demand plugin for towny that allows you to siege enemy towns and absorb them into your nations! Towns who don’t want to participate don’t have to and can opt out of war at any point in time.
– Dynmap: A dynamic map of the entire server where you can see the entire world and find places to build or other people to visit and interact with!
Of course, there are plenty more features that help round out our server and help continuously give you something to do, and anyone from our community would be more than willing to walk you through everything, so join today to get started!