New Minecraft Servers
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  • What is the IP for NG Slot Minecraft Server?

    What is the IP for NG Slot Minecraft Server?

    New Minecraft Servers

    Does NG Slot Have a Minecraft Server?

    NG Slot is a popular YouTube creator known for gaming content, including Minecraft. Many fans are curious if they have an official Minecraft server to connect and play with the community.

    NG Slot’s Minecraft Server

    At present, NG Slot does not have an official Minecraft server. This absence has left many fans wondering where they can find NG Slot-inspired gameplay or similar experiences.

    Alternative Minecraft Experiences

    While NG Slot doesn’t host an official server, fans can explore the following fan-made alternatives:

    • NG Slot Community Server: Check online forums and Discord channels for possible fan-hosted servers that emulate NG Slot’s content.
    • Similar Servers: Look for servers featuring mini-games and custom mods that align with NG Slot’s gaming style. Servers like Hypixel or Mineplex offer a variety of game modes, which may capture the same spirit.

    Useful Next Steps

    To stay updated on any potential official server launches or community events, follow NG Slot on their YouTube channel and join relevant Discord groups. For exciting Minecraft experiences, check out popular server lists like Minecraft Server List.

    Stay connected to the community, and keep an eye out for any future developments from NG Slot!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Left4craft small communit

    Left4craft small communit

    New Minecraft Servers

    Left4craft was never meant to be a big server. It still isn’t. Left4craft was designed to be a small community, where everyone knew everyone else. Where you could trust people, and know that the staff would be more than happy to roll back a grief. A place where the user is more important than automation on a massive scale. A server where you can truly feel welcomed.The rules are as follows:[1] Be respectful[2] Be ethical[3] Don’t grief[4] All players must agree to fight, if you fight[5] Respect all staff[6] Don’t spam/advertiseWe have griefprevention, an advanced claiming tool for survival. We also have coreprotect, so any staff member can quickly roll back any of your griefs, big or small, and punish the griefer accordingly. If you are looking for a good, friendly, quiet place to start survival or play a couple rounds of horde at, this is the place for you. We would be glad to have you join our community!

    Join now:Website: Left4craft.netIP: mc.left4craft.netSee you there!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • ClickMove server Minecraft

    ClickMove server Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    Recruitment of 20 participants for the season

    New Minecraft Server
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  • SyndicateSMP


    New Minecraft Servers

    Syndicate SMP Is a vanilla Minecraft server, besides the addition of Hardcore coming

    soon, our server is mostly vanilla. Our server has decided to add these customizable ranks

    to help keep our server running. It is not necessary yet very appreciated if you do so.

    This server is currently pre-release, meaning it is in very early development, any amount of donation

    can really benefit our server. This server is fully cross platform for every platform being, Pc, phone,

    xbox, playstation, and nintendo. Cresidentials to the server are in the discord provided ; ; / ; 19132.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Azul Network

    Azul Network

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to azule skyblock we offer manny gamemodes and much more

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Mythicminerrpg


    New Minecraft Servers

    EASTER WEEKEND DOUBLE XP EVENT ON NOW!!–MYTHICMINER RPG ServerConnect Address: mc.MYTHICMINER.infoWebsite: RPG style server is aimed to have a little bit of everything for everyone. Starting with its RPG style stat system, quests, economy and Companion pets that can also gain skills; these are just a few of the leading features that the vast world of MMRPG has to offer. Players are welcomed to claim land / towns to protect it from griefing or players are also welcome to raid and loot any unclaimed land they may find.

    In short; MMRPG is a friendly Community based RPG style server that caters to all types of players, good or bad.


    McMMO – Stats and skills.GRIEF PREVENTION – Land claiming and protection.LEVELED MOBS – Mob difficultly variance.MYPET – Battle pet and mob taming.QUESTS – Embark on a journey for rewards.OHTHEDUNGEONS – Dungeon Generator.DYNMAP – Web based, live map.JOBS – Earn in game currency from doing assigned job tasks.QUICKSHOP – Simple chest shop creation and management.CLANS – Team up with friends or just battle foes.MINIBOARDGAMES – Full arcade with minigames.

    (Note: Only the most important and base features are listed here, 100+ are available to discover in game.)

    More info avail on our website @ or on PMC @

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MidNight Lite Anarchy .-. Best Update free Minecraft server

    MidNight Lite Anarchy .-.  Best Update free Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    To all VIPs who come in, ideas for recruiting for those admins

    New Minecraft Server
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  • WCKD Gaming

    WCKD Gaming

    New Minecraft Servers

    WCKD Skyblock (Formerly Goldcraft) has been around for 8 years and we’re still growing. Over the time, we’ve slowly modified and fixed the server to make it perfect to our players. Not only are we set on perfection, but we strive to make it a friendly and memorable experience for all of our players. We have an amazing staff team set out to help and moderate all of our players. We currently have Skyblock, Boss fights, Trades, Auctions, Player shops, and more is yet to come. WCKD Skyblock is built to provide amazing game play, with no lag, and a perfect set up. Upon joining the skyblock server, you can use the command /island create to create an island and /island to bring up the island menu.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Boujeecraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Land claim vanilla Java Minecraft SMP server . Play alone or bring friends and lets build a world together.

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  • Maestrea


    New Minecraft Servers

    Maestrea – A unique and unforgettable towny experience! SERVER VERSION: 1.20.1!

    Having run servers for a long time, our team knows what we’re doing. Being one of the fastest-growing Towny servers with awesome plugins like Towny, Mythic Drops and McMMO, Jobs as well as a ton of custom developed plugins and greatly configured ones as well, to enhance your experience and make sure your time on the server will never be boring.With involved owners and an active, dedicated staff team, we’re able to release new content and updates often! We put the players and their friends first and there are many plugins that our close-knit community enjoys.

    We have a custom ranking system allowing you to unlock new features by ranking up and getting more perks for yourself and your Town & Friends.As well as a Brewing plugin that adds 80+ custom brewing recipes!

    Features:Towny, McMMO, MythicDrops, Jobs, Economy, 6 Dungeons, Survival, PVE, Custom items, Custom Mobs, Mob Arena, Brewing, Skyblock, Invasion event, Boss arenas, Custom Mobs, Active Staff, Friendly Community, Dedicated Server,

    Hope to see you on the server!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Minecraft Divided Territory

    Minecraft Divided Territory

    New Minecraft Servers

    Minecraft: Divided Territory, is a modded Minecraft server on 1.12.2 that is based around Geopolitics, Space, Industrialization, and Militarization. There is something for everyone on this server. We use a 1:2000 Earth map, as well as a dynmap. We use a modpack custom made by me, the owner, specifically for this server. Some of the mods we include are Thermal Expansion, Galacticraft, Immersive Vehicles, And more. The modpack is designed to run well on even lower end setups. In order to create a nation you will need yourself and one other person willing to join, a name, and a location (we go by real world countries). It is recommended for new players that you join a nation. But if you have experience then we implore you to create a nation and throw your hat into the ring. As long as you follow the rules, and be friendly (as friendly as minecraft geopolitics can be). Then I can ensure you will have a good time on this server.

    New Minecraft Server
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