New Minecraft Servers
Welcome to scrotobrain, the most bonkers Minecraft server you’ll ever encounter! Why should you join? Well, for starters, our server is run by a group of highly intelligent llamas who have mastered the art of building pixelated skyscrapers with their hooves. Yes, you read that right – llamas with architectural skills!

But that’s not all! Our server is also home to a secret underground society of talking chickens who have formed their own government and are constantly plotting against the sheep uprising. You never know what kind of poultry politics you’ll stumble upon in our virtual world.

New Minecraft Servers - Blocky Balls Server: Scrotobrain Edition

And if that’s not enough to entice you, we also have a special event every Friday where players can participate in a llama rodeo competition. Just make sure to hold on tight to your saddle, because those llamas can be quite the wild ride!

So come join us at scrotobrain for a Minecraft experience like no other. Who knows, you might even become best friends with a llama or uncover the truth behind the chicken conspiracy. The possibilities are endless in our wacky world!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY