The Crafters Dimension or TCD is a well rooted minecraft server started in 2016. We have a very loyal playerbase with members from all around the world, thatve been with the server since the start and are still going strong. We range from city-builders, to crazy redstoners, to fun casuals, and beyond. If that sounds intimidating, dont worry, we get dozens of new members every month, that keep the playerbase constantly ingaged and refreshed.
We’re a Semi-Vanilla server with only half a dozen plugins such as CoreProtect, and Essentials, just to keep peace and ensure players property are protected. We have a trust-based economy, currently diamonds are our currency. Staff is on 24/7 and we have a graylist, which is like a whitelist, but it just allows players to join, walk around, and talk, but not break/place anything. To apply to be graylisted go to the website listed above, and follow the instructions there. Have fun.