Bionic Earth was a futuristic take on a Minecraft Earth towny server. But with declining activity, support for the server was cut. While still being online, the owners stopped updating, and even stopped playing. But recently, increasing demand for the server’s reopening has sparked new life.
BionicEarth: New World takes place after a Nuclear War that left the world in an apocalypse that caused the people to find a new planet to live on. BionicEarth: New World is still a towny server, but the map is randomly generated, giving the players free range on what to call towns, where to put them, and who to be allied with. BionicEarth: New World is currently under renovation and is expected to be open sometime after the new year. If we expect to thrive, we need activity!
When enough people join, BionicEarth: New World moderators and admins will be elected by the players! How this will work is every 2 weeks, moderator candidates will be able to apply on Sunday, and will be approved by owners. Then they will be split into groups depending on their timezone. The candidates will then campaign until the upcoming Friday when the people will vote for their preferred candidate in the same timezone as them. Polls will close 24 hours later. On Sunday, everyone will vote in 1 election to elevate one of the elected mods to admin. Again, polls will close 24 hours later. Mods and admins, as of now, have unlimited terms. By the following Monday, everyone will be in their positions. So join now!