how to stop being lazy Minecraft Servers

2024 Best how to stop being lazy New Minecraft Servers

  • PrisonPlus


    CRAZY OPPRISON!!! IP: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PrisonPlus is a minecraft prison server, with unique custom built mines, amazing plugins! Here are some of the amazing perks on our server:

    CRATE KEYS WHICH GIVE RANDOMLY GENERATED LOOT! – CUSTOM RANKUP CRATES/KEYS! – PLOT WORLD AND SHOPS – NO LAG – MULTIPLIERS – AND SO MUCH MORE! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • The Medieval Norway

    The Medieval Norway
    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Texyk


    Texyk is a brand new PVP survival server with a wonderful, friendly community that’s constantly growing. We strive to make this server feel welcoming and continuously improve the experience our players get by maintaining a well balanced environment with a broad list of plugins including: -mcMMo -Factions -Jobs -And more! This server will also be hosting a few mini games for our players to get their minds off of survival. Parkour, spleef, and mob arena are just to list a few of many great mini games to come!

    There will also be staff opportunities so better get to joining this server quick because you’re going to have to earn our trust 🙂

    Please come join our community! We hope you’ll love it here!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • FusionPrison

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Becto

    Becto is an unique network.

    You will find custom mobs and boss monsters, and a lot of content you have never seen before on any other server. Try it out today!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Original Sky Block

    Original Sky Block

    A Skyblock server where you and your friends can play skyblock. Make a skyblock and have friends join and build on it. Original skyblock has an amazing player economy where players can trade with one another or make shops.

    Connect with the ip:

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Zion holt

    Zion holt

    Awesome server as long as you don’t kill people That’s messed up


    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • New Beginnings Minecraft

    New Beginnings Minecraft

    New Beginnings Minecraft is far from a new server. We are experienced admins with 2 years of experience running the server and have been tailoring to keep up with the ever evolving minecraft. We have friendly and mature staff and a great community who loves to joke around and take it seriously when they want and are always looking for new members to the community. We have players all around the clock and are always here to listen to plugin suggestions and other advice. All we ask is that you follow the rules and you will have a great time on New Beginnings Minecraft so come on and have a look!

    Survival Plugins: [CoreProtect] [Essentials] [WorldBorder] [Dynmap]

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Bosscraft Survival

    Bosscraft Survival

    <>Welcome to Bosscraft<> IP: or

    We’re a 1.7 hard-mode survival server focused on providing players with a variety of fun options in which to play Minecraft. We uphold a strong and friendly community, and would like to keep it that way.

    Check out the website for more server info!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • The FruitsCraft

    The FruitsCraft

    The Fruitscraft is about having fun, respect other people, and build cities with each other. but not everyone is friendly so there would be bandits.. we might use protected areas for some people but we have not that many staff to care all about that. the server is still in beta there would be bugs and dont exploit it if u tell a staff u would get a reward. Well see you soon! have fun!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY