HateCakeLoveCookies Minecraft Servers

2024 Best HateCakeLoveCookies New Minecraft Servers

  • HateCakeLoveCookies

    Are you tired of being judged for not liking the most popular dessert in the world? Well, look no further because on our Minecraft server, we only allow players who hate the same dessert as you! That’s right, no more feeling like the odd one out when you join our community of dessert haters.

    But that’s not all! Our server is also home to a secret underground society of llamas who have mastered the art of breakdancing. Witness their epic dance battles and maybe even join in yourself if you can keep up with their funky moves.

    And if that’s not enough to convince you to join, how about the fact that our server is located on a floating island made entirely of cotton candy? That’s right, you can literally eat your way through the ground if you get hungry while exploring.

    So come join us on our dessert-hating, breakdancing llama-filled, cotton candy island Minecraft server today! Who needs dessert when you have all this craziness to enjoy?

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • NoodleCraft: Japan Edition 🍜😲

    NoodleCraft: Japan Edition 🍜😲
    Are you tired of boring old soup servers where the broth is as bland as your grandma’s jokes? Look no further, because our Minecraft server is serving up some piping hot noodles in broth, Japan style!

    Join us and experience the slurpy goodness of delicious ramen noodles swimming in a savory broth that will make your taste buds do the happy dance. And if that’s not enough to entice you, how about this – rumor has it that the secret ingredient in our broth is actually unicorn tears, giving it a magical flavor that will make you question why you ever settled for plain old chicken noodle soup.

    New Minecraft Servers - NoodleCraft: Japan Edition 🍜😲

    But wait, there’s more! Our server is home to the infamous Ramen Ninja, a mysterious figure who roams the virtual streets armed with nothing but a pair of chopsticks and a killer appetite. Dare to challenge him to a noodle eating contest and see if you have what it takes to become the next Ramen Champion.

    So come on down to our server and get ready to have your mind (and taste buds) blown by the most epic bowl of noodles in broth, Japan style!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • A Minecraft server where even Creepers can get along – Bedrock And Java Friendship 😁 SMP & Discord

    A Minecraft server where even Creepers can get along – Bedrock And Java Friendship 😁 SMP & Discord

    Feature Description
    Dynamic Nations Establish your own nation and lead it to greatness. Whether you’re a diplomatic genius, a military mastermind, or a cunning strategist, there’s a place for you in our world.
    Epic Wars Engage in thrilling battles for supremacy. Forge alliances with other nations, strategize your attacks, and witness the clash of civilizations like never before.
    Player-Driven Economy Build your empire from the ground up. Control resources, trade with other nations, and shape the economy of the server.
    Community Join a community of like-minded players who share your passion for adventure and exploration. Forge friendships, form alliances, and make memories that will last a lifetime.
    Be Part of Something Big Be among the first to set foot in our world and leave your mark on its history. Your actions will shape the course of events, and your legacy will be remembered for generations to come.


    Q: When will the Civilization Server be launched?

    A: The server is coming soon to Bedrock and Java platforms. Stay tuned for updates and announcements for the official launch date.

    Q: How can I join the Civilization Server?

    A: Join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/pR9C9muG for more information on how to join and participate in the adventure.

    Q: Can I create my own nation on the server?

    A: Yes, players can establish their own nations on the server and lead them to greatness. Whether you prefer diplomacy, military strategies, or economic prowess, there’s a place for you to thrive in our world.

    Q: Are there epic wars and battles in the Civilization Server?

    A: Absolutely! Engage in thrilling battles for supremacy, forge alliances with other nations, and witness epic clashes that will reshape the land and history of the server.

    Q: Is the server economy player-driven?

    A: Yes, players have the ability to control resources, trade with other nations, and shape the economy of the server. Build your empire and influence the economic landscape of the world.

    Q: What sets the Civilization Server apart from other Minecraft servers?

    A: Our server offers a unique experience with dynamic nations, epic wars, and a player-driven economy. Join a community of adventurers, be part of something big, and embark on a journey that will define your legacy in the world.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Back2Blocks: The Return!

    Back2Blocks: The Return!
    Join our Minecraft server and experience a world where pigs fly, cows do the Macarena, and creepers have dance-offs with skeletons. It’s gonna be like nothing has ever happened before in the history of blocky worlds!

    Explore our custom-built spawn area that looks like a giant chicken nugget, complete with a secret sauce fountain for all your dipping needs.

    New Minecraft Servers - Back2Blocks: The Return!

    Ever wanted to ride a llama into battle against a horde of zombie villagers? Well, now you can on our server!

    But wait, there’s more! Our server is also home to the legendary diamond chicken, rumored to lay blocks of diamond instead of eggs. Just don’t get too close, or it might peck your eyeballs out.

    So why wait? Join our Minecraft server today and embark on the craziest, most absurd adventures you’ve ever had in a virtual world. Trust us, it’s gonna be like nothing has ever happened…and that’s a good thing!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • TrekCraft VS Hypixel

    TrekCraft  VS Hypixel

    Hypixel VS TrekCraft


    Pros Cons
    Massive player base Lots of competition and crowded
    Wide variety of minigames May feel overwhelming for new players
    Regular updates and events Potential lag due to high player count


    Pros Cons
    Committed Towny/Survival server Smaller player base
    Extra plugins for enhanced experience Limited minigames and content compared to Hypixel
    Welcoming community with events Potentially less frequent updates

    TrekCraft is not any ordinary server, we are a committed Towny/Survival server with tons of extra plugins to enhance your experience at TrekCraft. Our towny server is a welcoming community where you can build and play with minimal drama. We include Mcmmo, LWC, Jobs, awesome custom boss mobs, ArtMap and much more. Here at TC we have a friendly community that takes part in events every week and an all player staff that will help you through any situation. We’ve been around since 2014 so you know that you can trust us to last. When you find yourself on TrekCraft you feel like you are part of the family, and that is exactly what we want you to feel.

    Take time today and come join us at mc.TrekCraft.net You can also visit our website at http://www.trekcraft.ca/

    Minecraft is an adventure, Trek it. -TC2014

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • CraftyClash: The Ultimate Showdown of Minecraft vs Fortnite – pick your side! #gameon #buildbeatbattle

    CraftyClash: The Ultimate Showdown of Minecraft vs Fortnite – pick your side! #gameon #buildbeatbattle
    Are you tired of boring, run-of-the-mill Minecraft servers? Look no further, because our server is the absolute best in the universe! Why should you join, you may ask? Well, we have unicorns that fart rainbows and pigs that can do the Macarena. Not to mention, our Creepers have been trained in the art of interpretive dance. Oh, and did we mention that our Ender Dragon doubles as a professional opera singer? That’s right, folks. So come join us on our server and experience the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life! And remember, no shitposting allowed – unless it involves a llama wearing sunglasses.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • HunterSMP


    HunterSMP – A Lifesteal Server,

    Killing A Player Will Make You Gain A Heart, Dying Will Make You Lose A Heart,

    Are You Ready? For Wars?

    Join Now – HunterSMP A New Era OF Lifesteal.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • ZillaSMP: Where kingdoms clash, pirates roam, and mobs level up like they’re getting paid!

    ZillaSMP: Where kingdoms clash, pirates roam, and mobs level up like they’re getting paid!
    ZillaSMP; Kingdoms and Politics
    ZillaSMP is a Western European themed medieval roleplay SMP with kingdoms, naval warfare, tradable currency, and light RPG mechanics. It’s almost like an entirely new game inside of Minecraft! (no mods are required to join) ZillaSMP is set in a time between King Alfred the Great’s death, and the formation of England; just as King Alfred’s kingdom of Wessex took its last stand against the vikings. It’s not intended to be 100% historically or geographically accurate, it’s meant to serve as a playable “alternate timeline” that is written through player actions and roleplay.
    As with any roleplay server, there are many different roles you can choose or be selected for; knight, pirate, viking, lord, liege, etc. There are many kingdoms spread out in ZillaSMP’s 20k by 20k sized map; allowing chances for trade, war, conflict, and negotiations.


    Different medieval faction types, like kingdoms, knighthoods, trade guilds, and viking tribes
    A feudalistic hierarchy and land claim system
    Lore, which is written through player roleplay
    Proximity-based voice chat
    An RPG mob leveling system based on experience
    Tradable currency and chest shops
    Real boats that you can build, captain, and attach cannons to
    Real tactical planning and defense building

    More Information

    To learn more about ZillaSMP, please check out our gameplay guide! ZillaSMP Gameplay Guide: [Link]

    How to Join

    To join ZillaSMP, please join our Discord server and follow the instructions in the ZillaSMP Info channel! ZillaSMP Discord: [Link]

    FAQ Questions & Answers

    Question Answer
    Are mods required to join ZillaSMP? No, mods are not required to join ZillaSMP.
    What time period is ZillaSMP set in? ZillaSMP is set in a time between King Alfred the Great’s death, and the formation of England.
    What types of roles can players choose in ZillaSMP? Players can choose roles such as knight, pirate, viking, lord, or liege.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • PixelPugs: The Ultimate ‘Noticing’ Minecraft Server – Join the Fun Today!

    PixelPugs: The Ultimate ‘Noticing’ Minecraft Server – Join the Fun Today!
    Are you tired of boring servers with no spicy conspiracy theories to uncover? Look no further, because our Minecraft server is where it’s at! Join us and uncover the hidden truths of the world, starting with the mysterious disappearance of important information about neoteny on Wikipedia.

    But that’s not all – we have secret tunnels, hidden treasure chests, and even a portal to a parallel universe where pigs can talk and dance the cha-cha. So why wait? Join our server now and become a part of the craziest adventure you’ll ever experience in Minecraft! Trust us, you won’t regret it (or maybe you will, but hey, that’s half the fun)!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Jumpcraft 2.0

    Jumpcraft 2.0

    Welcome to Jumpcraft 2.0, the ultimate destination for Minecraft parkour enthusiasts! Explore our extensive collection of over 800 parkour maps, catering to all levels of skill and experience.

    Whether you’re seeking laid-back fun on our casual maps, looking to tackle challenging courses that combine maps for an extra thrill, or aiming to level up your skills with our rankup maps, Jumpcraft 2.0 has something for everyone.

    We’re dedicated to keeping the excitement alive with regular updates and new features. Use hints to obtain Secret Tags (Tag Hunts) or go ahead and try catch all the ever-growing achievements as you conquer each course.

    Dress to impress with our range of cosmetic options and dive into the festive spirit with our seasonal events, promising special rewards and surprises for all participants.

    Join our community today and embark on an endless journey of parkour excitement at Jumpcraft 2.0! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to the game, there’s never been a better time to jump in and start exploring.

    Server IP play.jumpcraft2.org:25555

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • PixelCrafters – Build, Mine, LOL

    PixelCrafters – Build, Mine, LOL
    Are you tired of the same old boring Minecraft servers? Well, look no further! Join our server, where we have created an entire world inspired by the legendary Onslaught sucks edition!

    Embark on epic quests, fight ferocious mobs, and collect rare loot as you navigate through Season 23 – the Season of the Wish! Don’t miss out on the upcoming Lightfall event, where you will face off against the most powerful enemies yet!

    New Minecraft Servers - PixelCrafters - Build, Mine, LOL

    Stay updated with the latest news, from TWID reports to Patch 7.3.6 releases. Dive into resources like DIM, ArmorPicker, and Braytech to enhance your gameplay experience. Need stats or gear recommendations? Look no further than our Gunsmith and API tools!

    Join our clan of fearless warriors as we conquer the realm and become legends in the world of Minecraft. Don’t miss out on the chaos and excitement, join us now and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY