⚔️ Fantasy Network ⚔️ Factions for 1.20.x ⚔️ 1.8 PVP ⚔️ KOTH ⚔️ Fishing Tournaments ⚔️ Envoys ⚔️
Fantasy Network | FactionsFantasy Network’s faction server is coming close to release! Doors are opening on February 1st 2024 for all to join and play! We aim to offer a unique and fun factions experience with our main focus being to stay community driven. Our whole Factions server is formed around the most enjoyable and popular plugins out there, some premium and some custom, all blended in for a seamless and enjoyable experience.
What do we offerUnique and balanced skill systemKing of the Hill (New map every week)Envoys with premium rewardsCrate keys and ranks are obtainable by playingSpawners are stackable and upgradableBattlepass system with new quests every weekFishing tournamentsLottery system & Bank system WITH interest 😉Custom enchantmentsF top #1, #2 and #3 prizesBounty system > Put your arch enemies on the spot by placing a bounty on themDaily , weekly and monthly login rewards (With crate keys)NO PAY TO WIN SERVEROptimized for 1.20.x, but joinable from 1.8.xUpgradable Player Vaults, keep your stuff safeAuction house with discord integration > never miss an action!Factions TNT bank, Alts, Banners, Warps, Shields, etc. etc. etc.
Where can you find us?Join us on discord: http://discord.gg/fantasy-mcVisit our website: http://fantasy-mc.com/
IP:: play.fantasy-mc.comBEDROCK: PORT: 25579