Crafted Survival Overview
Features |
🏠 Land Claiming |
🛍️ Shopping District |
💨 Homes and TP |
🗺️ Live World Map |
👾 Mob Heads |
🌙 One Player Sleep |
🏅 Ranks based on trust, playtime, and voting |
🧍 Active Player Base |
🔗 IP:
We can’t wait to welcome you to our server! ❤️
How do I claim land?
To claim land, simply type /claim while standing on the desired land you want to claim.
Can I build in the Shopping District?
Yes, the Shopping District is designated for player shops. Feel free to build your own shop there!
How do I set my home and teleport?
To set your home location, type /sethome [name]. To teleport, use /home [name] to teleport to that location.
How can I earn ranks on the server?
Ranks are based on trust, playtime, and voting. The more active and engaged you are on the server, the higher your rank will be.
Is PvP allowed on the server?
No, we aim to provide a griefer-free and friendly community experience, so PvP is not allowed on the server.