Russian Version (English version developed)
First of all, the idea. It is this: to provide players with comfortable survival. This means it shouldn’t be too simple. Therefore, in the starter set (more on that later) there are no diamonds and other valuable resources, there is no fashionable dupe, and you can’t even buy creative, otherwise the balance between the players would be destroyed. But bare survival is long and boring. Therefore, the server still has an economy, as well as a store. But it’s limited: you can earn a maximum of $10,000 (in gaming, of course). Players can create their own stores to exchange resources with each other. You can get game money only for selling some goods and for passing tests, such as a complex maze (the rest is only the redistribution of money between players, and not earning new ones).
Comfortable Survival includes a city for players to live in together. There are both plots of land and multi-storey buildings. But the most important thing is that players are always given proper support, because many of them are not used to servers, have not had time to delve into the individual characteristics of this particular server, and the like. Vomine is practically the only server where Gl. himself can help you. Admin, without pretending to be a tired god! The same cannot be said about other projects, where none of the team, even the moderators, may not appear for months. We are always there for the players!
The main position: players survive without any special difficulties, according to all the rules of a single-player game, but with relaxations in the form of the economy, the ability to instantly get home, and protect their territory from hostile mobs and other players. But the number of such freebies should be limited so that interest in survival and subsequently in the game itself does not disappear. We vigilantly monitor the balance and strictly suppress any attempts to upset it due to the use of any shortcomings. A pleasant game and a good atmosphere – that’s what we work on!
We also have various entertainment in the form of mini-games, some of which operate in semi-automatic mode. To keep players from getting bored, we regularly add something new. You can find all the photos of beautiful server buildings in our VK group (vk.com/vomine).