Time Flies MC

Time Flies MC

yo yo yo come join dis cray cray minecraft server where time be flyin by like a rocket ship on steroids. u kno how dey say an hour feel shorter as u get older? well on dis server, an hour feel like 5 minutes cuz we got time warp technology or sumthin. u be buildin ur epic castle and next thing u kno, it be lunch time.

we got unicorns ridin around, shootin rainbows out their butts. we got creepers doin the cha cha slide in the corner. we even got a secret portal to a dimension where all the blocks be made of candy. u can munch on a chocolate brick while u mine for diamonds.

so come join us on dis wacky minecraft server where time be playin tricks on u and every day be a party. who needs reality when u can have a blast in our virtual wonderland? let’s get this party started, y’all!

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