SampleThis Minecraft Servers

SampleThis Minecraft Servers

  • Survive The ByTe

    Survive The ByTe
    Players: 98/100 Votes: 6381
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Meteor Showers Witnessed: 2 Chimeras Created: 3
    Mythical Relics Collected: 5 Inverted Worlds Discovered: 2
    Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 175 Astral Mages Summoned: 4
    Eerie Music Discs Played: 3 Cosmic Entities Communed With: 0
    Arcane Secrets Unlocked: 8 Glorious Feasts Held: 15
    Legendary Titles Earned: 1 Blood Moons Survived: 3
    Epic Mounts Acquired: 6 Legendary Scepters Created: 7

    New Minecraft Servers

    REQUIRED MOD: RLCraft by: Shivaxi (Latest Version)

    Survive The Byte (STB): Where Fairness Reigns

    STB is an RLCraft SMP server embracing equality and fairness. Land claiming ensures security without favoritism, leveling the playing field for all. No creative mode access, not even for staff or the owner, ensuring a skill-based journey for everyone.

    Our staff focuses solely on maintaining order, wielding only kicking, banning, and warning powers. No one gets special treatment. At STB, our community is our strength—we cherish collaboration, respect, and inclusivity.

    As the owner, I pledge to uphold these values, ensuring no “opped” privileges. Join us for an authentic RLCraft experience—challenge yourself, forge alliances, and leave your mark in a world where everyone stands shoulder to shoulder.

    STB: Where every adventure begins on equal footing. Welcome to a fair, competitive, and community-driven SMP experience—welcome to Survive The Byte.

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  • GlowCraft Nation

    GlowCraft Nation
    Players: 109/300 Votes: 3151
    Rating: 4.0 / 5
    Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 96 Arcane Towers Raised: 4
    Immortal Anvils Forged: 13 Inverted Worlds Discovered: 0
    Pirate Ships Captured: 1 Eerie Music Discs Played: 2
    Cursed Statues Activated: 4 Mineshafts Explored: 1
    Alternate Realities Explored: 3 Astral Mages Summoned: 2
    Eldritch Scrolls Read: 5 Secret Guilds Joined: 3
    Enchanted Armories Found: 8 Titanic Battles Fought: 21

    New Minecraft Servers


    Server IP:

    Java:25565 Bedrock:19132



    GlowCraft is a laid back Survival Multi-Player network. We Feature many Options but our main focus is Economy or PvE (Player Vs Economy). Created with the idea “Build Your Own Adventure” Glowcraft Features Custom Item(s) as well as Normal Game play. Depending on your Speed! Everything on our network is obtainable with gameplay. This means you don’t have to Donate to get Higher Ranks or Items. We do not force anyone to Pay to Win.

    Economy Focus:

    We believe good game play starts with the player so we offer many ways to interact with the community by trading/selling and buying items in-gamewithout having to donate on the webstore. Some of our Perks include Crate Keys/Vote Rewards/Glow Sticks


    GLOW-OPOLY (Coming SOON)

    Board Game Inspired Building and contests..

    Main Features:

    Everything in the game is obtainable with Play or can be advanced with a donation on the store.

    ⛏ Jobs

    🏹 Battle Arena – Win Server wide rewards for the whole community (coming soon)

    🌲 Seasons 2 (Released)

    💑 Fully Player Run Economy

    🛒 Chest Shops

    ⚡ Player Warps

    🎁 In-Game Reward Shops

    ✅ Vote Shop

    🎈 Pinata Parties

    We’re always planning new features and updating the server constantly. We hope to see you online

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  • Creation Nation

    Creation Nation
    Players: 97/100 Votes: 466
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Unique Catgirls Spotted: 7 Ghost Trains Ridden: 1
    Galactic Jellyfish Caught: 3 Ancient Ruins Explored: 3
    Warrior Spirits Summoned: 25 Witch’s Brew Drunk: 7
    Astral Orbs Gathered: 17 Undead Armies Raised: 4
    Legendary Items Repaired: 2 Dragonfire Shields Forged: 7
    Mythical Relics Collected: 12 Astral Staffs Crafted: 6
    Endless Mazes Solved: 2 Crystal Palaces Visited: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Creation Nation Minecraft Server

    Creation Nation offers a custom feature packed unique survival server experience that is focused around a player driven economy with a friendly community that was established in March 2011! Some of the unique and custom features we offer include:

    Markets (A completely custom made system, the Coal, Gold, Diamond and Emerald Markets are exclusive server markets with specific membership requirements that players can unlock. They offer 6 special tiered server shops and over 25 unique perks, many of which other servers would require you to donate for!)

    Jobs (Our jobs system is fully customized and unique from other servers. Access 18 different jobs with over a hundred daily quests, a rewards skill tree with special prizes as you level your jobs and a points shop filled with dozens of options!)

    Skills (You will naturally gain experience and level up 9 unique skills as you play on the server. As your skill levels progress you will gain passive buffs to 7 base stats and unlock and improve 26 different effects!)

    View and track your own player statistics and compete with other players on 6 global all time leaderboards! Adventure and create a base in our massive 25k x 25k survival world all freshly generated in minecraft 1.18! As you play you will even uncover unique, fun and custom things we haven’t even told you about!

    Come join us today and start your own adventure!

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  • black cat minecraft

    black cat minecraft
    Players: 92/800 Votes: 4090
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Dungeon Sieges Launched: 3 Unbreakable Chains Forged: 3
    Buildings Constructed: 23 Legendary Scepters Created: 3
    Unicorn Parades Witnessed: 3 Enchantments Applied: 278
    Corrupted Chunks Fixed: 2 Enchanted Weapons Reforged: 8
    Ether Blades Crafted: 10 Towns Built: 8
    Titanic Relics Retrieved: 1 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 4
    Cursed Villages Purged: 2 Warlock Amulets Crafted: 8

    New Minecraft Servers

    Amazing! A survival/creative server with 1.5.2 survival and 1.5.2 creative! We are a 24/7 server and are rarely down. We have hawkeye and can tell exactly who did what, and when.There are no limits when it comes to minecraft, use your imagination on our server! You will love it here, we have been around for more than a year! Griefing will not be tolerated! We are a small but growing community.

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  • ReflectPulseSMP

    Players: 104/300 Votes: 8554
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Horror Stories Survived: 7 Ores Mined: 6856
    Astral Projections Made: 1 Haunted Mirrors Gazed Into: 2
    Lost Cities Unearthed: 5 Paranormal Events Investigated: 3
    Blood-Forged Axes Created: 15 Magical Beanstalks Grown: 4
    Phantom Blocks Placed: 7 Magical Moments Shared: 6
    Forbidden Relics Collected: 1 Pockets of Chaos Discovered: 3
    Epic Shields Constructed: 30 Cursed Lands Purified: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    this is a hardcore minecraft server with only a few rules. Don’t cheat. No reviving yourself on an alt, and obvious things like no racism. it has useful plugins such as essentials, vault, and an enhanced enderchest (nearly double and upgradeable). You have 5 lives so we suggest you join the discord to have an esier time finding teammates. Use the /revive command to bring your teammates back to life after a deathban. THIS SERVER ACCEPTS JAVA AND BEDROCK PLAYERS

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  • VirarithMC: An MMORPG Kingdoms Experience [1.20.1][PvEvP][World Building]

    VirarithMC: An MMORPG Kingdoms Experience [1.20.1][PvEvP][World Building]
    Players: 100/600 Votes: 794
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Heavenly Choirs Heard: 4 Lost Souls Rescued: 3
    Cursed Taverns Survived: 2 Phantom Blocks Placed: 5
    Elemental Crystals Collected: 23 Shattered Realms Restored: 2
    Wailing Winds Heard: 1 Goblin Armies Outwitted: 3
    Holy Grails Found: 5 Pirate Ships Raided: 2
    Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 2 Wyrmholes Dug: 3
    Hidden Passages Discovered: 6 Haunted Chests Opened: 10

    New Minecraft Servers

    What is VirarithMC?VirarithMC is an MMORPG Kingdoms PvPvE server like no other. We offer a multitude of things from custom crafting, custom ores, custom farming, and custom cooking. Players are also able to create Kingdoms and expand into Nations as they begin their conquest. Don’t like PvP? Don’t worry, upon kingdom creation players are prompted to either pick to be Pacifist or PvP. And its not just about world domination! We offer many different ways to enjoy an RP environment with your kingdom and other kingdoms as well. We also have a multitude of custom mobs that we have added with actual models including (But not limited to), Brown Bears, Grizzly Bears, Deer, Boars, Sharks, and many more!

    So join today and don’t forget to join our discord!

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  • EndlessSurvival

    Players: 107/300 Votes: 8634
    Rating: 4.8 / 5
    Unicorn Parades Witnessed: 1 Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 1
    Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 2 Haunted Mines Explored: 3
    Crystal Wands Charged: 14 Unbreakable Curses Broken: 1
    Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 3 Holy Grails Found: 4
    Cursed Taverns Survived: 4 Heroic Deeds Celebrated: 12
    God-Killer Bows Constructed: 6 Cosmic Pies Baked: 4
    Giant Mushrooms Cultivated: 5 Celestial Gardens Planted: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    We currently have 50 slots available, however this might be increased depending on server donations. You are free to do as you wish on the server, but you cannot go against any of the rules(Stated on the ‘Rules board’ within the server). We host events such as Ultrahardcore, CTF and many more which will be posted on the ‘Events Board’ within the server and on the website.

    We don’t need anymore staff, if we do require more staff they will be chosen from active players on the server.

    We have bukkit installed so when you build, just ask a Mod or an Admin to protect your buildings, this is to stop griefing.

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  • GentlemenMC

    Players: 93/200 Votes: 4049
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Phoenix Feathers Found: 7 Celestial Crowns Worn: 3
    Dimension-Hopping Bunnies Found: 3 Doomsday Clocks Constructed: 0
    Unbreakable Curses Broken: 1 Eldritch Medallions Worn: 8
    Quantum Bards Serenaded: 3 Forbidden Tomes Read: 3
    Demonic Pacts Formed: 0 Cursed Statues Activated: 1
    Players Killed by Monsters: 6750 Corrupted Trees Chopped: 3
    Sentient Weapons Trained: 5 Twisted Realms Survived: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to GentlemenMC!

    We are a up and coming vanilla/shop server.

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  • The Colonies

    The Colonies
    Players: 97/700 Votes: 1953
    Rating: 4.8 / 5
    Storm Giants Negotiated With: 1 Divine Scrolls Written: 23
    Rainbows Spotted: 1 Goblin Armies Outwitted: 3
    Shadow Wolves Tamed: 1 Chaos Gates Opened: 0
    Meteor Showers Witnessed: 3 Ancient Guardians Awoken: 3
    Talking Trees Consulted: 2 Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 1
    Glitched Entities Encountered: 4 Backwards Speech Heard: 2
    New Chunks Explored: 700704 Blood Moons Survived: 1

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  • Gold Standard

    Gold Standard
    Players: 104/900 Votes: 9623
    Rating: 4.8 / 5
    Elemental Forces Harnessed: 11 Divine Scrolls Written: 22
    Nether Portals Gone Wrong: 4 Cozy Campfires Lit: 19
    Magical Frogs Kissed: 6 Magic Wands Crafted: 20
    Astral Staffs Crafted: 17 Crystal Wands Charged: 16
    Galactic Jellyfish Caught: 1 Votes: 2317
    Towns Built: 4 Vanishing Items Found: 5
    Quantum Bards Serenaded: 2 Wilderness Tamed: 20

    New Minecraft Servers

    Play as if it’s 2013/2014. Arguably the best times in Minecraft’s history. Running an official CraftBukkit 1.7.10 Jar.

    Go back in time and revisit Minecraft in its early days. A classic survival server (proudly hosted in the USA) with many features whilst preserving Vanilla Minecraft and all its goodness.

    Grind your way to become the richest player on the server. How about a team build or a community build?

    Log4J patched at the server level for your peace of mind and added security.

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