recording my screen Minecraft Servers

recording my screen Minecraft Servers

  • Star Legacy Space Server

    Star Legacy Space Server
    Players: 100/100 Votes: 7099
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Chaos Orbs Controlled: 6 Underground Cities Explored: 3
    Elemental Crystals Collected: 39 Phantom Rings Equipped: 8
    Cosmic Pies Baked: 9 Rune Stones Activated: 8
    Vampire Cloaks Sewn: 1 Unholy Rituals Interrupted: 1
    Herobrine Sightings: 2 Flesh-Eating Plants Grown: 4
    Epic Battles Fought: 18 Cosmic Hamsters Found: 4
    Enchanted Forests Planted: 10 Immortal Anvils Forged: 16

    New Minecraft Servers

    Star Legacy is a space server for Minecraft! In the limitless expanse of space, you can explore the galaxy in your very own starship!

    The choices are endless – be a colonist, and build your own base on a planet – or join a settlement and help build another one! Be a merchant and trade cargo between solar systems for profit! Be a pirate and prey on merchants and raid colonists! Be a privateer and rid the galaxy of pirate scum!

    For more info and to choose apply for full membership, click here!

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  • DominateMC

    Players: 105/400 Votes: 7679
    Rating: 4.8 / 5
    Celestial Crowns Worn: 3 Titanic Relics Retrieved: 1
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 16 Magical Ponies Rescued: 5
    Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 20 Crops Grown: 1206
    Doomsday Clocks Constructed: 1 Cosmic Hamsters Found: 1
    Spontaneous Duels Fought: 6 Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 2
    Ghost Trains Ridden: 0 Falling into the Void: 0
    Sunfire Helmets Forged: 10 Celestial Blades Sharpened: 9

    New Minecraft Servers


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  • Hycraft

    Players: 94/600 Votes: 5378
    Rating: 4.8 / 5
    Whispering Shadows Heard: 3 Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 4
    Heroic Legacies Created: 1 Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 2
    Magical Frogs Kissed: 6 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 48
    Immortal Potions Brewed: 4 Unbreakable Curses Broken: 1
    Flesh-Eating Plants Grown: 3 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 4
    Towns Built: 2 Paranormal Events Investigated: 1
    Hidden Passages Discovered: 7 Nether Portals Gone Wrong: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    A what I think is a fun server with a lot of fun people and a great community with great people so far with lost more updates to come to hope to see you there!

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  • Fan-Craft

    Players: 101/700 Votes: 6278
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Mimic Chests Discovered: 3 Vanishing Structures Built: 2
    Living Shadows Defeated: 2 Nightmare Scenarios Survived: 1
    Spontaneous Duels Fought: 14 Mythical Beasts Vanquished: 4
    Celestial Crowns Worn: 2 Magic Scrolls Discovered: 9
    Eldritch Medallions Worn: 13 Epic Battles Fought: 12
    Endless Legions Commanded: 29 Unicorn Sightings: 1
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 43 Titanic Battles Fought: 27

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to the test stages of Fan-Craft!

    Owner: Ikilledux67

    Fan-Craft is currently in the test stages a brand new server ready to be explored!

    Currently offered in game with tons more to come!:

    No donator perks no play to win bullcrap FactionsPVP! Skyblock!

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  • Double helix

    Double helix
    Players: 110/200 Votes: 4434
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Star Shards Collected: 199 Backwards Speech Heard: 4
    Doomsday Clocks Constructed: 1 Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 4
    Vanishing Items Found: 5 Wilderness Tamed: 14
    Dragon Scales Harvested: 213 Cursed Swords Broken: 1
    Wailing Winds Heard: 2 Godly Talismans Bestowed: 8
    Unholy Beasts Tamed: 3 Rainbows Spotted: 2
    Fabled Crowns Discovered: 8 Epic Battles Fought: 9

    New Minecraft Servers

    Looking for a small server that puts the players first?How about we throw in… custom items.. now that sounds interesting.PvP? you betcha, there’s heaps of Arenas that you can get even with your friends.. or enemies :)Towny, Mini Games, Jobs ….That’s just a snippet of what we can offer you here at Double Helix! ..Got 10 minutes? ..Then don’t be shy, come on over and take a look for yourself . the only thing you have to lose is a couple of minutes,who knows, you might even enjoy yourself 🙂

    Here’s our IP just copy and paste it to your server list and don’t forget to jump onto our Discord and say HI!Be seeing you soon!

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  • Mewcraft

    Players: 109/400 Votes: 6124
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Nightmare Scenarios Survived: 2 God-Tier Weapons Forged: 47
    Teleportation Mishaps: 3 Infinite Doors Opened: 3
    Enchanted Armories Found: 3 Necronomicon Pages Collected: 4
    Heavenly Choirs Heard: 1 Twisted Realms Survived: 2
    Endless Mazes Conquered: 3 Ancient Ruins Explored: 1
    Ghost Trains Ridden: 0 Alternate Realities Explored: 5
    God-Killer Bows Constructed: 9 Vanishing Structures Built: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hardcore with essentials for 1.16.3! If you die you are banned for a week and are sent to the Vanilla server, so do your best to survive! We have lots of bases to find and loot from previous versions, thrive and survive and have a good time!

    If you want a Crazy challenge, do /server Deathcore for a 2 week deathban, no natural health regen!

    And if those prove to be too much for you, type /server Litecore for a hardcore server at a 12 hour deathban instead!

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  • Coal Craft

    Coal Craft
    Players: 90/500 Votes: 5962
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Whispering Caves Entered: 8 Glitched Entities Encountered: 3
    Celestial Events Witnessed: 3 Void Armor Forged: 26
    Eclipse Rings Activated: 2 Magic Scrolls Discovered: 1
    Cursed Amulets Found: 1 Endless Night Skies: 4
    Lava Oceans Crossed: 1 Dragonkin Hatched: 3
    Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 2 Warlock Pacts Sealed: 2
    Portal Loops Escaped: 3 Vanishing Structures Built: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    Coal Craft is the best server on the world, so if U dont believe U must check automaticly or this message will be destryed by tnt for 15 seconds, see again be good, bye bye

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  • The skytorius

    The skytorius
    Players: 92/300 Votes: 4445
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 1 Werewolf Howls Heard: 3
    Players Killed by Monsters: 6247 Towns Built: 4
    Evil Lairs Raided: 3 Heroic Deeds Celebrated: 12
    Lunar Eclipses Witnessed: 3 Mystery Villagers Spotted: 3
    Runes Activated: 1 Infinity Stones Found: 1
    Celestial Gardens Planted: 8 Sentient Weapons Trained: 7
    Celestial Blades Sharpened: 12 Astral Amulets Crafted: 19

    New Minecraft Servers

    Support our server by voting on The Skytorius! The little things are also very helpfull! Thank you.

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  • Intoxic Skyblock –

    Intoxic Skyblock –
    Players: 104/700 Votes: 4653
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Pirate Ships Captured: 2 Eclipse Rings Activated: 4
    Orbs of Power Found: 7 Cosmic Entities Communed With: 1
    Ores Mined: 9285 Cuddly Creatures Pet: 41
    Emeralds Found: 890 Storm Giants Negotiated With: 1
    Celestial Blades Sharpened: 9 Endless Mazes Solved: 1
    Eldritch Medallions Worn: 13 Magic Scrolls Discovered: 3
    Titanic Relics Retrieved: 3 Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 1

    New Minecraft Servers has been transfered to new owner. The server is running but looking for Admins and Mods. Now offering in game $ for simply being online. The mines are available but not ready for standard use so for now the Cobble gens provide ores. You can easily build up your island if you’ve ever played a Sky block before. For an interesting twist on Skyblock We’ve enabled the ocean from block 65 down to 0. Harder to fall into void though not impossible. If you have questions on how to play people are often willing to help, just ask. This line for bumping purposes.

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  • Nogard

    Players: 90/400 Votes: 6941
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Ender Dragon Reincarnations: 1 Astral Projections Made: 1
    Demon Skulls Collected: 31 Interstellar Fungi Gathered: 0
    Falling into the Void: 2 Mythical Swords Crafted: 28
    Elemental Forces Harnessed: 6 Treasure Maps Found: 11
    Spontaneous Duels Fought: 12 Celestial Crowns Worn: 5
    Magical Ponies Rescued: 7 Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 0
    God-Killer Bows Constructed: 3 Phoenix Feathers Found: 10

    New Minecraft Servers

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