Mellumcraft want to join the server it here is the ip: Please vote for the server 😉
Mellumcraft want to join the server it here is the ip: Please vote for the server 😉
Server IP:
**Dedicated server** 24/7 uptime, with notifications to all staff members when downtime is detected through a third-party service
**Mature staff** All of our staff members have been trained both on our server and through previous experience on other servers they have worked for
**Nightly backups** Our server automatically restarts and creates an off-site backup to ensure that we will always have a recent backup in case of emergency
**Experienced** I’ve been a member of the server owner community for 5 years now. I’ve worked for several servers as a web developer and system administrator. I don’t plan on abandoning the game anytime soon.
Basic Bukkit PVP Survival server with mcMMO, mcjobs, Stables, GlobalMarket, and a few hand-rolled mods. The server is primarily staffed by developers, so broken things get fixed quickly!
Multiverse is installed, with a naturally generated Creative mode for the times you get bored or want to test something out before trying it in “the real world.”
Currently in progress, we’re working on some more activities for players to pursue, including importing some work from other people, and some of our own mini-games as well.
Valhalla is a survival store server. Few plugins and Zero lag. Great Admins and Mods with players that are always willing to help and/or answer any questions. It’s just like what minecraft should be essentially it’s vanilla except with stuff people have always had like bartering, trading, and selling goods. It’s counter intuitive to not have stuff like that IMO. There is a short prison stay about 30 minutes to 1 hour just to weed out griefers and believe me it works. In prison you work for your freedom. Once out you do whatever you want. Including being a guard at the prison or just running around and building, that’s up to you. We only have one rule, don’t take or break aything you didn’t build. Break that rule and you are banned,
Do you love Minecraft? Do you love GTA? Well you’re going to love the amazingly unique GTA Planet! This server is unlike any GTA server before with custom content implemented and lots of custom content to come it will give you fun for hours! Go around killing people, stealing things and becoming the biggest gangster on the server!
Autcraft is a whitelisted Minecraft server for children (and adults) that have autism and their families. What this means is that if you or a family member has autism and you own the computer version of Minecraft, you can register and apply to be put on the whitelist and play with other people just like you. Waiting time for assessment of applications is approximately 1 week.
Autcraft was created by Stuart Duncan (aka AutismFather in game) who not only has autism himself but also a child with autism as well. The server is administrated by adults that include autistics, parents of autistic children or a family member of someone with autism. There are also “Helpers” that include “jrhelpers” which are children that prove to be responsible, positive and helpful with people; and “srhelpers” which are adults that demonstrate some knowledge of the game as well as being respectful, responsible and helpful.
Some features of Autcraft: Bullying, killing, stealing, griefing, etc is not tolerated Swearing is not tolerated In game ticket/support system. Need an admin to do something, stand where you need the help and use /modreq
Thanks for checking us out! Read below for more information on the server! Be sure to read the rules as well!
ChasmCraft Rules/Guidelines:
ChasmCraft has a few basic rules like no hacking and no disrespect but the main rule is no griefing of any kind! If you’re found guilty of griefing we will ban you permanently.
What makes ChasmCraft different:
ChasmCraft uses only the best of the best plugins and also includes multiple custom plugins. ChasmCraft has active admins that are always willing to help you out within reason.
Join us and check it out, and if you don’t like the server don’t be scared to leave a comment on why you didn’t like it, we may just improve based on your feedback.
A survival server, Hosted in NZ (but good speeds to Australia and other countries), Vanilla Minecraft server, active players, good connection. Come and build with us. | Forums
=== The Rules === No griefing No looting No PvP, you may duel if the other play consents. Clean language (there are kids playing). Don’t ask to be Op
=== Server === Dedicated Hardware Fibre Connection
Most up to date and unique Pixelmon server on the interwebs. We have great custom mods for your improved experience play (Pixelutilities!) and a great staff team to keep us on the path to the future. We have weekly events and great prizes. We have NO LAGGGG and up time 99.9 % (we have to update sometimes) Your Starter will be Shiny! Other Features: PvP – Towny – Economy – TownVSTown badge battles -Player Gyms – AI gyms – HiddenGyms and much much more! Come join the fun!
This is a server where we have WIP mini-games and a survival mode and its frequently updated from all of the Nice Moderators and Admins and a nice owner.