New Minecraft Servers
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  • ExoticMC


    New Minecraft Servers

    What is the server IP for Exoticmc?

    The IP address of Exoticmc Minecraft server is How to join Exoticmc server?

    Open the game Minecraft, click “Play” button then choose “Multiplayer” option from the menu. Click “Add Server” tab and input the text on “Server Address” then hit “Done”. Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on “Join Server” button to play on Exoticmc. What version does Exoticmc use?

    Exoticmc server supports Minecraft game version: 1.8.8, you may also use any other older or lower versions to connect and play. Where is Exoticmc located?

    The Exoticmc server is currently hosted in Canada.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Majestypvp


    New Minecraft Servers

    Join our friendly community on our Vanilla Minecraft Factions Server! Our server offers a pure, survival multiplayer experience with the added excitement of factions gameplay.In our server, you can start your own faction or join an existing one, claim land, engage in diplomacy or warfare with other factions, and build your empire in a vanilla Minecraft environment. We’ve kept the gameplay as close as possible to classic Minecraft, meaning you won’t find any game-altering plugins or mods here. It’s all about survival and strategy!Our server is perfect for players who enjoy the simplicity and challenge of vanilla Minecraft, but also want the social and competitive elements that come with factions gameplay. Whether you’re an experienced faction leader or a new player looking for a community, there’s a place for you here.We pride ourselves on maintaining a respectful and inclusive server environment. Our dedicated admin team is always ready to assist and ensure the server remains a fun and fair place for all players.So gather your friends, prepare your strategies, and get ready for an unforgettable Minecraft factions experience. Join us today and start your vanilla Minecraft journey!Please note: Griefing and raiding are part of the factions gameplay, but we expect all players to play responsibly and respectfully. Violations of server rules may result in penalties or bans.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • KazooPvP


    New Minecraft Servers

    Fun new Anarchy/Survival server! Very Fun! Hop on with your friends to explore/attack/raid/build bases and over all have a great time! Support the server just by joining so others can find the server and play!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Abyssrite


    New Minecraft Servers

    Come join to experience our survival GriefPrevention/Towny Server!

    Current plugins: Auction House, Crazy Enchantments, mcMMO, Player Vaults, Silky Spawners, Towny, Grief Prevention, ViaVersion and more! Our server attracts the OG players of Minecraft. If you have a discord, type /discord in-game to get a link to join the community off-line! You can expect a community of peers that share similar interests to you because we are all gamers. Join today and join a town or create your own. Welcome to our new server, Abyssrite! Tutorial for Step 1. Read the rules. All of them, follow them, and you will have a good time on the server. Step 2. Build a house anywhere in the wild outside of spawn. As long as it says you are leaving spawn, you may build there. Mob griefing is turned off and so are Phantoms. You may claim your area with /claim or a golden shovel using Grief Prevention or by using /town ? Towny to create a new town. Step 3. Get a Job. Command: /jobs browse /jobs join job name /jobs leave job name Step 4. Level up your McMMO skills. Step 5. Check out our discord where we have new recipes with never before seen items Vanilla items with different stats and names – When you get there, say hello in general! Step 6. If you have skill and want to be staff, you may apply too on the discord. Step 7. Donate to the server. Command: /buy Purchase a rank and stand out, get a nice kit, be better than others. Step 8. Invite your friends.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Tenno friends

    Tenno friends

    New Minecraft Servers

    Servercito Survival, Economy, Shop, Homes, Back, Jobs.If the audience improves, it improves little by little.Suggestions are accepted.We are active on discord.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • FamilyCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Come /fly with us! This is DMontgomery’s new Minecraft 1.15.2 server with new worlds and updated plugins. PVP is not allowed except in designated areas, Creepers can’t blow up your stuff, /KeepInventory is on, and you can use /rtp to find new areas. You will earn money and claimblocks while you play, get $500 each day with /kit allowance, get $100 and 1 diamond for each vote, and earn extra money from up to 8 jobs. Zombies aren’t aggressive toward villagers, just us, and there’s an Admin Store for hard-to-find items. You can use /back, set 5 homes, hold 8 jobs, teleport with your tamed horses, sell your stuff, and vote for diamonds and money. Our plugins include AreaShop, ChestShop, CoreProtect, Essentials, IronElevators, GriefPrevention, Jobs, mcMMO, MobLeash, RandomTeleport, SilkSpawners, Vault, Votifier, WorldEdit, and WorldGuard. If you need help with redstone, farming, or gadgets, just ask – we love to help. Be nice, have fun, and help each other.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Tuff Survival

    Tuff Survival

    New Minecraft Servers

    Introducing Tuff Survival! A 1.12 hardcore survival server specialised in making sure you experience & relive the best moments in MC with a little help from our custom plugins! Our survival server is inspired by realism and fantasy and includes hardcore enhancements such as diseases that challenges game-play but rewards you for your ability to endure. We hope to see you soon and make sure to check out our other upcoming Factions + Sky-block server.

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  • Craftian empire

    Craftian empire

    New Minecraft Servers

    We Welcome to Our Server Join us and have next level experience

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  • Genesis


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to Genesis!

    No rules, no admins, no limits!

    Play by your style, wether you’re a toxic player who just enjoys griefing and destruction or a builder who enjoys coalitions and having nice bases (most likely to be griefed if not hidden properly).

    2b2t players should be familiar with this playstyle and we aim not to reset the server ever!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Funcraft MC

    Funcraft MC

    New Minecraft Servers

    Friendly Server, Have Fun! Owner: AitherNight Admins: l1amaShade12, gamerGuntars, wudzii. ——————-

    New Minecraft Server
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