New Minecraft Servers
minecraft song sava Minecraft Servers

minecraft song sava

  • 💎 BarsMine 💎 Survival, Bedwars, Vulture 1.12-1.20 Minecraft server

    💎 BarsMine 💎 Survival, Bedwars, Vulture 1.12-1.20 Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers


    ➜ VKontakte group

    ➜ Website for purchasing donations

    ➜ IP –

    ➜ Version – 1.12-1.20


    ★ ➜ Best survival server!

    ★ ➜ Honest PVP with Antirelog

    ★ ➜ BedWars, SkyWars

    ★ ➜ Cheap and honest donation!

    ★ ➜ Rarely wipe and never take away donations!



    ★ No lags!

    ★ We don’t cheat for donations, we’re honest!

    ★ Kind and responsive administration!


    New Minecraft Server
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  • MysteriousMC


    New Minecraft Servers

    MysteriousMC is a French friendly Minecraft server. You can find a Survival world, a world specially dedicated to building, a BedWars as well as a Hunger Games which is coming soon. We are looking for players to make the server more active. We are open to all suggestions, see you soon!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Highlighted Nation

    Highlighted Nation

    New Minecraft Servers

    fun smp where you can raid and become number 1 join our discord server for the rules of the server and meet our mods and the owner and co owner have a good time in our nation smp and dont break any rules that will lead to bans

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Realbubbamc


    New Minecraft Servers

    Thanks for checking out…☠️REALBUBBA☠️


    ~ SERVER IP: ~~ Discord link: ~

    MAP 3 START:AUG 3rd, 2023

    Java 1.8-1.16.4. For the best experience, please use Minecraft version 1.8.8

    🏰Factions📊mcMMO🌟Premium raiding/PvP server🌟🎯Bounties 💰PlayerShops 🗡️Duels💥DAILY KOTH⚔️24/7 Outposts

    NEVER BEFORE SEEN FEATURES IN FACTIONS⚡Massive loot-able PvP arenas⚡⛔NO Donator advantages at all⛔👪Fun, Friendly, and Fair Admins🎉

    ~ SERVER IP: ~


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ❓What is REALBUBBA❓

    RealBubba is a factions server that is dedicated to bringing back the way things used to be when it comes to the Factions gamemode. When you join RealBubba, you can expect a server that is sleek, balanced, fair, and has charm. We try our best to diversify a user’s gameplay without adding things that are in the way, annoying, or just straight up imbalanced. We pride ourselves on having a dedicated community and staying true to our idea – and you’ll never see pay2win aspects in any capacity. Donators cannot pay for any items, money, extra commands, or otherwise any type of advantage over any other player, whatsoever.

    When you play RealBubba, you are experiencing the way that the Factions gamemode is really supposed to be played. Your items actually matter, and fights are important. RealBubba also brings some unique features that have never been seen before in Factions such as the THUNDERDOME. Why wait? Join now and start your adventure, and your fight for the top!


    MAP START: AUG 3rd, 2023  MAP LENGTH: 2 MONTHSMAX FACTION SIZE: 6F TOP REWARDS: $50 PAYPAL payment to the #1 faction, among other distinguishing rewards

    WORLD INFORMATION:● Overworld: 8k radius/16k diameter● Nether: 3k radius/6k diameter● End: 2k radius/4k diameter● Midseason world: 1.5k

    🔌Plugins and features🔌

    ● 🏰Premium Factions plugin🏰

    ● 📊mcMMO Classic📊

    ● 👌FLAWLESS PvP/raiding👌

    ● ⚖️Well balanced Economy (Sign Shop, Player Shop, Limited GUIs)⚖️

    ● 🗡️ Duels 🗡️

    ● 🐛Silk Touch Spawners🐛

    ● ⛏️Trench & Tray Pickaxes⛏️

    ● 🦯Sell Stick & Craft wands🦯

    ● 🕹️Custom Chat Games 🕹️

    ● 🎲CoinFlipper🎲

    ● 🎰Custom Slot Machines🎰

    ● 🏷️CombatTag🏷️

    ● 🧰Custom Crates and rewards🧰

    ● 🛠️Custom commands and death messages🛠️

    ● 🗺️Custom mob loot tables, balanced to our unique economy🗺️

    ● 💸Large F-Top awards💸

    ● 🎆Alternate award categories at the end of map🎆

    ● ⚡ THUNDERDOME ⚡A massive pvp arena, where teleporting is disabled except in designated extraction rooms. Contains over 150 Loot chests as well as a KOTH and an Outpost, as well as a /pvpshop, which allows players to sell items for higher prices. /tdome

    ● 👥PUBLIC mine👥Located outside of spawn, large source of high value blocks, such as tnt and obsidian. access with /publicmine. over 1200+ TNT. PVP Enabled

    ● 💥Public Creeper Grinder💥Located in Spawn’s Warzone. Utilize this to increase your TNT production. /Creepergrinder


    📜Rules and regulations📚

    A link to our rules can be found here:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • minebars come in wipe was July 20th mega discounts Minecraft server

    minebars come in wipe was July 20th mega discounts Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the server “minebars come in there was a wipe on July 20th mega discount” has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • WackyHackySurvival


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to the official WackyHacky Survival server! The WackyHacky Survival Server is an upcoming community server offering you alot’s of fun stuff to do while meeting new players in game! Discord invite link: We have an wonderful Discord community where we all come together to talk, share art, play games and hang out. While this is what makes our Discord thrive, it is not required for you to get actively involved in all the discussion going on. We run a large amount of plugins to help improve the general gameplay of the server, such as: Locking your chests, doors, trapdoors, etc. Claiming a certain amount of land to prevent modification by others. The use of commands such as /sethome, /tprandom and /warp.

    …And many more! If you have any suggestions or features we could add, please contact us on Discord.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Brotcraft Anarchy

    Brotcraft Anarchy

    New Minecraft Servers

    Small-scale Anarchy Server: -NO rules: Cheating allowed -1000 Player Cap (for now) -No plugins, just total, vanilla anarchy

    Infos: -Even if the server is displayed as offline, it will start automatically upon you joining -This server is international, with servers based in EUROPE

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Captain s crew

    Captain s crew

    New Minecraft Servers

    Server IP:

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • ♥️ ANARCHY ♥️ Lots of dungeons, wipe outposts, etc. Minecraft server

    ♥️ ANARCHY ♥️ Lots of dungeons, wipe outposts, etc. Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the server “ANARCHY Many dungeons, wipe outposts, etc.” has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • ParkourBliss


    New Minecraft Servers

    Minhut’s best parkour server join now!! We offer exciting parkour! Server is still in development so do not be afraid to suggest ideas!!

    New Minecraft Server
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