New Minecraft Servers
Lost Expedition Minecraft Servers

Lost Expedition

  • Adventure SMP: Lost Expedition

    Adventure SMP: Lost Expedition

    New Minecraft Servers

    Lost Expedition SMP

    Want a cool Minecraft server? Then check us out! We have lots of cool stuff like datapacks and plugins to make survival more fun!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • The Shoebox

    The Shoebox

    New Minecraft Servers

    We are a new server that runs on mods join our discord at and feel free to join us the mods so far are weather2 and coroutil for 1.12.2 This is a newer minecraft server we have towns and an economy build your own town as the server grows the faster is the better as you will be able to establish trade sooner and get a railroad to your town as we evolve we will be more mod central so look out for that and join the discord server to get the updates as they come out

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Hirayacraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Mauve Studios presents, HirayaCraft: Hiraya Manawari

    A chill semi vanilla survival server. Grind your way up into the ranks and have fun!

    Feel free to join us!

    Mauve Studios Discord:

    See you there!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Minecraft server Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the server “” has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Hypnosis


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to Hypnosis! We have multiple modes and more to come! Superflat puts a spin on the normal survival experience! Skyblock puts you on a floating island in the middle of nowhere, and you have to expand and grow! KitPvP allows you to fight other players in an arena! please dont let this server flop I’ve spent so much money on this You can get perks or boosts using /buy or by visiting our shop!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Tortillaland Abierto

    Tortillaland Abierto

    New Minecraft Servers

    Required version Forge 1.12.2 the mods you need are here

    Join our community where we have created a massive Minecraft server by copying the Tortilland mods, the server will be PVP but right now as we have just started it is prohibited to destroy player properties and steal from them, we will create a system of factions, towns with wars, events, lore conflicts….

    Don’t think about it, we are your community, the rule is RESPECT

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Cloudprison


    New Minecraft Servers

    Cloud Prison is a family-friendly server created on July 3rd, 2022 by Tahzir for everyone to play on! This server has everything it takes to become a true prison server, it took some time to add new features but we think it is ready for everyone to play for now, even though the server is still under development don’t think we will stop adding new features once it is finished! Cloud also takes suggestions so if you have an amazing suggestion, let us know! Your suggestion will not be forgotten, if it is not chosen, it will still be in our files for the future! Hope to see you guys on Cloud!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • 🚀 DYNAMITEMC ❤️ TAKE DONATION ➫ /FREE 💎 Minecraft server

    🚀 DYNAMITEMC ❤️ TAKE DONATION ➫ /FREE 💎 Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰ ▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱

    All versions above 1.8.8 are available!

    — Free donate for time

    — Spawn in the style of Cyberpunk 2077

    — Issuing donation currency to the best players every month

    — More than 20 types of transport< /p>

    — More than 15 types of weapons

    — Start Trek items with kill counters!

    — Parkour, spliff, trampolines, games, lucky blocks and much more…

    — Custom dynamites with explosion power up to x100

    — Competitions and clan tops

    — No wipes

    < p>— No cheaters

    — No cheating for donations

    ▯ IP:

    ▮ Website:

    ▯ VKontakte:

    Still not sure if it’s worth visiting? Okay, now we’ll tell you something else, just to no one, okay?

    The “/code boom” team is giving an awesome gift… you’ll definitely like it!

    ▰▱▰▱▰▱ ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰ ▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Nations Craft

    Nations Craft

    New Minecraft Servers

    A Fresh Towny/Survival Server with MCmmo and Economy. We are in need of Staff and Welcome anyone to join and have a good time.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Elliot Lifesteal SMP

    Elliot Lifesteal SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome To Elliot Survival, Get Materials, Build A Base, And Defeat The Ender Dragon, Form Friends, And Have Fun!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Fortown smp

    Fortown smp

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to our new early realeased lifesteal server callled FortownSMP. The aim is to bring good gameplay experience with less lag and aim to build a great Fortown Community. Also don’t forget to join the discord So the server is about grinding, pvp and try to be the top players in the server. Just don’t die XD. We also open for java and non java acc

    New Minecraft Server
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