New Minecraft Servers
discord server testers Minecraft Servers

discord server testers

  • The Foxs Den

    The Foxs Den

    New Minecraft Servers

    he Fox’s Den is an adult-oriented, community led Creative server. Started shortly after the owner’s favorite server systematically burned down in flames because of absolutely pointless drama, she decided, “Naw. I’m not gonna search for another to-be failure. I’m gonna make my own.” And so she did.

    Created with this, and the annoyances of other past servers, in mind, The Fox’s Den is a place that hopes to avoid all that. To avoid those nasty little players who just barely skirt the rules. To avoid pointless staff drama, such as an admin who’s unpopular with the community, yet has managed to weasel his way in to a high position somehow. To avoid unfair cash shop-esque donation systems, exclusionary ranking methods, and every other annoyance or mistake or failing that every other server has ever made.

    Of course, being a new server run by someone new to owning a server, we – the staff – will likely muck up every now and again. Or a lot. But, that’s where you come in. Yes, you. The player. The valued member. Or any other clichéd manner of addressing the reader. This is a constant work in progress, and we’re hoping that you’ll help us with it. Have a problem with the server? Found a glitch? A staff member being abusive? Even if it’s the owner themselves, or a very high-ranking member, bring it straight to the forums, we literally have sections dedicated to all the above. We want to hear your complaints, until there is no need for you to complain.

    Now, to address one other very important matter. You may have noticed ‘adult-oriented’ up there. That’s right, we’re not necessarily safe for work, or good as babby’s frist mincewaft sewvewr. We welcome players who are new to the game, of course! Just, the younger audience, and those who might invite the younger audience? Be wary. We swear, here. We expect you to act maturely. We allow and even encourage people to build masterpieces that tackle controversial topics – everything from nudity to works about horrific historical events will be fully accepted here if taken on with suitable elegance.

    So, does this interest you? If so, check out our website at and read through the server information and server ranks tabs. And if you have any more questions, or think there’s information we left out somewhere, feel free to hop on and ask! Most likely, we’ll answer you, then add the information in the proper place. Unless it’s already there, and you missed it. Then that’s on you. Get better eyes.

    We look forward to seeing you online!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Signs Minecraft Server

    Signs Minecraft Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Just a simple minecraft server with a few plugins to prevent cheating and greifing to keep it as close as possible to vanilla one.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • IslandPvP


    New Minecraft Servers

    PLAY.ISLANDPVP.NET Play Now, Factions, Kit PvP, And Much More Coming Soon Including Cannon Testing And Mini-Games! Join Now And Join The Ever Growing Island Community! Custom Factions With Amazing Custom Enchants Etc. Kit PvP With /Duel To Find Out Who’s The Best At PvP!

    Visit Our Shop At : Visit Our Forums At : GG

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Mitecraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    A family-friendly Minecraft survival server.

    Here at Mitecraft, it is our goal to build and nurture a safe and friendly community! We aim to rediscover and deconstruct Minecraft survival — to break things down and make it better. We do not intend to change how Minecraft is supposed to be played, but we strive to make it more engaging for you. We like to stick to the basics and add a little pinch of fun to it. 🙂

    We hope you’ll enjoy your stay!

    Your adventure starts here:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MineTrickZ


    New Minecraft Servers

    This is a new factions server we are thinking about buying a dedi server and making a hub! We are looking for loyal active players! We are looking for staff but they need to have play time they have to be loyal!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Spark Games

    Spark Games

    New Minecraft Servers

    The largest Russian project with mini-games. Our main directions: 1. Continuous server operation 24/7 without lags 2. Interesting game modes 3. Fight against cheating Game modes: – Survival – SkyBlock – SkyWars – BedWars – PaintBall – FullPvP – Annihilation – Factions

    New Minecraft Server
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  • LunarGlaceon


    New Minecraft Servers

    LunarGlaceon is a community based and fun oriented server with a variety of methods to keep you entertained. From planned events to player ran gyms, there is something for everyone. Keep inventory and Peaceful mode are active, meaning you can feel safe while indulging in being adventurous.

    Everything we do is custom, including the starting Pokemon list. We believe in delivering a unique experience to those seeking to enjoy the game – whether single player or with friends. Plugins such as Grief Prevention are installed and setup to protect what you’ve worked for. Join us today and we’re glad you were interested in our server. We look forward to seeing you in game and starting your very own Pixelmon adventure.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Atlantic Network

    Atlantic Network

    New Minecraft Servers

    [+] Survival [+] Skyblock [+] Hardcore Survival [+] Creative [+] Factions [+] Custom Plugins [+] Friendly community [+] Lots more to come!

    Join us today and let us make your experience an unforgettable one!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Zombox Server

    Zombox Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    The Brand NEW ZOMBOX SERVER!!!! Youtube: Oh yes, this is a Dutch server

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MineCrime


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to MineCrime, where your gameplay experience, is our priority! Here at MineCrime, our objective is to provide new, and exciting gameplay in a lag free environment. Join today at!

    New Minecraft Server
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