New Minecraft Servers
consumer understanding Minecraft Servers

consumer understanding

  • TariffTussle: Charged Up Chaos!

    TariffTussle: Charged Up Chaos!

    New Minecraft Servers

    🌟 Welcome to the most outrageously hilarious Minecraft server you’ll ever stumble upon! 🌟

    🪓 Join Us or Face a Chicken Army: Ever wonder why Donald Trump can calculate the electricity tariff like a pro but gets lost trying to figure out which way is up on other tariffs? Join our server and find out! Legend has it that a wayward chicken (who may or may not be an emissary from an alternate dimension) cursed him. Now, it’s your turn to unravel the mystery of the tariffs while dodging a relentless army of feathered fiends who’ve sworn allegiance to the chicken wizard!

    💡 Tariff Town – Where Confusion Reigns Supreme: Enter our wacky world where every block mined reveals a new tariff-related riddle! Collect enchanted tariffs (yes, they’re a thing here) while crafting tools that will help you understand economics better than your local university professor who once tried to explain Bitcoin with a used sock!

    👷‍♂️ Build Your Own Golden Tower of Confusion: Join forces with fellow players to build the most spectacular Golden Tower of Tariffs that anyone has ever seen! Can yours be higher than the one made entirely of enchanted pixels? Only you can help uncover the secret on why all tariffs are a consumer’s nightmare, while being chased by the dreaded Higher Education Zombies who want to teach you about finance… yawn!

    🌈 Marketplace Madness: Trade with villagers who’ve all taken a super-powered course on tariffs – but, spoiler alert—they forgot everything as soon as you offer them a hearty potato! Join and experience the chaotic barter economy that’s entirely based on emojis. Want a diamond? Just trade a stack of 🥔 and 🌶️, and see what happens next!

    🚀 Epic Quest for the Tariff Stones: Join our epic quest with a motley crew of characters: a wise old tax accountant, a confused grandpa with a penchant for conspiracy theories, and a scheming cat that somehow knows all the answers! Together, you’ll dive deep into caves teeming with tariff-themed monsters! Can you collect all seven mystical Tariff Stones and become the ultimate economy guru?

    🤣 Unlimited LOLs Guaranteed: With hilarious events like “Dodge the Doom Tariff,” where you literally sprint from pixelated tax bills, and “The Great Confusion,” our only goal is to confuse you further! Words alone can’t describe the laugh-fest waiting for you here!

    Why wait?! If you’re looking for ridiculous fun sprinkled with bizarre tales about tariffs and a side of Minecraft madness, then you’re in for a treat! Join the madness today, and let’s solve the mystery of Donald and his tariff troubles together! Or just build an endless potato farm—no one’s judging! 🍟🔮

    New Minecraft Server
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  • HomesteadCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome, Neighbors!

    Looking for a mature and friendly Minecraft community?

    HomesteadCraft SMP is an adult-only server that's been public for over two years, and we're excited to welcome you to your new home!

    Where to Find us:


    Live Map


    As an RPG-based server, we've got a unique game-play experience that's tailored to players who enjoy building, crafting, and exploring. Our community is made up of players from all over the world, and we've got a large number of regular players who enjoy playing together.

    Our main goal is to provide a fun environment with an old-school feel, where both long-term fans and new players can all get together and have a good time. We pride ourselves on our tight-knit community, and can't wait to see how we continue to expand.

    We believe in building a place where everyone can enjoy the game together. We've got a no-map-reset policy, which means you can build and explore without worrying about losing your progress, but we continue to expand the world border with each major update.

    We also have a claims system in place to protect your creations, in addition to regular world and inventory backups just in case of issues.

    Speaking of some of the plug-ins we use, here's a few more you'll find on HomesteadCraft that helps make us special:

    Aurelium Skills – Introduces skills and stats into Minecraft. Such skills include Agility, Excavation, Enchanting, and even Sorcery. Some of the stats include Strength, Regeneration, and Luck.

    Acuteloot – This one adds in literally BILLIONS of new and unique items you can find. There's things such as specially named items, items with particle effects, and a few unique ones that add some fun mechanics to the game. You can find Acuteloot items in naturally spawned chests, or you might get lucky while enchanting.

    In addition to the usual server accouterments, we also have an active Discord community where players can chat and hang out. Our in-game chat is also linked to the main Discord channel, so even when you aren't at your computer, you can stay connected! Here, you can chat, share builds, post shop ads, and stay up-to-date on all the goodies and news.

    Now the nitty-gritty The rules. We don't have many, and most of it boils down to…

    Rule #1. Don't be a jerk!

    Rule #2. 21+ only. We are an adult community for many reasons.

    Rule #3. We do NOT tolerate ANY hate speech or derogatory language. Full stop. If you have to ask if it counts, it probably does.

    So, if you're looking for a unique Minecraft experience with a mature and friendly community, then HomesteadCraft SMP is the server for you. Join us now and become a part of our amazing community!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Minecraft Java

    Minecraft Java

    New Minecraft Servers

    I have created a realm for me and a few friends, but we’ve decided it could use some more people. We got 7 open slots for anyone who wants to join, just comment your username. Were going for completely vanilla but if you want to add in your own client side mods like journey map, you can. We are on version 1.20.4

    New Minecraft Server
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  • TempuraCraft


    New Minecraft Servers





    Server Location: US East

    Server Vibe

    TempuraCraft is a small and relaxed survival server meant to be shared with others. The server started over a year ago, but has been recently reset on March 11. We welcome players of all kinds and want to hear feedback to make the experience more fun for everyone!


    No cheating, exploiting, griefing, hacking, or x-raying. No doxxing or ddosing. Follow the Minecraft EULA. No discrimination of any kind. No controversial topics, NSFW, slurs, or spamming in chat. English only. No advertising. No building near other players without permission. No cramming mobs into small areas or intentionally lagging the server.

    First offense: Warning Second offense: Temporary ban Third offense: Permanent ban


    Captcha, Essentials, GriefPrevention, mcMMO, SignShop, and Vault.


    Anti-Creeper Grief, Anti-Enderman Grief, Anti-Ghast Grief, Coordinates HUD, More Mob Heads, Double Shulker Shells, and Silence Mobs.

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  • feather64


    New Minecraft Servers

    About feather64

    feather64 has been operating since 2011.

    F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it's up to you.


    1. Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide.

    2. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks.

    3. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators.

    Rule details available on our website:


    Most of our active players are located in North America however all are welcome. Many of our players are friendly and supportive however because we provide very limited moderation, you may find some toxic players. You are able to use type "/ignore <player>" for anyone that bothers you.

    We have an active Discord server for feather64. Discord is where we give out important information about the server. You'll find voice channels with active players and text channels with memes etc. If you join the Minecraft server and decide to stick around, please join the discord. INVITE LINK You will not be able to send messages or join voice channels on the discord server until you link your Minecraft account to your Discord account.


    No Staff Nonsense Environment



    Version: 1.20.2

    Difficulty: Hard

    Jar: purpur

    Server Features

    • Teleportation – You are able to teleport to a few warps /warp, /warp <warp>, spawn /spawn, a private home location set by you /sethome, /home, and other players if they accept /tpa <player>.

    • World – The world generation is default vanilla.

    • The End – The End resets on the 1st of every month. The reset occurs at 6"00 PM ET. This makes The End a very poor choice for a base location.

    • Spawners – All players are able to collect spawners by mining them with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe.

    • Discord – As mentioned above, discord is the main source of server information and keeps our players connected. Please link your Discord by typing "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.

    If you have any questions please comment below or contact Zerek through Discord INVITE LINK.

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  • BrickServe


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to BrickServe!

    This is a brand new server with the aim of focusing on factions game play and higher difficulty without too many other changes to the game. There are absolutely NO pay to win features. Not even voting rewards or random loot crates. We are new, so the server population is basically just me at this point! The world border is fairly small to incentivize more factions play, but as the community grows, the plan is to also grow the world. Currently, new players must wait 30 minutes before being able to create a faction. This is to prevent too much random faction creation spam from players that leave immediately. New players are, however, able to join an existing faction if they are invited. The Nether is currently disabled, until we have a good basis of a few factions and players.


    • NO TPs (no /home, /tpa, /back, etc. Only setting your spawn with a bed)
    • Decreased crop growth time
    • Economy based off copper bars, all money is physically stored (in a vault or the player’s inventory; this allows for factions to actually steal each other’s money)
    • NO server shop to generate fake economy
    • NO deathchest or keep inventory, the only way to get your items back is to travel back before they de-spawn
    • Factions game play that involves killing players and claiming their land and items


    • AnnouncerPlus – Server announcements
    • Autorank – Used to upgrade permissions after 30 minutes of play
    • Chunky – Preload chunks to reduce server strain
    • CoreProtect – Grief rollback and prevention
    • Essentials – The usual server commands
    • Gringotts – Economy plugin
    • LevelledMobs – Tougher mobs
    • LuckPerms – Permissions handler
    • MedievalFactions – The factions plugin we use; also handles chest locking
    • PlaceholderAPI – Integration across plugins for text placeholders
    • QuickShop – Chest shop plugin
    • RHLeafDecay – Faster leaf decay
    • TAB – Better tab list
    • Vault – Cross-plugin manager
    • ViaBackwards/ViaVersion – Client version compatability
    • SimpleVoiceChat – Built-in proximity and voice chat
    • WorldEdit/WorldGuard – World creation, editing, and management

    🧱Future Plans:

    • Better LevelledMobs configuration (possibly custom item drops for high difficulties)
    • Community events
    • Staff recruitment
    • General improvements and bug fixes
    • Unlock Nether and End
    • Discord integration
    • Quests and NPCs (this is a big maybe right now)
    • Old combat mechanics (this will depend on what the server population wants)

    If any of this sounds interesting or exciting to you please visit our Discord and help build our community, or join the server directly and start building your legend. Again, we are brand new, so don’t expect to see anyone else on if you are one of the first to join.

    BrickServe Discord

    Server IP:

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  • Classic Survival

    Classic Survival

    New Minecraft Servers

    Check out our Server Trailer!

    Server updated to 1.20! Come start a new journey with us!



    Classic Survival is a Semi-Vanilla survival server that was founded in February of 2020. We feature simple commands such as /tpa and /home while having no claims and no rules against pvp/griefing. The server has reopened and players have been enjoying a new map since March 10th, 2023!

    Spawn is a protected area where players can safely trade but once you leave the protected spawn area there are no claims. We have a great team of moderators and admins to ensure fair play across the board with no unfair advantages allowed.

    The map was recently expanded to 600K meaning there is more than plenty of space for you to start your own journey, whether it be by yourself or with others.

    Anyone interested in PVP will be excited to see that we frequently host PVP events with rewards along with building events for any builders!

    Come join us at !

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  • LavishSMP


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to LavishSMP!

    Bringing back the Real F2P Experience for all newcomers! Here are some of the JAM PACKED features this server has to offer you! FEATURES: – Friendly/Collaborative Community! – Rankup System! (Fully Custom Ranks) – Jobs! (Custom Jobs Coming Soon!) – Auction House – Stackable Mob Spawners – Building World and Resource World! (No More Worries About Losing The Things You Love!) – Keep Inventory On / Best Tool Swapper- Player Shops and Player Warps! (Fully Customizable!) – Claims! (You Can Only Claim In The Build World!) – Teams! (Invite Your Friends and Dominate the Scoreboard!) – Custom Items – Vote Pinata and Rewards! – Advanced Enchantments! (200+) – Battle Pass (CURRENTLY SEASON 1 [​ALPHA]) – Sell Wands – Up-gradable Hoppers! – Unique Fishing! – Custom Commands and GUI’s – PvP Arena (Coming Soon) – Custom Cooking (Coming Soon) I am a solo developer on this server, we opened our doors on 03/01/2024! The server is in an ALPHA stage at the moment! Inventories will stay always, but balances have a chance of resetting! :slight_smile: We hope to see you there! IP: Join Our Discord!

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  • Better Vanilla

    Better Vanilla

    New Minecraft Servers

    Looking for a unwhitelisted basic vanilla server to play on with a great community? Look no further. I started a vanilla server with one plugin that can rollback griefing and looting so you don’t have to worry! The server will never be reset and will slowly expand over time.


    New Minecraft Server
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  • EchoCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Hello, thanks for checkin’ this post out!

    Server IP:

    Look, I know. I’m working on the custom IP.

    EchoCraft was started by myself and two of my friends, we aim to have a relaxed community with some mild tweaks to Vanilla Minecraft. Although we currently don’t have cross-platform compatibility it’s on the list! The server is on Hard difficulty, with overall goals of being relaxed, take it at your own pace, make farms, make epic builds or well, anything you want. We’ve fostered a nice little community so far and hope to see you join us sometime!

    When it comes to items buying, selling we have opted for an in-game trust system, akin to Hermitcraft – so no economy plugins! No chestshops either! This is of course, open to change but for now we’ve all been content to trade, buy with diamonds or IOU’s.

    The sever is based in North America and our world map is here!

    We have zero intentions of ever adding lootcrates/voting systems

    We have swapped to a whitelist! Applications found in the Discord

    What Do We Have Installed?


    • AngelChest
    • BigDoors
    • ChestSort
    • GriefPrevention
    • LuckPerms
    • mcMMO
    • SlimeFun4
    • MobisHome
    • SafariNet
    • SilkSpawners
    • SimpleNicks
    • Vault
    • EssentialsX+Chat
    • Tab
    • DiscordSRV
    • ChatItem


    • Armored Elytra
    • Banner Flags
    • Better Item Frames
    • Blaze And Caves Advancements Pack
    • Craftable Spore Blossoms
    • Custom Nether Portals
    • DnT Stronghold Overhaul
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Item Display
    • More Mob Heads
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Silk Touch Budding Amethyst
    • Silence Mobs
    • Terralith
    • Terralith Biome Saplings
    • TPA
    • XP Management

    There might be more that I’ve forgotten to type up, but a lot of VanillaTweaks Datapacks!

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  • InstaCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    🌟 Welcome to InstaCraft – Your Ultimate Survival PvE Adventure in Minecraft! 🌟

    Embark on an incredible journey at InstaCraft, a survival PvE server designed to provide a nostalgic yet enhanced vanilla Minecraft experience. Whether you’re a lone explorer or prefer teaming up with friends, the choice is entirely yours on InstaCraft!

    🔌 Server Details:

    📆 What’s New:

    🌐 Brand-New Market Unveiled: Unleash your trading skills at our newly launched player market! Buy, sell, and thrive in this bustling new economy. Check out the attached photos for a sneak peek!

    ℹ️ About Us:

    • 🚀 Established and Going Strong: With over two years in the game, InstaCraft ensures longevity and stability for your gameplay experience.
    • 💡 Our Vision: Launched on 3/3/2020, InstaCraft was born with the aim of fostering a fun, community-based public server with minimal restrictions in a non-toxic environment.


    • Active Economy: Engage in creating player shops and utilizing the Auction House worry-free from theft or griefing.
    • Quality of Life Enhancements: Elevate your vanilla gameplay with features like /dback, Multiplayer sleep, Silk Spawners, and more!
    • Minimal Plugins: Keep it simple with a quick check of our plugins (/plugins).
    • Vibrant Community: Join our active Discord community and be a part of the conversation.
    • Non-restrictive Gameplay: We encourage free gameplay while prohibiting unproductive actions such as cheating or griefing. Report any incidents, and our vigilant staff will handle them promptly.

    🎮 Who We Are: Whether you’re a casual Minecrafter or an enthusiast exploring the technical limits of the game, InstaCraft caters to you! We welcome players who contribute positively to our vibrant community. If you have any queries or wish to dive right in, ask below or join our Discord server!

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