cité aypierre Minecraft Servers

cité aypierre Minecraft Servers

  • Korrupterra

    Players: 105/700 Votes: 5379
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Meteorites Collected: 2 Undead Armies Raised: 4
    Cuddly Creatures Pet: 36 Fabled Crowns Discovered: 4
    Starry Nights Enjoyed: 49 Holy Grails Found: 5
    Ghost Trains Ridden: 2 Eerie Music Discs Played: 2
    Magic Items Found: 2723 Chaos Gates Opened: 3
    Shadow Daggers Crafted: 14 Sunfire Helmets Forged: 4
    Interstellar Fungi Gathered: 2 Ghostly Villagers Traded With: 5

    New Minecraft Servers

    Would you like to live a unique adventure? Korrupterra 1.2 version 1.13.2! We have survival, daily missions, a “korruption” point system to buy special items in the Korrupto Market, an auction house where you can sell your items without having to be online, unique random Korrupterra structures spread throughout the world , unique mobs that you can only find here, an achievement system and titles that you can brag about if you have done feats to obtain them… and that’s just the beginning! What are you waiting for? Cheer up!(edited)

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  • Funsteal

    Players: 98/900 Votes: 9599
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Meteorite Armor Created: 23 Whispering Caves Entered: 6
    Evil Portals Destroyed: 1 Runes Activated: 3
    Unsolvable Puzzles Solved: 4 Living Statues Befriended: 0
    Ancient Relics Unearthed: 396 Farms Harvested: 775
    Lost Artifacts Recovered: 5 Crops Grown: 6720
    Dark Rituals Completed: 1 Phantom Rings Equipped: 21
    Dragon Eggs Hatched: 3 Horror Stories Survived: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    ## 🔥 __Funsteal: Official Launch__

    We are happy to announce that our new gamemode has been launched today!!

    You can play in lifesteal now!


    > 🎁**NEW CRATES** New amazing crates full of stunning rewards!

    > 🎈 **NEW SPAWN** New Dragon themed spawn.

    > 💸 **LOTTERY** Purchase lottery tickets and get a chance to win rewards.

    > ⚔️ **BOUNTIES** You can set bounties on players or kill the players with bounties to claim the reward!

    > 🧰 **PLAYER VAULTS** You can store items in player vaults

    **And many other features you can find out while playing.**

    🔮 **``**


    ~ Funsteal

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  • Liams Vale

    Liams Vale
    Players: 99/600 Votes: 6461
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Hidden Villages Discovered: 2 Dragonkin Hatched: 3
    Quantum Bards Serenaded: 4 Haunted Forests Traversed: 3
    Gnome Villages Protected: 9 Volcanoes Explored: 1
    Legendary Items Repaired: 7 Ores Mined: 2488
    Mystical Artifacts Crafted: 8 Immortal Anvils Forged: 10
    Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 1 Chaos Gates Opened: 2
    Demonic Pacts Formed: 2 Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 5

    New Minecraft Servers

    Come join new adventures in a fresh new world. Nothing but the latest Minecraft server for all the best new server tweaks. Old school adventure, new plains….. Liam’s Vale.

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  • MoaMine

    Players: 93/300 Votes: 6809
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Endless Legions Commanded: 39 Volcanoes Explored: 1
    Vanishing Structures Built: 4 Pirate Ghost Ships Conquered: 1
    Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 6 God-Killer Bows Constructed: 7
    Epic Weapons Forged: 10 Divine Spears Created: 27
    Haunted Chests Opened: 7 Parallel Universes Unraveled: 0
    Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 3 Enchantments Applied: 283
    Elemental Temples Cleansed: 1 Mystical Amulets Crafted: 21

    New Minecraft Servers

    Brand new Minecraft Survival server! We have a small but growing community! Be apart of something awesome today! We are always on the look for staff too!

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  • Vista

    Players: 97/1000 Votes: 6353
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Cursed Amulets Found: 1 Enchanted Armories Found: 9
    Legendary Scepters Created: 7 Shadow Figures Spotted: 7
    Immortal Potions Brewed: 13 Ancient Guardians Awoken: 3
    Secret Guilds Joined: 2 Omnipotent Charms Created: 2
    Warlock Pacts Sealed: 0 Cursed Diamonds Mined: 7
    Mineshafts Explored: 4 Infernal Machines Built: 0
    Treasure Maps Found: 1 Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

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  • iCarey Survival Server

    iCarey Survival Server
    Players: 92/800 Votes: 8330
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Heroic Legacies Created: 6 Cursed Amulets Found: 0
    Alternate Realities Explored: 2 Chaos Gates Opened: 3
    Unique Catgirls Spotted: 1 Mythical Relics Collected: 14
    Divine Relics Bestowed: 11 Infinity Gauntlets Forged: 2
    Unsolvable Puzzles Solved: 3 Magic Crystals Found: 13
    Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 1 Time-Warping Watches Found: 3
    Blood-Forged Axes Created: 19 Meteor Showers Witnessed: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Info Register for your whitelist at Discord Server

    Come and join us for 1.14!

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  • Gumbysquad MC

    Gumbysquad MC
    Players: 101/500 Votes: 3531
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Pirate Ships Raided: 0 Legendary Scepters Created: 8
    Chaos Orbs Controlled: 16 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 41
    Underground Cities Explored: 5 Chaos Gates Opened: 3
    Galactic Jellyfish Caught: 2 Phantom Ships Sailed: 3
    Haunted Mirrors Gazed Into: 4 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 10
    Gryphons Tamed: 1 Mystical Amulets Crafted: 21
    Magical Familiars Summoned: 3 Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 6

    New Minecraft Servers

    A simple survival minecraft server running 1.13.

    Running Spigot with:

    Essentials Griefprotection

    No griefing please, and keep chat clean. Join us as we build up a community!

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  • Deshcraft network

    Deshcraft network
    Players: 92/300 Votes: 1515
    Rating: 4.0 / 5
    Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 0 Runes Activated: 0
    Magic Items Found: 7384 Lava Oceans Crossed: 3
    Elemental Temples Cleansed: 1 Battle Standards Raised: 11
    Ancient Ruins Explored: 2 Crystal Caves Mapped: 9
    Heavenly Choirs Heard: 7 Nightmare Scenarios Survived: 1
    Legendary Heroes Trained: 5 Dimension Hops: 10
    Unseen Monsters Slain: 3 Meteorite Armor Created: 26

    New Minecraft Servers

    Deshcraft Network is a cracked Minecraft server network built and hosted in Bangladesh. It’s a survival games server that offers a huge amount of content to ensure that there is always something fun to explore and do. Are you ready for the best survival experience ever? Then come to CraftBars and let it happen!

    🔥 | Features• 24/7 Server online• Survival• A better economy• Premium Rank Crates• Premium Ranks• No lag• Low Ping• Land Claiming• Kits• EconomyShopGui• Anti-Cheat• Jobs• More And More!

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  • SuperWorld

    Players: 91/300 Votes: 8342
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Necronomicon Pages Collected: 2 Inescapable Mazes Solved: 1
    Farms Harvested: 197 Pirate Ships Raided: 0
    Celestial Beings Befriended: 3 Living Shadows Defeated: 4
    Unicorn Parades Witnessed: 3 Unicorn Sightings: 0
    Mythical Quests Completed: 25 Mythical Creatures Tamed: 0
    Sunfire Helmets Forged: 4 Parallel Universes Unraveled: 0
    Villages Defended: 11 Lava Oceans Crossed: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Advantages: – works continuously – constant update to the new version – beautiful buildings – it’s convenient to play for people from all over the world, as the server is international – cheap donate – does not require a paid Minecraft license – protection against griefers, cheaters, bots and hackers – private territory – many interesting plugins – the project has been working since 2016 and is constantly improving – adequate players – active administration We are waiting for you on this server. Come on in. The administration wishes a pleasant game!

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  • M3-MC

    Players: 100/800 Votes: 7087
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Pockets of Chaos Discovered: 1 Orbs of Power Found: 5
    Secret Passages Found: 5 Animals Bred: 197
    Lunar Scepters Activated: 6 Galactic Jellyfish Caught: 4
    Dimension Hops: 5 Epic Battles Fought: 19
    Duplicated Mobs Battled: 4 Cozy Campfires Lit: 20
    Villages Defended: 19 World-Altering Spells Cast: 1
    Invisible Pathways Walked: 8 Crystal Wands Charged: 13

    New Minecraft Servers

    This server is a fun well done server with great staff, and friendly people. It is a survival server and it’s fun for everyone! Join Now!

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