New Minecraft Servers
BaireStreets Minecraft Servers


  • Vanilla Dimensions

    Vanilla Dimensions

    New Minecraft Servers

    if you enjoy fun, building and slaying enemy’s this is the server for you

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  • CrusaderCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Hello lad! And welcome aboard the Crusader craft Ship one of our finest luxury ships in the Minecraftia Sea! Please take a seat and enjoy your Voyage to the Main Land! Hi everyone and welcome to the CrusaderCraft server (nice intro right! XD) this here is a great server filled with Amazing staff and our most beloved owner kingviper! As you enter the main land of Galilee there are many I mean many things to do! Like Grab a couple of people and play some rounds of Free for all PVP, MobArena’s , PVP team arena and much more! Right across the street there is a Quest Building where you can find a quest to fight an ender dragon, travel all across the land to many different kingdoms, or conquer an Enemy base and find the most Diamonds and Gold you have ever seen! Not only is this a RPG server but don’t forget about the survival aspect of it, Grab a couple of friends or just by yourself and make your OWN town and survive! We ask you to only Greif in the wild (outside of kingdoms and towns) other than that enjoy and we Hope to see you on here soon!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Finally Minecraft

    Finally Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    New Minecraft Server
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  • TeamCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    TeamCraft is a highly balanced Factions / PvE / Survival Minecraft Server.

    We are a group of experienced Minecraft players tired of cheating, flying, instant teleporting repeatedly and even some players having full immunity. It breaks the fun and Minecraft’s dynamic completely. Every player should have a chance to counterattack whoever is his enemy or how much he donated to server with a real chance of success.

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  • SlayerCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    IPs: or

    Welcome to SlayerCraft – Polish but globalised server. Don’t worry, we use mostly English so it won’t be a problem for You to understand anything.

    Here you can: – explore HUGE map (+/-30 maps merged in one), from skyscraper cities to underwater dungeons – enjoy our projects, and help us if you want to (eg. Stronghold – one of the biggest spaceships ever made, with everything inside) – decide who you want to be – you can work in mine or be a Lord of one of our districts (you have to do something to be someone like this example though) – be an OP (after a specified time, no-banning, no breaking rules and paying regulary for the server) – be an GM (for this you don’t have to pay, but you have to be noticed by our community, you have to be someone known and known for good things :)) – and of course, you can enjoy many events on our server (we have many parties, sometimes we destroy something for fun, or just… destroy something for fun :D)

    WE HAVE OUR OWN WIKI (being prepared for english version)

    Like us on Facebook –

    Be addicted, be cool and cause no trouble and you’ll be rewarded

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Iceycraft


    New Minecraft Servers


    Iceycraft Network: Anarchy Server – No rules! Hack Clients Allowed! Factions Server – Create Factions, Grief, Raid, Protect! KitPvP Server – Take your skills to another level! Creative Server – Build what your imagination desires!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • EnchantedPVP


    New Minecraft Servers

    A server with hardcore PVP factions incentive. We are low on players, and looking for new ones. We may be accepting/allowing staff applications later on.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Minevival


    New Minecraft Servers

    Vivalgaming: Minevival is a dedicated 24 hour hosted premium minecraft server that has been built by the old Minevival team. The server is highly community focused, and covers the whole minecraft section in the Vivalgaming community.

    The goal of Minevival is to build a strong community with players that enjoy socializing and playing minecraft with each other. Our staff team will not only ensure that you’ll have fun playing minecraft with awesome people, but they will also provide you with the best gameplay that you can possibly access! We can achieve these goals with our many special features, like custom built spawns and arena’s, a plot system which is used to built a community spawn, McMMO to boost your regular survival experience, many plugins that are customly made for our server to provide a unique way of playing and much more other cool stuff!

    Because Minevival values their community, the staff team will hold close bonds to the players itself. We will try to organize as much ‘events’ as possible, and the community can make suggestion and vote about future ingame features!

    Another aspect that Minevival values, is that we don’t want our server to have a pay-to-win system. This is why all our donation ranks exists for the sole reason to support the community and the server.(and for some great cosmetic effects!) We’ve also got monthly donation goals, and server-wide packages.

    Minevival is currently not accessible for everyone, but is using a whitelist. However, you can get acces to this awesome community by filling in a form on our website, and being an active member!

    If you’re interested to join this community, you should definitely check out our website:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Lo69Craft


    New Minecraft Servers

    We are a dedicated friendly server always trying out new ideas to keep things interesting, 24/7 95% up time with multiple worlds. – Creative world for testing – Treasure Hunts, Mob Arenas And Zombie Runs. – Full Grief Protection, Shops, PvP And PvE. – In game ranking system.

    Rules (0 tolerance for newcomers) No Griefing Spamming Or Using Hacks. No Swearing Or Offending Others.


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  • Wrath Pvp

    Wrath Pvp

    New Minecraft Servers

    If you want a hardcore faction server then Wrath pvp is the place for you there are very nice mods and admins and the pvp in this server is amazing we would all very much appreciate it if you came and joined are server who knows you might even want to donate so please join wrath pvp and tell them gagerules sent you (owner- Wfloydboy Head Admin-smash)

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