ASMR SLEEP IN 60 SECONDS Minecraft Servers

2024 Best ASMR SLEEP IN 60 SECONDS New Minecraft Servers

  • PrismaCraft


    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇






    About Us:

    At PrismaCraft, we are first and foremost about community building, but we also have plenty of content for those who enjoy grinding levels in jobs or skills. Whether you’re eager to establish a town and foster your own community or hone your skills to reach the top of your chosen jobs and earn as much money as possible, we have something to offer for just about everyone!

    We have a dedicated staff team always working on updates and new features! On PrismaCraft, development is an ongoing process. If you join our Discord you will see we usually post updates multiple times per week. We also have a thorough suggestions system where players suggest and discuss new features or changes.


    Main Features:

    Towny – We use the tried and true Towny plugin for land claiming and community building! You can create a solo town and build massive farms to become rich, create a huge city with tons of members to help you achieve your goals, or join a town with a couple of friends to create a cozy homestead.

    Skills – You can level up fourteen unique skills to increase your stats (such as health, defense, and attack damage). Reaching the highest levels in each skill unlock unique abilities to make you even more powerful!

    Jobs – We offer thirteen jobs that pay you for anything from mining, to building, to fishing, and everything in between. Jobs are the most important way to build your wealth on the server.

    Player Economy – Our economy is entirely player driven! Shops on the server set prices for goods and services without any intervention, this leads to a very organic economy where you can carve out your own niche. The only admin shops on the server can be found in our mall /warp mall. These shops sell custom furniture blocks like tables and chairs to decorate your base!

    Custom Enchantments – Our server features over 200 unique enchantments to build your playstyle the way you want! All enchants are achieved through normal gameplay mechanics.

    Craftable Gear – You can craft tons of unique custom armor sets, tools, and talismans to become more powerful or add unique abilities.

    Custom Resources – We have resource worlds which reset on the first of each month! Here you can find custom ores and plants which can be used for decoration or can be used to craft some our custom gear!

    And so much more – With all our systems it would be impossible to describe everything here! If you decide to join us on or join the Discord we’re always happy to help and explain!

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  • CinderSMP


    Hi there. The server has been up for about a month now and we’re still looking for members to help build an active community. We’re chill and quite laid back. Our world is relatively fresh and we’re planning on killing the dragon in a few days time so now would be a perfect time to join us.

    Discord –

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  • ExeosCraft


    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP!

    Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Got money? Keep it. Any money we generate goes completely to charity.

    🌟 Why Choose Us?

    • 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map!

    • 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain.

    • 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways.

    • 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL.

    • 🤖 Custom Plugins: Hand-crafted plugins to enhance the vanilla experience, while keeping things far from boring.

    • 🎮Cross-Platform: Tuned for both Java and Bedrock, with features specific for Bedrock players that are completely unique!

    🌐 Our Features:

    • 🌄 Permanent World, all builds will be kept forever

    • 🌟 Level-Up System

    • 🐾 Pets

    • 🏡 Land Claim

    • 🪓 McMMO

    • 💰 Strong Economy

    • 🏆 Leaderboards

    • 🌟 Hard Difficulty

    • 🗳️ Player-Driven Updates

    Join us at ExeosCraft, where we promise a lasting, immersive Minecraft journey. You’ll be glad ya did.

    Java IP:

    Bedrock IP:


    Trailer Link:

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  • CanopyMC


    ★ The canopy is a semi-vanilla SMP server, created through the merging of two prior SMP servers; Lasagn and BirbMC. We are on our fourth season, although server history with this player group goes back 10 years!

    ★ We are a community-focused, Hermitcraft-like server with an emphasis on collaboration. Our average player age is early to mid-20’s. We want you to meet new friends through working together on builds, events, building towns, or getting to know each other in discord!

    ★ Features include:

    • A player driven economy with an active market located at Spawn.
    • QOL plugins that don’t impact the vanilla experience. We log blocks, theft and griefing through Coreprotect.
    • 24/7 Uptime via a professional server host (see our specs).
    • A Dynamic Map where you can view everyone’s builds in (nearly) real time!
    • A live statistics tracking system called Stonkswhich allows you to see how you rank with other players.
    • An active community! Check out a small album from our previous season here!

    Wanna join us? Checkout us on the server or in Discord

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  • NostalgiaCraft



    NostalgiaCraft is a 3+ year old community SMP that feels like a whitelisted server without the application process. Join the server and be a part of our active community with item shops, spawn builds, and community events just like the servers you used to play on!

    🗺️ IP Address: (If on Bedrock, use port 19132)

    🎉 Join our Discord:

    What’s Unique About Nostalgiacraft

    • 🌟 Established in 2020: We avoid resets unless Mojang changes significantly how the worlds are generated (Our community is over 3+ years old)!
    • 🌐 Large World Border: Due to our dedicated server storage, we have a 100k world border.
    • 🔄 Inactive Chunk Refresh: Old and inactive chunks (6+ months) with no activity are deleted so you can have an easier server experience finding loot and building locations.
    • 💰 Vanilla Item-based Economy: You are able to make vanilla shops, or you can use /trade with other players.
    • 🌈 Exclusively Enhancing Your Quality of Life: Our gameplay strictly adheres to the Vanilla+ experience, ensuring that no additional plugins introduce new mechanics (such as claims or McMMO). However, the Vanilla experience is enhanced with commands such as /start, /spawn/togglephantoms, /trade, sitting on stairs, etc.
    • 🔒 Graylist System: Our spawn area (1400 x 1400) is a safe and interactive environment reserved for members of our community to interact without the threat of stealing or PvP.
    • 🚀 Active Community/Discord: There are always people online, make new friends and meet new people on Nostalgiacraft today!

    Immerse yourself in a Vanilla+, community-focused, never resetting server! Join NostalgiaCraft today to experience the genuine gameplay experience you’ve always sought after!

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  • Dynasty


    Welcome to Dynasty

    A Semi Vanilla minecraft server

    Recently Launched

    The server is starting life as a small HermitCraft style server but will evolve into something very unique.

    Every decision made for the server is made by the community via voting and not by Server owner.

    We are not limited server to any specific age group however all we ask is you stay semi mature when in discord/server.

    There will be a whitelist applied to the server but all we ask is you drop your name in the whitelist channel on discord.

    No Pay2Win

    No Donation Store

    No Paywalls

    All Fun

    Currently the only non vanilla plugins we are running are

    –Fast leaf Decay

    –Mob and Player head drops

    –SilenceMobs (similar to hermitcraft silencemobs datapack)

    We have plans to add more based on suggestions from players and voted for by players.

    We do not have any claiming plugins and players are free to build practically where they want (not at spawn) however we are running protection plugins so any grief/stealing we can identify who and when. We are also able to rollback specific areas so any major grief won’t require a full server rollback.

    If a truly community run server is something that interests you then please come join us

    Discord: Dynasty Discord

    Once in the discord simply read the rules and react to gain access to the rest of the server

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  • Indicraft SMP

    Indicraft SMP

    |• runs 24/7 | |• Vanilla | |•useful mods only | |• no PVP without players approval| |• one player sleep | |• Elite Mobs| |• grave | |• peaceful community | |• discord is must | & More If interested do comment.

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  • EchoCraft


    Hello, thanks for checkin’ this post out!

    Server IP:

    Look, I know. I’m working on the custom IP.

    EchoCraft was started by myself and two of my friends, we aim to have a relaxed community with some mild tweaks to Vanilla Minecraft. Although we currently don’t have cross-platform compatibility it’s on the list! The server is on Hard difficulty, with overall goals of being relaxed, take it at your own pace, make farms, make epic builds or well, anything you want. We’ve fostered a nice little community so far and hope to see you join us sometime!

    When it comes to items buying, selling we have opted for an in-game trust system, akin to Hermitcraft – so no economy plugins! No chestshops either! This is of course, open to change but for now we’ve all been content to trade, buy with diamonds or IOU’s.

    The sever is based in North America and our world map is here!

    We have zero intentions of ever adding lootcrates/voting systems

    We have swapped to a whitelist! Applications found in the Discord

    What Do We Have Installed?


    • AngelChest
    • BigDoors
    • ChestSort
    • GriefPrevention
    • LuckPerms
    • mcMMO
    • SlimeFun4
    • MobisHome
    • SafariNet
    • SilkSpawners
    • SimpleNicks
    • Vault
    • EssentialsX+Chat
    • Tab
    • DiscordSRV
    • ChatItem


    • Armored Elytra
    • Banner Flags
    • Better Item Frames
    • Blaze And Caves Advancements Pack
    • Craftable Spore Blossoms
    • Custom Nether Portals
    • DnT Stronghold Overhaul
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Item Display
    • More Mob Heads
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Silk Touch Budding Amethyst
    • Silence Mobs
    • Terralith
    • Terralith Biome Saplings
    • TPA
    • XP Management

    There might be more that I’ve forgotten to type up, but a lot of VanillaTweaks Datapacks!

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    Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without the limitations of land claiming or over-the-top additions such as skills, abilities, RPG elements, and more. With a heavy focus on community and player interaction, we are the closest server for anybody seeking a true “hermitcraft-like” experience.

    Over the last 4+ years, our community has blossomed into a wonderful group of kind hearted and dedicated individuals. At Dominion our community is and always will be our primary focus. We run weekly events, monthly competitions, organize enormous group projects/builds, let our players vote on all new changes/additions, and much much more.

    To keep our server safe from players who seek to troll or grief, we employ a whitelist process that is reviewed by our dedicated staff team. If this post sounds like the right server for you, click the link below to visit our Discord server and create an application to join!

    To apply, click HERE



    This part is a little wordy I admit, but these are the fundamental 5 pillars that hold our server up and govern every decision we make. These will always be upheld and used to judge any potential additions or changes in Dominion’s future.

    The Vanilla Experience

    Dominion is committed to preserving the vanilla Minecraft experience. We will never add any any plugins, datapacks, or otherwise which fundamentally make the game easier, harder, or different than vanilla. You will never see plugins such as mcMMO, Jobs, NPC’s and similar on our server.

    In addition, while Dominion does provide a Donator rank, this is purely for players who wish to give back and help fund the server. Donators do not and will not ever receive any benefits beyond a shiny yellow name.


    We believe that it is each player’s right to know exactly how much money is raised though donations and how it is spent. In the spirit of this transparency, we release monthly updates on all expenses and donations.

    We are also completely open about any community issues that may arise such as dismissal of staff, banning of influential players, and integrity changes to how the server functions. During these times, we allow for open discussion and provide insight into any decision making.

    Community Voice

    We pride ourselves on listening to our community. We welcome comments, critique, and honest opinions. Through that openness, we are able to continuously improve our server and community because of your feedback.

    For all major changes or addition to our server, be it a new plugin, settings changes etc., we run a poll where every member of the community gets to cast a vote. Polled content/changes only take effect if the community votes at a majority 75% approval rating.

    Playing Together

    We founded Dominion on this major principle: Create a space for players to play together, not just be strangers in the same world. To help foster our close community, we run weekly events ranging from one off quick PVP maps to massive large scale build-athons.

    For those who prefer more long-term collaboration, we have a dedicated space in our Discord for larger player ran projects such as modern city districts, gaming districts, special mega-farms, and more.

    New Content Now

    When a new update drops, it can be frustrating to wait for your favorite server to update so that you can enjoy all of the new and exciting content. We purposely run a lightweight, almost-vanilla server so that we can give you that new content as soon as physically possible!

    To apply, click HERE

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  • Black Legion Towny

    Black Legion Towny

    Server IP:

    Dynmap URL:

    Version: Java 1.20.4

    Embark on a brand new adventure today!

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