Nmlmc custom smp1.18
Welcome to NMLMCwe know you see a lot of servers so lets cut straight to the chaseNMLMC SMP is a community driven server,That builds crafts and mines the best expericence for Every single player who joins. We Strive to improve aspects of Minecraft to make your stay the most enjoyable, While keeping that Nostilgic feeling of the great times in Minecraft.
Here is a few of our many features!Wars, Aliiances and wildernessPVP in WildernessVehiclesSkills and leveling systemHundreds of CosmeticsActive and strong economy with playershopsMarriage/wild to random TPOnline map : https://map.nmlmc.comNo Pressure to donate, We Treat our players equally and will not tolerate players being treated poorly, Checkout our store to see we are not pay 2 win.
Inportant stuffWebsite: https://www.nmlmc.comDiscord: https://nmldiscord.comRules:
Wyvern cove
Wyvern Cove is a Semi-Vanilla (SMP) Server!
PluginsThe plugins are designed to not break the vanilla (normal) feel of Minecraft. This means there are no large changes such as land claim or locked chests: there are only quality of life commands such as teleportation requests, or a teleport to a small protected spawn in which trade can engage.
CommunityThe Wyvern Cove community is active alongside a dedicated staff team. We’re attentive to issues, and anything you need help with we’ll look into! We also host mini events on the serve to engage more with our community.
Vanilla multiplayer
VanillaMC is a semi vanilla server that supports bedrock and java clients on the latest version of both clients. We have a great community and a mixture of bedrock and java user as we been open for over a year now! We aim to keep the server updated to the latest and stable builds.
Our main communication and updates platform is Discord so feel free to join it:
Our main plugins:– Teams– GriefPrevention– Essentials– PvP Toggle– Voting
Java: play.vanilla-mc.comBedrock:
It s like dream smp
Rpg s insane craft
A fan-made server so you can also play Insane Craft with your friends like your YouTube Heroes!!
Curseforge link
Technic Link
Make your own custom hero or use one of the pre-made heroes.IWe have land claiming, party system, player shops, kits and voting crates with tons more planned.
NThe server is new and therefore a work in progress expect updates.[Discord]
Play the same mods played by: [SSundee], [Sigils], [Henwy], [BiffleWiffle]and [JeromeASF].
SRecommended RAM:
Mod List:
The Betweenlands (MrCompost)
AbyssalCraft (Shinoow)
AbyssalCraft Integrations (Shinoow)
Alchemistry (al132)
AmbientSounds 4 (CreativeMD)
Ancient Spellcraft (windanesz)
B.A.S.E (lanse505)
BadWitherNoCookieReloaded (Kreezxil)
Bewitchment-Legacy (sunconure11)
Botania (Vazkii)
Brandon’s Core (brandon3055)
Buildcraft (Covert_Jaguar)
Carry On (Tschipp)
Champions (TheIllusiveC4)
Chunk-Pregenerator (Speiger)
Coral Tombstone (Coral_31)
CraftTweaker (Jaredlll08)
CreativeCore (CreativeMD)
Cyclic (Lothrazar)
DimensionalDoors (DimensionalDevelopment)
Doomlike Dungeons (JaredBGreat)
Draconic Evolution (brandon3055)
Electroblob’s Wizardry (Electroblob)
ExtraPlanets (MJRLegends)
FastWorkbench (Shadows_of_Fire)
Flux Networks (sonar_sonic)
FoamFix (asiekierka)
Future MC (thedarkcolour)
Hammer (Lib) Core (Zeitheron)
iChunUtil (ohaiiChun)
Inventory Pets (Purplicious_Cow_)
Just Enough Calculation (towdium)
LittleTiles (CreativeMD)
Lucraft: Core (Lucraft)
Mahou Tsukai (stepcross)
MJRLegends Lib (MJRLegends)
ModTweaker (Jaredlll08)
MTLib (Jaredlll08)
Mystical World (Noobanidus)
MysticalLib (Noobanidus)
Patchouli (Vazkii)
Recipe Stages (Jaredlll08)
Roots (Noobanidus)
So Many Enchantments (ShelterRin)
Tesla Core Lib (face_of_cat)
The Aether (GildedGames)
The Aurorian (shiroroku)
Tickrate Changer (Guichaguri)
UniDict (WanionCane)
Worley’s Caves (super_fluke)
xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (TeamDman)
/dank/null (TheRealp455w0rd)
A Lib (al132)
Actually Additions (Ellpeck)
Additional Structures (XxRexRaptorxX)
Admin Weapons (elias54_)
Advent of Ascension (Scimiguy)
AE2 Stuff (started)
AE2 Wireless Terminal Library (TheRealp455w0rd)
Aether Continuation (XaeronTheProtogen)
Aether: Lost Content (Modding Legacy)
Akashic Tome (Vazkii)
Animus (TeamDman)
Antique Atlas (Hunternif)
Apotheosis (Shadows_of_Fire)
AppleCore (squeek502)
AppleSkin (squeek502)
Applied Energistics 2 (AlgorithmX2)
Armory Expansion (AshuraNoYami)
Aroma1997Core (Aroma1997)
AromaBackup (Aroma1997)
Astral Sorcery (HellFirePvP)
AutoRegLib (Vazkii)
Greed 1.1x (brandon3055)
Baubles (Azanor13)
BdLib (started)
Better Builder’s Wands (Portablejim)
BetterFps (Guichaguri)
Biome O’ Plenty (Forstride)
BiomeTweaker (superckl)
Blood Arsenal (Arcaratus)
Blood Magic (WayofTime)
Bookshelf (DarkhaxDev)
Botanic Additions (Zeitheron)
Bountiful (Forge) (ejektaflex)
Building Gadgets (Direwolf20)
Chance Cubes (TurkeyDev)
Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (covers1624)
Chickens (setycz)
Chisel (tterrag1098)
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (covers1624)
CoFH Core (TeamCoFH)
CoFH World (TeamCoFH)
CompactStorage (tobyystrong)
ConnectedTexturesMod (tterrag1098)
Construct’s Armory (TheIllusiveC4)
ContentTweaker (Jaredlll08)
Controlling (Jaredlll08)
Wearable Backpacks (HeckinChloe)
CoroUtil (Corosus)
Crafting Tweaks (BlayTheNinth)
Crimson Revelations (mobiusflip)
Dark Utilities (DarkhaxDev)
Doggy Talents (percivalalb)
Draconic Additions (FoxMcloud5655)
Dungeons2 (gottsch)
Electroblob’s Twilight Forest Spell Pack (Electroblob)
Enchantment Descriptions (DarkhaxDev)
Ender Storage 1.8.+ (covers1624)
Energy Converters (xalcon)
Extra Alchemy (zabi94)
Extra Spells (Electroblob’s Wizardry) (meldexun)
Extra Utilities ()
ExtraCells2 ()
Farseek (delvr)
FastFurnace (Shadows_of_Fire)
Forestry ()
Game Stages (DarkhaxDev)
Genindustry (started)
Genindustry JEI (ninjabrain1)
Ghost’s Explosives (ghostgamingpe)
GottschCore (gottsch)
Guide-API (TehNut)
GunpowderLib (Jackyy)
Hatchery (GenDeathrow)
HeroesExpansion (Lucraft)
Hwyla (TehNut)
ICBM-Classic (QueenOfMissiles)
Ice and Fire: Dragons (alex_khaan)
Industrial Foregoing (Buuz135)
Infinity Craft (AnvilcraftMC)
Integration Foregoing (Jackyy)
Inventory Tweaks (JimeoWan)
Iron Chests (ProgWML6)
JEI Bees (started)
JEI Integrations (SnowShock35)
JourneyMap (techbrew)
Just Enough Energistics (TheRealp455w0rd)
Just Enough Harvestcraft (mrapplexz)
Just Enough Items (mezz)
Just Enough Resources (way2muchnoise)
Lapis Stays in the Enchantment Table ()
LLibrary ()
Loot Games (Time_Conqueror)
LootBags (Mina_the_Engineer)
LootTableTweaker (DarkhaxDev)
Lycanites Mobs (Lycanite)
Mantle (mDiyo)
Max Potion ID Extender (zabi94)
GalacticraftCore (Micdoodle)
MicDoodleCore (Micdoodle)
Minerva Library (zabi94)
Moar Tinkers (AshuraNoYami)
More Bees (Tencao)
More Chickens (GenDeathrow)
More Overlays (FeldiM245)
Morpheus (Quetzi)
Mouse Tweaks (YaLTeR)
Mowzie’s Mobs (bobmowzie)
MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod (MrCrayfish)
Multi Mob Library (Daveyx0)
Natura (mDiyo)
Nature’s Compass (Chaosyr)
NotEnoughIDs (fewizz_)
OMLib (Keridos)
Open Modular Turrets (Keridos)
OpenBlocks (OpenMods)
OpenModsLib (OpenMods)
Ordinary Coins (flametaichou)
Ore Excavation (Funwayguy)
p455w0rd’s Library (TheRealp455w0rd)
Pam’s Breadcraft (quackandcheese)
Pam’s Cookables (BloodWorkXGaming)
Pam’s HarvestCraft (pamharvestcraft)
Performant (someaddon)
Phosphor (jellysquid3)
Placebo (Shadows_of_Fire)
PlayerAPI (doch13_)
Portal Gun (ohaiiChun)
Primitive Mobs (Daveyx0)
Project Intelligence (brandon3055)
Quark (Vazkii)
Quark Oddities (Vazkii)
RandomPatches (TheRandomLabs)
Redstone Arsenal (TeamCoFH)
Redstone Flux (TeamCoFH)
xReliquary (P3pp3rF1y)
Roguelike Dungeons (Greymerk)
Roost (timrwood)
Serene Seasons (TheAdubbz)
Shadowfacts’ Forgelin (ShadowfactsDev)
Simple Generators (TeamKrypticLink)
Sit (bl4ckscor3)
Perhaps (TheRoBrit)
Sound Reloader (TheWhoAreYouPerson)
Special AI (FatherToast)
Speedster Heroes (Lucraft)
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (lordcazsius)
Star Tech, Man! (nictogen)
Straw Golem (Fradige95)
Streams (delvr)
Surge (DarkhaxDev)
SwingThroughGrass (exidex)
TAIGA (zkafaceTV)
TellMe (masady)
Thaumcraft (Azanor13)
Thaumic Inventory Scanning (BlayTheNinth)
Thaumic IF (Buuz135)
Thaumic Terminal (O_O)
The Fifth World (nictogen)
The Midnight (cipher_zero_x)
The Twilight Forest (Benimatic)
Thermal Cultivation (TeamCoFH)
Thermal Dynamics (TeamCoFH)
Thermal Expansion (TeamCoFH)
Thermal Foundation (TeamCoFH)
Time Core (Time_Conqueror)
Tinkers Construct (mDiyo)
Tinkers’ Tool Leveling (bonus bonus)
Tiny Progressions (Kashdeya)
TNTUtils (ljfa2)
Treasure2! (gottsch)
Underground Biomes (Kreezxil)
ValkyrieLib (ValkyrieofNight)
VanillaFix (Runemoro)
Wall-Jump! (genandnic)
WanionLib (WanionCane)
Waystones (BlayTheNinth)
Weather2 (Corosus)
Wireless Crafting Terminal (TheRealp455w0rd)
XL Food Mod (mariot7)
ZenStages (artdude543)
Lycanite’s Redux (indominator650)
Wakanda Lucraft Add-on (Azinthos)
DFHeroes Lucraft Add-on (DuvainFeynorim)
Welcome to the Simi-Vanilla server that is The SeraVista SMP. Here you can make new friends, build, explore, and many more. You may also tp and rtp as well as collect heads buy special wepons and so much more. Come and join us!!
► Guns » Using CrackShot, we have over 40 Custom Guns including Tiers 1 through 5 weapons that can be found in chests, special CheatCode items than can be bought at our store or won in crates, and much more!
► Gangs » Create Gangs with your own custom name, invite your friends, sethomes, and more!
► Airdrops » Every 30 minutes, a plane flies over the city of Greenfield, dropping supplycrates! Crates are scattered around the map and contain anywhere from regular, to the best of the best of items!
► Crates » Keys can be found in airdrops or bought in our store! Different crates have different loot!
► Drugs » Our drugs is a unique feature that allows players to use specific “drugs” that will give them temporary effect.
Join us on discord for the latest updates on the server using! We hope to see you soon!
LifeStealSMP Server Fun Community With Base Raiding And MoreServerIP:
CraftyMature: Where even the creepers have more maturity than ‘femanon’
adult board, adult board u, CraftyMature, CREEPERS, femanon, femanon gtfo, gtfo, long trail, Maturity, SEVENTEEN, u look seventeenAre you tired of being told to GTFO because you look too young? Well, on our Minecraft server, we welcome all ages, even if you look seventeen but are actually a 90-year-old granny! Join us for some wild adventures and build your dream world where age is just a number and fun is endless. Plus, we have a secret underground club where only the oldest players are allowed – so get ready to party like it’s 1899! -
MineCrafty Saiyans: Dragon Ball Super Edition
action, Adventure, Anime, anyone else, Ball, don’t care, Dragon Ball franchise, Dragon Ball GT, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, Dragon.., Edition, Epic battles, fan favorite, Frieza, goku, Manga, minecrafty, peak, power levels, Saiyan, Saiyans, Super, Transformations, universe survival arc, VegetaWelcome to our Minecraft server, where the creepers are afraid of us and the diamonds beg to be mined by our players! This server is so lit, even Herobrine himself asked for an invite.Join us if you want to ride pigs into battle, build a house made entirely of TNT, or challenge the Ender Dragon to a dance-off. Our community is so epic, we once held a virtual bake-off competition where the winner got a real-life golden apple delivered to their doorstep by a pack of wolves.
So why join our server? Because here, the only limit is your imagination… and maybe the occasional server crash caused by a herd of exploding sheep. But hey, that’s all part of the fun, right? So come on in and let’s craft some memories together!
Crafty McCraftface: Where creepers are just misunderstood pets
basement, Burglary, call for help, Caution, Crafty, CREEPERS, emergency, Get home, Hiding, Hiding Spot, home security, intruder, investigation, McCraftface, misunderstood, personal belongings, Pets, Police, Protection, rummaging, Safety, security measures, See picrel, theft, Valuables, VigilantAre you tired of boring old Minecraft servers where nothing exciting ever happens? Well, do we have the server for you! Picture this: you come home from a long day of mining and crafting, only to find a mysterious figure rummaging through your basement for valuables. What do you do? Join our server to find out! We promise you’ll never have a dull moment as you navigate through crazy scenarios like this one. Plus, who knows what other wacky adventures await you in our world? So what are you waiting for? Join now and let the madness begin! -
Pole-landia: Where we embrace our inner Polack and build epic shit together!
#defeatrusskies, #dumbcountry, #dumbpoliticians, #FuckPoland, #outoftheirminds, #populationcomparison, #russkies, #warinRussia, aggression, Bloodshed, BUILD, Conflict, Diplomacy, Embrace, Epic, nationalism, Peace, Peaceful, Polack, Poland, Pole, Polelandia, politicians, russia, Shit, WarAre you tired of all the political drama and war talk? Come join our Minecraft server where the only battles you’ll be fighting are against creepers and zombies! Our server is a peaceful haven away from all the chaos of the real world.Forget about Poland and Russia, come build your own empire in our virtual world. No need to worry about politicians making questionable decisions, the only decisions you’ll be making are what block to place next.
Join us and escape the madness of the real world. Build, explore, and have a blast with our friendly community of players. Who needs war when you have a diamond sword and a trusty pickaxe? So what are you waiting for? Join our server now and leave the politics behind!