abn videos Minecraft Servers

2024 Best abn videos New Minecraft Servers

  • Supreme Obsidian

    Supreme Obsidian

    Faction PVP / NON-PVP / MCMMO / MyPets / Economy / Plugins / Custom / Active Staff and more! Did I mention that these plugins are all in one world? Yup! You heard it, and not to mention. We’ll be adding loads of mini games soon enough!

    Server IP SupremeObsidian.net

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Cydonia


    We are a team of dedicated players, both survival and creative, who are working to give you the best Minecraft experience available!

    We offer both survival and creative. Some of our staff and players have already created some wonderful towns in our survival world to explore and enjoy. However, the world is massive, and there is plenty of room to explore and choose your own path.

    Server IP cydonia.cc

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Cobblemon azalea

    Cobblemon azalea
    Server IP: play.cobblemonazalea.com
    Server IP play.cobblemonazalea.com

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • ESY Network

    ESY Network

    Ember Syndicate is a multi gaming network which provides 6+ different game servers and communities.

    One of our servers is our EmberCraft Towny server. This server combines Towny with plugins like Slimefun, McMmo, Crazy Enchantments and more!

    Join today at with our dedicated ip across all of our servers! mc.embersyndicate.com

    Join our Discord with this link! https://discord.gg/hjYytSv

    To learn more about our group, go to: www.embersyndicate.com

    Server IP mc.embersyndicate.com

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • LuxMC


    This server is a custom mad kitPvP server with many other features such as Tntrun Custom parkour and many other things such as crates , Kits , Ranks , Commands and much more. We always appreciate our players and thank you so much for the support .

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Tortuga Pirate Network

    Tortuga Pirate Network

    Tortuga Pirate Network is a small and growing community open to cracked and premium minecraft users 1.12 – 1.20..1 **MATURE PLAYERS ONLY PLEASE**


    Towny features: Movecraft, SlimeFun, PvP, and more! Lots of NPCs and Mobs! Towny War done the RIGHT way! MiniGames: TheLab: over 15 minigames MineChess: 2 player chess in Minecraft Duels: 1v1 inside arenas with kits

    Server IP TPNet.minecraft.pe

    New Minecraft Server
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  • mlg-fortress


    This server is multiple things! Prisons, Minigames, Survival, Bending AND MORE! Join now and have fuuuuunnn. Capture Points around the survival world for your clan to claim!

    Server IP mlg.robomwm.com

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Airstrike mc

    Airstrike mc


    Server IP mumbai1.lunarhostings.com:19192

    New Minecraft Server
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  • EmberRealms


    Ember Realms is a 1.16.3 survival server. The core components of the server are ‘bending,’ which is a player versus player (PvP) mode, and Guilds, which is a cooperative protection plugin.

    We also have AdvancedEnchantments, Jobs, mcMMO, a creative world, a player shop world, ranks, and prestiges. Come join us!

    Server IP mc.emberrealms.com

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Dragon Era Towny

    Dragon Era Towny

    Dragon Era Towny is a new survival server offering Towny. We might be new, but having run servers for a long time, our team knows what we’re doing. Being one of the fastest growing Towny servers with awesome plugins. We are constantly striving to become the best, and most unique server out there. We have a lot to offer you!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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