New Minecraft Servers
13. Social Change and Reform Minecraft Servers

13. Social Change and Reform

  • Crafting Freedom: Block the Government!

    Crafting Freedom: Block the Government!

    New Minecraft Servers

    🎉 Welcome to the most ridiculously entertaining Minecraft server of all time! 🎉

    🚀 Are you tired of boring old survival gameplay? Want to join an entirely new government system built by block-loving citizens? Then grab your pickaxe and prepare for a wild ride because we’ve got some outrageous reasons to join our pixelated paradise!

    🦄 First off, here, you have the divine right to claim a throne made of diamond and govern your very own kingdom of majestic unicorns! In fact, if you build a castle without at least 47 turrets, a dragon named Gerald will definitely show up to challenge your authority in a game of musical chairs. (Spoiler: no one ever wins.)

    ✨ Ever wanted to lead an army of zombies against an oppressive regime of diamond-clad villagers? Well, guess what? The zombies here have unionized! They demand better conditions, like being able to express themselves through interpretive dance instead of just shambling toward you mindlessly. Join now; after all, who wouldn’t want to negotiate a peace treaty over a plate of enchanted cooked porkchop?!

    🌍 Looking to make a statement in the current political climate of blocky chaos? How about crafting a waffle-powered airship to fly around and declare yourself the Supreme Leader of the Server? With our patented Waffle Cannon, you can launch delectable breakfast cuisine at the enemies of freedom while simultaneously hosting an all-you-can-eat brunch party. Need more recruits? Just dangle a buttered stack of pancakes over the edge—people will flock to your cause!

    🎈 But wait! There’s MORE! Join our server and you’ll witness the most spectacular phenomenon: Creepers are organizing a resistance against the oppression of players! Will you #CreeperRights become the slogan of the day? Who knew that the secret to building unity in Minecraft was to hold a “Creeper Commotion” and just blow it all up? Literally.

    🌌 And don’t even get us started on the time we accidentally summoned Steve from the alternate dimension who claims he’s the rightful ruler of all sand blocks, only to find out he just wanted to play karaoke with a herd of sheep. Spoiler alert: It turned into an epic sing-off, and everyone ended up dancing on top of a giant cactus. 🌵

    ✨ Join us now in this epic Minecraft government experiment where chaos is king, waffles rule, and every block tells an outrageous story. We promise you’ll leave with more tales than all the sheep on this server combined! 🐑💥

    So what are you waiting for? The uprising of the blocks begins with YOU!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Block Worlds

    Block Worlds

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to BlockWorlds! We are a long running public Minecraft server. Here are a few reasons to join us:

    – Still in service after over 10 years. We started in early 2012 and have no plans to quit any time soon. – Talented staff of developers and server admins. We have our own custom plugins and personalized configurations for the various public plugins we use. – Friendly community. Great place to meet and play together with others in a tight knit group. – 100% EULA compliant with a focus on providing the best Minecraft experience possible for players. – Constantly working on improving the server and adding more features.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • LegatyCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to us!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • InsaneRaids


    New Minecraft Servers

    INSANERAIDS is a Spanish-speaking NON-PREMIUM Factions server that you can raid other Factions and that is why we have made it so that TNT can break any block, including obsidian.

    Seeing that these versions of Force 2 are very op, we have decided to make this server with the potion system from version 1.5.2, where the fights were long-lasting and fun.

    Top server stuff: Spawners, Lottery, Auctions, PvP, Economy, CustomPlugins, 24/7, Factions

    WEB page:

    Server IP:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MzCraft Server

    MzCraft Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    MzCraft Server

    New Minecraft Server
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  • House Of Bending

    House Of Bending

    New Minecraft Servers

    House Of Bending When on House Of Bending (HoB) you can: Fight in 2 custom arenas (BattleGrounds 1 and 2)! Practice in our custom training arena! Have fun in our Parkours! We have 4 different ones (Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme)! Participate in our events! One of them is our weekly event: Lord Fights! Play survival (Factions)! Change elements freely, without cooldown! Join our website and discord for maximum experience!

    Server ip: Make sure you join our discord!

    minecraft bending server minecraft avatar server

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Morningside Minecraft

    Morningside Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    Morningside Minecraft Minecraft Server

    New Minecraft Server
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  • EcoCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    EcoCraft was made by 3 players who love playing the economy game. We are looking for more mature people who enjoy playing with the mechanics of Minecraft. Join the server today at and take a look at out spawn area for more info. Visit our website at

    New Minecraft Server
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  • InfernoCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    InfernoCraft is a Factions, PlotMe, PvP, Survival, and Mini-Games server. We have helpful and (most of the time) appropriate staff, and one excited owner. We have also have lots of helpful plugins including PlotMe, Factions, and Multiverse.

    We have different donation ranks including: -Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Bonus Donations are very important and I love my donors! They help keep my server up, and get perks, just my donating a few bucks 🙂

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MinecraftPlanetEarth


    New Minecraft Servers

    In a world where all civilizations have faded. The higher powers have given humans one last chance to create the perfect world, free of pollution and death. Spawn in the centre of England in a mighty kingdom, built by the first of a new race of humans. Build basic planes, and fly to your destination, using the dynamic map to track your progress. Build a great town, grow your nation into a kingdom and conquer the world. Tame pets. Build impressive movecrafts. Become wise with the Slimefun plugin. Create vaccines for the deadly diseases that roam in the jungles and deserts. All this, and much, much more on Minecraft Planet Earth Can you survive? MinecraftPlanetEarth features a 1:1500 replica of Earth. It is set in a modern era with guns, pets, planes, ships, and many more features. We feature a great and active community with many different events and lots of fun features for everyone.


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  • KTA (KrypticTechAdventure)

    KTA (KrypticTechAdventure)

    New Minecraft Servers

    Come Check Out The Server Pixelmon. Great Community, Great Staff, And Lots Of Fun Events. Come Join Today KrypticTechAdventure

    New Minecraft Server
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