マイクラ 大豆 Minecraft Servers

2024 Best マイクラ 大豆 New Minecraft Servers

  • Pokelon


    IP: Pokelon.com Pixelmon 4.2.6 (Soon 4.2.7)

    Free shiny of a new players choice, we have friendly staff, and players that are always willing to help. We also have: – LandClaiming – WonderTrade – Custom Builds – Soon NPC Gyms

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  • Castles World

    Castles World

    A place for those who want to play a Castles themed Server. MCMMO, Towny, Economy, PvP. Made this server after two years of playing on a server that just shut down with no good reason. The rules are very minimal and very life like. Just like real life medieval times.

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  • FlipsideMC Network

    FlipsideMC Network

    Server IP mc.flipsidemc.com

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  • SCI


    The SCI Network owned and Co-Owned by 34486 and Airless(flightair). – The remaining server of the Legendary RuneCraft owned by SitaruRadu from 2010/2011 — 2015.


    Server IP sci.us.to

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  • Hu3Server


    Plugins (48): HackedCore, JDALibLoaderBukkit, Safebed, PlaceholderAPI, PlugMan, PEXChat, PortalBlockerFree, AntiWorldFly, BestTools, Votifier, VoidSpawn, ProtocolLib, AdvancedPortals, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, AutoRestart, sleep-most, PermissionsEx, InfiniteScoreboard, HorseTpWithMe, Vault, MyCommand, WorldEdit, SilkySpawnersLITE, Essentials, HackedServer, Elevator, Multiverse-Core, WorldGuard, Vote, SimpleClans, EssentialsChat, DeluxeMenus, CrazyAuctions, EssentialsGeoIP, TAB, PlayerVaults, mcMMO, BeastWithdraw, GriefPrevention, EssentialsSpawn, MyPet, ChestShop, Skript, HeadsPlus, UltimateChat, DiscordSRV, AutoPickup, BetterRTP

    Server IP hu3.net.br

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  • The Dark Plague Network

    The Dark Plague Network

    Welcome to The Dark Plague Network where we strive to give you the best and most fun competitive experience as possible. Our server features many different aspects of both regular Minecraft and Pixelmon including survival, player and npc gyms, events, as well as loads of other things we are constantly working on to implement for you including a unique rating system to help keep track of your overall competitive rating while you play on the server. To learn more about everything involving our server please visit our website at darkplaguenet.enjin.com and keep checking in for new updates and developments.

    Features: Legendary spawn, 8 NPC and 8 Player ran gyms, 4 NPC and 4 Player ran Elite Four, Ranks, Events, Give aways, Tournaments, and many many more. (constantly updating and being improved.)


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  • MurphyCraft


    A small, peaceful vanilla server, here you can build a nice house and have fun.

    The world is regularly backed up so we are prepared for any surprises. Our admins are also happy to help you protect your area so that only you can build there.

    We look forward to your visit, just stop by.

    Server IP glowingghost.de

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  • Box of Rocks

    Box of Rocks

    Box of Rocks a Dedicated Server Featuring Survival game play. Free Fly, Crate Keys, Grief Prevention, McMMO, Jobs, Discord, Economy, Trivia, Auction House, Safari Eggs, Elevators, RTP, Warps, and more.

    Build Competitions Events, Drop Parties, Rewards, and Loot Chests.

    Very knowledgeable and helpful staff.

    Server IP boxofrocks.net

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  • Diversion Network

    Diversion Network

    Diversion Network The Diversion Network is looking for nice players who are ready to start a new experience in an amazing community. With custom plugins and builds, its certain you will discover stuff you have not seen before.

    play.diversionmc.net 1.8 – 1.16 MiniGames (1.12.2 Recommended!)

    « Games » Our games are made to be really original, fun and competitive. There is no advantages over others in gameplay, it is all limited by your skills. All our games are created with custom plugins. Our games are either unseen on other servers or have a pleasant twist.

    Discord: https://diversionmc.net/discord Website: https://diversionmc.net Donations: https://store.diversionmc.net

    Server IP play.diversionmc.net

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  • GreenBlock network

    GreenBlock network

    Hello and welcome to the Green Block Network. Here we have awesome and dedicated staff and we are trying to create a good community of minecraft players. This server is currently in beta so they may be bugs here and there. We are currently working on creating this server and we have some gamemode that are almost finished and could use some beta testing. This server is awesome and upcoming as it will be using some custom plugins and really good maps. This server works on version 1.9.4 of minecraft. Thanks for reading this – Terra K Gaming

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