New Minecraft Servers
Players: 90/400 Votes: 6212
Rating: 4.2 / 5
Spontaneous Duels Fought: 10 Dragon Eggs Hatched: 2
Void Armor Forged: 27 Voidwalker Blades Crafted: 6
Chaos Emeralds Discovered: 5 Cozy Campfires Lit: 7
Parallel Universes Unraveled: 2 Necronomicon Pages Collected: 4
Forbidden Grimoires Read: 1 Haunted Chests Opened: 3
Dimension Hops: 5 Eternal Flames Captured: 8
Inescapable Mazes Solved: 4 Royal Decrees Issued: 1

New Minecraft Servers

Are mobs taking over your country? Are creepers blowing up your house and skeletons shooting arrows at you left and right? Fear not, for our Minecraft SMP is the safest haven you’ll ever find! Our server is protected by an army of diamond-clad warriors who will stop at nothing to keep you safe. Join us and never worry about getting ganked by a zombie again! Plus, rumor has it that our server is built on a bedrock foundation, so even the most determined griefers won’t be able to break in. So come on over and join us for a peaceful and secure Minecraft experience like no other!

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  • MC Legion

    MC Legion
    Players: 90/100 Votes: 9019
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Animals Bred: 41 Legendary Items Repaired: 7
    Unbreakable Curses Broken: 1 Phantom Ships Sailed: 5
    Phantom Knights Defeated: 3 Duplicated Mobs Battled: 5
    Paranormal Events Investigated: 4 Witch’s Brew Drunk: 14
    Bizarre Potions Brewed: 8 Cursed Taverns Survived: 1
    Forbidden Relics Collected: 5 Endless Minecart Rides Taken: 3
    Endless Legions Commanded: 27 Orbs of Power Found: 9

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to the first Minecraft Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). Come play as one of 17 legends to defeat the enemies and climb the ranks. Collect all of the characters complete quests and show off your cool cosmetics!

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    Players: 93/100 Votes: 2617
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 4 Unsolvable Puzzles Solved: 5
    Corrupted Trees Chopped: 5 Mines Excavated: 1777
    Cursed Diamonds Mined: 2 Celestial Events Witnessed: 2
    Astral Mages Summoned: 4 Reality Warps Survived: 1
    Falling into the Void: 1 Ancient Dragons Awakened: 0
    Heroic Deeds Celebrated: 4 Vampire Cloaks Sewn: 3
    Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 2 World-Altering Spells Cast: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to! Are you tired of big servers that don’t let you have any fun? Do you like engaging with a fun and friendly community? Well check us out With Survival at the core of our gameplay You’ll love the easy experience! We offer a SMP playstyle mixed with Mcmmo to bring skills to Minecraft and Towny to claim land and build a great city. We offer the freedom to do as you wish! CROSSPLATFORM JAVA + BEDROCK PORT 25565*Difficulty Hard *Leveled Mobs to increase difficulty of mobs fairly *Mcmmo Gain skills and abilities to aid you in your survival experience *Marriage Gain perks and boosts for being near your significant other *Much More!

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  • Infuse SMP Public

    Infuse SMP Public
    Players: 109/800 Votes: 2881
    Rating: 4.8 / 5
    Unholy Rituals Interrupted: 2 Shadow Daggers Crafted: 21
    Celestial Gardens Planted: 5 Celestial Crowns Worn: 1
    Phantom Horses Ridden: 4 Infinite Knowledge Scrolls Discovered: 4
    Enchanted Forests Planted: 7 Mystic Runes Engraved: 2
    Epic Bosses Defeated: 5 Cosmic Hamsters Found: 3
    Interstellar Fungi Gathered: 2 Mimic Chests Discovered: 5
    Inverted Worlds Discovered: 1 Mythical Quests Completed: 24

    New Minecraft Servers

    Infuse SMP PublicA Public SMP server with the Infuse SMP plugin. Hosted by the members of the official Infuse SMP.An active, semi-anarchy Survival experience!Discord:

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  • L1feStee1

    Players: 93/700 Votes: 2329
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Haunted Chests Opened: 10 Magical Frogs Kissed: 1
    Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 158 Glorious Feasts Held: 11
    Vanishing Structures Built: 2 Chaos Gates Opened: 1
    New Chunks Explored: 805208 Soulbound Rings Equipped: 13
    Ancient Guardians Awoken: 1 Ghost Trains Ridden: 1
    Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 1 Frozen Fortresses Conquered: 5
    Shadow Daggers Crafted: 21 Astral Orbs Gathered: 18

    New Minecraft Servers

    L1feStee1 is a LifeSteal SMP with /dupe! You can duplicate your items using /dupe! There is no limit!

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  • Thundermine.Net

    Players: 105/400 Votes: 6253
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Dimension-Hopping Bunnies Found: 1 Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 22
    Cursed Amulets Found: 0 Magical Frogs Kissed: 7
    Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 3 Zeus’s Thunderbolts Captured: 1
    Gnome Villages Protected: 3 Invisible Walls Found: 1
    Heroic Legacies Created: 5 Cursed Villages Purged: 1
    Unseen Monsters Slain: 4 Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 1
    Warrior Spirits Summoned: 11 Wailing Winds Heard: 3

    New Minecraft Servers – Survival – 1.19 – Balanced Economy – Daily Events – Quests Thundermine is a survival Minecraft server offering a player driven economy encouraging buy sell trade with other players. For a better experience, the server offers grief protection to prevent griefing/raiding by other players, enabling you to be creative and show off your build skills with the community. East. 2012

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  • KeyCraft RP

    KeyCraft RP
    Players: 107/300 Votes: 4423
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Leprechaun Gold Stolen: 4 Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 2
    Gryphons Tamed: 1 Astral Projections Made: 2
    Wilderness Tamed: 17 Mystical Artifacts Crafted: 18
    Eclipse Rings Activated: 3 Corrupted Trees Chopped: 1
    Gods Slained: 1 Unholy Rituals Interrupted: 2
    Endermen Teleportation Errors: 2 Legendary Heroes Trained: 2
    Time Loop Anomalies Resolved: 2 Cursed Swords Broken: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    KeyCraft is the ultimate Roleplay experience in Minecraft. Set in the fantasy world of Omnia, KeyCraft offers a unique spin on text-based roleplay with our extensive and ever-growing lore! We have multiple cities filled with tons of races and cultures for players to be apart of! Participate in events, create your own group or guild, perhaps even just enjoy the simple life as a farmer! You can do it all here, and we’re open to anyone 13+ !Key Features A Proximity-Based Text RP plugin that allows you to talk, emote, and more as your own character! Even your character’s name will appear above your head and in the Tablist for added immersion! Delve into dungeons, explore ruins, and even partake in Quests! Participate in our extremely active Discord to post in-character ads, organize a Group or Guild, or even just look for someone to chat with! Our Discord is beginner friendly and even includes a section just for artists! Immerse yourself in our handcrafted lore, including Vampires, Sorcerers, and even Plant People, we have it all! KeyCraft prides itself on being a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community, allowing anyone and everyone regardless of their identity to play as long as they follow our rules! Your character can even reflect your identity!

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  • Lifestealed

    Players: 92/800 Votes: 2032
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Dragonkin Hatched: 5 Holy Grails Found: 1
    Potions Brewed: 45 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 8
    Divine Relics Bestowed: 11 Forbidden Relics Collected: 4
    Parallel Universes Unraveled: 0 Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 3
    Reality Distortions Fixed: 3 Duplicated Mobs Battled: 5
    Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 128 Epic Shields Constructed: 12
    Phantom Blocks Placed: 4 Pirate Ships Captured: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    LIFESTEALED REMASTERED – Max Hearts: 50 – Min Hearts: 1 – Difficulty: HardLifestealed is a small but active community. Kill player’s and steal health points from one another. With a maximum heart count of 50, it seems that you’ll be undefeatable.We have custom enchants, items, and OP Loot that can be obtained from crates, so you can feel like you’re the strongest in the server!With a custom boss adding an additional challenge, you’ll be able to get the best armor in the game!

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  • VanillaCraft

    Players: 95/500 Votes: 9265
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Quantum Bards Serenaded: 5 Ghost Miner’s Tools Found: 5
    Mystic Runes Engraved: 4 Endermen Teleportation Errors: 1
    Cursed Scrolls Read: 1 Nether Portals Gone Wrong: 2
    Ether Blades Crafted: 15 Magical Beanstalks Grown: 4
    Phantom Blocks Placed: 10 Dimension-Hopping Bunnies Found: 5
    Cursed Swords Broken: 2 Celestial Crowns Worn: 2
    Unbreakable Curses Broken: 2 Forbidden Relics Collected: 1

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  • Aesir Mc

    Aesir Mc
    Players: 107/400 Votes: 2426
    Rating: 4.0 / 5
    Dragonkin Hatched: 3 Villages Defended: 5
    Time Loop Anomalies Resolved: 3 Infinite Doors Opened: 2
    Soul Contracts Signed: 1 Epic Shields Constructed: 18
    Royal Courts Attended: 4 Pirate Ships Raided: 3
    Storm Giants Negotiated With: 2 Chimeras Created: 4
    Wailing Winds Heard: 2 Heroic Legacies Created: 2
    Fairy Circles Danced In: 12 Eerie Music Discs Played: 6

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  • TheCrib

    Players: 93/500 Votes: 5678
    Rating: 4.8 / 5
    Heroic Legacies Created: 5 Warlock Pacts Sealed: 1
    Moonlit Rituals Performed: 1 Inverted Worlds Discovered: 1
    Mimic Chests Discovered: 5 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 5
    Unique Catgirls Spotted: 8 Infinity Gauntlets Forged: 1
    Secret Guilds Joined: 5 Haunted Mines Explored: 3
    Tesseract Cubes Discovered: 1 Magic Crystals Found: 6
    Meteorite Armor Created: 21 Elemental Crystals Collected: 62

    New Minecraft Servers

    TheCrib is a 1.20 Survival/SMP Minecraft server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server is currently available to join on all the major versions, which includes versions 1.7 to 1.20.

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  • Fire Crusades

    Fire Crusades
    Players: 109/800 Votes: 5289
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Unbreakable Chains Forged: 2 Blood-Forged Axes Created: 12
    Pirate Ships Captured: 2 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 15
    Phantom Horses Ridden: 3 Evil Lairs Raided: 8
    Shadow Daggers Crafted: 13 Secret Guilds Joined: 3
    Forbidden Grimoires Read: 6 Wailing Winds Heard: 1
    Godly Talismans Bestowed: 15 Towns Built: 6
    Demon Skulls Collected: 18 Astral Mages Summoned: 4

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  • JonGames – Survival Land Claim

    JonGames – Survival Land Claim
    Players: 95/400 Votes: 618
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Enchanted Armories Found: 7 Haunted Mirrors Gazed Into: 4
    Storm Giants Negotiated With: 1 Talking Trees Consulted: 1
    Witch’s Brew Drunk: 15 Duplicated Mobs Battled: 5
    Twisted Realms Survived: 1 Unseen Monsters Slain: 7
    Ancient Ruins Explored: 4 Dragon Scales Harvested: 431
    Arcane Towers Raised: 1 Forbidden Relics Collected: 10
    Infinity Stones Found: 6 Nightmare Scenarios Survived: 3

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  • Light

    Players: 103/900 Votes: 5373
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Starry Nights Enjoyed: 45 Farms Harvested: 865
    Quantum Bards Serenaded: 2 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 6
    Celestial Events Witnessed: 5 Eternal Flames Captured: 8
    Dragons Adopted as Pets: 4 Magical Familiars Summoned: 1
    Astral Orbs Gathered: 20 Legendary Armor Sets Assembled: 23
    Villages Defended: 10 Dragons Tamed: 3
    Phantom Blocks Placed: 3 Mystical Artifacts Crafted: 12

    New Minecraft Servers

    Light Network is an economy survival server. We offer a range of features for players to enjoy whilst sticking to the vanilla-esk of the game. Survival has land claiming, free ranks, reward crates, quests, silk spawners and more! Connect to the server today to start your adventure!

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  • Secure Heaven

    Secure Heaven
    Players: 91/1000 Votes: 396
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Secret Passages Found: 8 Cuddly Creatures Pet: 31
    Cursed Biomes Uncovered: 3 Lunar Eclipses Witnessed: 2
    Magical Familiars Summoned: 3 Pirate Ships Captured: 3
    Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 3 Divine Relics Bestowed: 7
    Celestial Events Witnessed: 4 Ether Blades Crafted: 7
    Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 2 Divine Scrolls Written: 6
    Glitched Entities Encountered: 1 Shattered Realms Restored: 0

    New Minecraft Servers

    Explore, destroy Demons and build your dream home.IP: (Java)Discord: Website: How to enter: you still have doubts? she continues reading: • Customizable home, with reinvented protection measures • We have a Passion for Survival • Weddings, Alcohol, Jobs, PvEStop by the server and leave us your opinion!

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  • Friends In Game

    Friends In Game
    Players: 96/200 Votes: 9735
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Chaos Gates Opened: 0 Dragon Eggs Found: 7575
    Lost Cities Unearthed: 1 Enchanted Teapots Collected: 8
    Inverted Worlds Discovered: 0 Legendary Titles Earned: 2
    Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 3 Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 17
    Magic Wands Crafted: 13 Chaos Orbs Controlled: 18
    Divine Scrolls Written: 8 Cursed Villages Purged: 2
    Legendary Heroes Trained: 4 Hidden Villages Discovered: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    The Amici In Game Community is pleased to present its new server: FRIENDS IN GAME: The server was created with the aim of giving Minecraft enthusiasts already present on our official DISCORD a place where they can all play together, in harmony and serenity! A place to have fun with “Friends” in an almost familiar atmosphere… The server we offer uses plugins to protect all server constructions from any grief and/or other problems that could destroy or damage the work of the players on the server… In addition to the simple Pure Vanilla, we also offer some minigames (For now only BedWars, but there will be others in the future ;)) If I have intrigued you, I invite you to join us on the SERVER! (for various reasons, the server will NOT remain open constantly… Furthermore, in order to enter you must first enter our DISCORD SERVER so that you can be added to the white list)

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