Kojima’s Votoms: LOL Edition – A Minecraft Server for Metal Gear and Death Stranding Fans!

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Kojima’s Votoms: LOL Edition – A Minecraft Server for Metal Gear and Death Stranding Fans!

Are you tired of the same old boring Minecraft servers? Looking for a place where you can unleash your inner military otaku? Look no further, because our server is the ultimate destination for all your sci-fi military needs!

Join us and experience a world where Minecraft meets Votoms meets Metal Gear meets Death Stranding meets… well, everything else you can think of! Our server is like a crazy mashup of all your favorite otaku games, with a sprinkle of insanity on top.

Picture this: you’re cruising through the virtual world in your custom-built mecha, blasting creepers and zombies with your high-tech weapons. Suddenly, Hideo Kojima himself appears in the game, offering you a quest to save the world from an alien invasion. And guess what? You get to ride on a giant Death Stranding baby to battle the extraterrestrial threat!

So why wait? Join our server now and immerse yourself in a world where anything is possible, and the only limit is your imagination (and maybe the server’s RAM, but who cares about that?) Let’s get ready to rumble, otaku style!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY