Just a Bucket of Fun! SMP with McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, and SkyBlock

Minecraft Server Updated

Just a Bucket of Fun! SMP with McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, and SkyBlock

Minecraft Server Overview

Server Just Bucket
Features SMP, Skyblock, Economy, Jobs, Fishing Tournaments, Ranks, Discord, active community
IP Java Edition: JustBucket.Minecraft.BestBedrock Edition: JustBucket.Minecraft.Best Port 25566


What plugins are available on the server?

The plugins on this semi vanilla server include Vein-Miner, MCMMO, Custom Crafting, Dynmap, GriefPrevention, and Timber, among others.

Is the server griefer-free?

Yes, the plugins are designed to provide a griefer-free and streamlined friendly community experience.

How can I join the Discord community?

You can join the active community on Discord using the following link: https://discord.gg/uMkz8wdqSP

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