Welcome to our amazing Minecraft server where the only rule is: “Would you suck it?” Why should you join our server, you ask? Well, let me tell you some insane reasons!

– Our server is hosted on a potato-powered computer, giving you the ultimate challenge of playing Minecraft in slow motion. Can you survive the lag? – We have a secret underground base filled with dancing llamas and disco sheep. Who wouldn’t want to party with these funky animals? – Our admin team consists of actual aliens who communicate through interpretive dance. Don’t worry, they’re friendly… we think. – The only way to earn diamonds on our server is by engaging in intense dance battles with other players. Get your groove on! – We have a secret treasure chest hidden somewhere in the world that contains the most coveted item of all… a golden toilet seat. Will you be the lucky player to find it?

New Minecraft Servers - Blocky Boobies Server

So, what are you waiting for? Join our server now and ask yourself the ultimate question: “Would you suck it?”

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY