XMC Minecraft Server Overview

  1. Proximity-based voice chat mod (optional)
  2. Webmap – https://map.xmcnet.work
  3. Various vanilla+ additions:
  4. Bedrock client support
  5. Experimental Features Enabled – Early access to the Crafter and Trial Chambers!
Server Specs and Performance
  • Processor: Ryzen 9 5950x
  • RAM: 10 Gigabytes
  • Location: New Jersey
Server Rules
  1. Be Mature
  2. Respect other server members
  3. No stealing or griefing
  4. No NSFW, racism/xenophobia/general hatred
  5. No mods that give an unfair advantage
  6. Inactivity


Question Answer
When will XMC officially open? XMC will officially open on Friday, May 24.
How can I apply to join the server? Join our Discord server and run the command “/apply” in any channel to receive the application form. Fill out the form and submit it. An admin will then review your application.
Are there any specific rules I need to follow on the server? Yes, there are several rules including being mature, respecting other members, no stealing or griefing, no inappropriate content, no unfair advantage mods, and notifying if you plan to be inactive for a period of time.
What server-side mods are used on XMC? XMC uses a variety of server-side mods to tweak things, but nothing that breaks vanilla compatibility. Everything that works on a vanilla server will work here.
Is there a testing server available for players? Yes, there is a testing server available for players to try out some builds before the official opening of XMC.
How can I access the webmap of the server? You can access the webmap of the server at https://map.xmcnet.work

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY