New Minecraft Servers
Players: 100/400 Votes: 5284
Rating: 4.6 / 5
Dark Rituals Completed: 1 Glitched Entities Encountered: 2
Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 0 Lost Cities Unearthed: 2
Phantom Horses Ridden: 1 Dungeon Sieges Launched: 9
Divine Relics Bestowed: 9 Gods Slained: 0
Glowing Eyes in the Dark: 1 Epic Shields Constructed: 28
Frozen Fortresses Conquered: 1 Void Armor Forged: 23
Cursed Villages Purged: 3 World-Altering Spells Cast: 2

New Minecraft Servers

The owner of the server “Vanilla” has not added a description yet. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

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  • Lotus Cove

    Lotus Cove
    Players: 95/600 Votes: 5999
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Arcane Secrets Unlocked: 22 Gnome Villages Protected: 5
    Gryphons Tamed: 1 Potions Brewed: 152
    Paranormal Events Investigated: 1 Mythical Quests Completed: 28
    Ender Chest Mysteries Uncovered: 4 Vanishing Items Found: 4
    Secret Guilds Joined: 2 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 4
    Hedge Mazes Navigated: 6 Cursed Statues Activated: 3
    Shadow Daggers Crafted: 18 Wishing Wells Wished Upon: 14

    New Minecraft Servers

    Come play MInecraft with us at Lotus Cove! We’re a Java server, 1.20.2 fairly new world, lots of unexplored places for you to build in! **server on hard **all are welcome! **Land claims **Public XP farm **Silk spawners **Player shops **Diamond economy **Player heads **Marriage Mart, Cosmetics— no griefing — no stealing from claimed land — no hacking — no toxic behavior

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  • camellot

    Players: 105/800 Votes: 6655
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    New Chunks Explored: 652255 Crystal Wands Charged: 12
    Forbidden Relics Collected: 6 Forbidden Doors Opened: 1
    Voidwalker Blades Crafted: 11 Cursed Biomes Uncovered: 7
    Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 1 Ancient Guardians Awoken: 1
    Mythical Beasts Vanquished: 4 Hedge Mazes Navigated: 7
    Dragon Scales Harvested: 187 Astral Amulets Crafted: 37
    Divine Relics Bestowed: 11 Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 59

    New Minecraft Servers

    Camellot CommunityWelcome to Camellot, a community with a nice team. Our server runs on version 1.20.1 and uses a minimum of plugins that do not affect the game too much. We are among the so-called Semi-Vanilla servers.What we offerBoth original and non-original Minecraft players can join. We offer you an active admin and moderator team, hourly and local backups using the CoreProtect plugin.Peace and relaxation playingWe are able to track down, punish and restore all damages to their original state, from the destruction of blocks, the theft of chests to the slaughtered animals. All this with a guarantee of two months from the expiry of the grief.

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  • LU7 Creative

    LU7 Creative
    Players: 98/300 Votes: 685
    Rating: 4.0 / 5
    Ancient Ruins Explored: 3 Pirate Ships Captured: 3
    Endermen Teleportation Errors: 0 Divine Spears Created: 22
    Dimension Hops: 10 Battle Standards Raised: 5
    Corrupted Trees Chopped: 4 Volcanoes Explored: 2
    Wilderness Tamed: 11 Void Gems Collected: 40
    Potions Brewed: 156 Endless Mazes Conquered: 2
    Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 187 Leprechaun Gold Stolen: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    Join LU7 Creative – Your Dream Minecraft Server!Why join LU7 Creative?> Unleash Your Creativity: No more pay-to-win nonsense! Build and create without limits on our unique, custom-made server!> Endless Plots: Start with a MASSIVE 300×300 plot, and when it’s full of wonders, get another one! No limit to your creativity! > Mind-Blowing WorldEdit: Enjoy (almost…) unrestricted access to WorldEdit commands with a generous 100,000 block change limit! > Everything’s FREE: No stores, no paywalls! All players have access to EVERYTHING without spending a cent!

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  • ValhallaMC

    Players: 98/400 Votes: 3603
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Chaos Emeralds Discovered: 7 Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 3
    Ghost Trains Ridden: 0 Glorious Feasts Held: 18
    Glowing Eyes in the Dark: 4 Titan Hearts Harvested: 2
    Void Gems Collected: 14 Ancient Ruins Explored: 1
    Ethereal Couriers Hired: 5 Legendary Armor Sets Assembled: 46
    Undead Armies Raised: 4 Mystery Villagers Spotted: 3
    Endless Mazes Conquered: 4 Emeralds Found: 6994

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  • The Nest SMP

    The Nest SMP
    Players: 96/400 Votes: 2140
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Royal Courts Attended: 3 Forbidden Grimoires Read: 1
    Evil Twin Fights: 2 Heroic Legacies Created: 5
    Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 2 Celestial Beings Befriended: 3
    Ancient Dragons Awakened: 3 Undead Armies Raised: 3
    Storm Giants Negotiated With: 1 Villages Defended: 10
    Spontaneous Duels Fought: 12 Enchanted Weapons Reforged: 9
    Mythical Swords Crafted: 37 Mythical Beasts Vanquished: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Looking for a welcoming oasis in the vast Minecraft universe? Look no further!Join The Nest SMP today and experience Minecraft at its finest—an inclusive and vibrant community that celebrates diversity and offers endless possibilities for every player.

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  • Franks PokePark

    Franks PokePark
    Players: 102/700 Votes: 4698
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Heroic Deeds Celebrated: 15 Evil Lairs Raided: 7
    Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 2 Dragon Eggs Found: 2511
    Horror Stories Survived: 1 Mystery Villagers Spotted: 5
    Corrupted Trees Chopped: 5 Magical Ponies Rescued: 6
    Blood-Forged Axes Created: 18 Zeus’s Thunderbolts Captured: 2
    Cosmic Pies Baked: 10 Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 22
    Necronomicon Pages Collected: 2 Lost Cities Unearthed: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to Frank’s PokéPark, a Cobblemon SMP. We offer custom ranks, exciting weekly tournaments, a friendly community, and much more. Our pride lies in involving our community in every aspect of the game and beyond, ensuring that you have a memorable experience. We are proud to be a free-to-play server that never compromises on fairness by adopting a pay-to-win model. Come join us at Frank’s PokéPark, where your opinion matters and your enjoyment is our top priority.

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  • Lotus Network

    Lotus Network
    Players: 101/900 Votes: 3687
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Gnome Villages Protected: 3 Alien Abductions: 3
    Vanishing Items Found: 4 Epic Mounts Acquired: 8
    Battle Standards Raised: 13 Enchanted Teapots Collected: 9
    Dragons Tamed: 1 Glowing Eyes in the Dark: 5
    World-Altering Spells Cast: 1 Infinity Stones Found: 5
    Elemental Crystals Collected: 34 Mystery Villagers Spotted: 5
    Cursed Diamonds Mined: 1 Haunted Strongholds Conquered: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to Lotus Minecraft. Lotus is a gaming community where everyone can join and play games with each other and make new friends. Chat with them, play games together and much more. Lotus Minecraft server is hosted for everyone to have fun together in Minecraft. This community is an Indian community but other countries are always welcome too.About Lotus Minecraft Server Lotus Minecraft server is a survival server with lots of custom features. We got SlimeFun, mcMMO, Custom Enchants and many more custom fun features which will enhance your survival multiplayer experience. We got different Game Modes like, Bedwars, minigames, skyblock etc. More features, coming soon.

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  • ApexPvP

    Players: 90/500 Votes: 511
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Haunted Mirrors Gazed Into: 1 Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 19
    Lost Souls Rescued: 1 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 32
    Potions Brewed: 196 Soul Swords Wielded: 5
    Celestial Beings Befriended: 5 Cursed Artifacts Recovered: 16
    Crops Grown: 6868 Ancient Dragons Awakened: 1
    Enchanted Forests Planted: 6 Ancient Guardians Awoken: 3
    Crystal Palaces Visited: 2 Invisible Walls Found: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    ApexPvP is a 1.20 Network with Factions, Cannon Testing and much more to come! We have tons of custom features, events and more to provide you with a unique experience where you can compete and have fun!

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  • PumpkinSMP

    Players: 106/900 Votes: 1977
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Hedge Mazes Navigated: 3 Love Letters Sent: 17
    Enchanted Teapots Collected: 20 Cosmic Pies Baked: 4
    Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 2 Celestial Events Witnessed: 5
    Starry Nights Enjoyed: 49 Heroic Deeds Celebrated: 13
    Talking Trees Consulted: 3 Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 0
    Unseen Monsters Slain: 2 Chaos Gates Opened: 0
    Ores Mined: 1254 Meteor Showers Witnessed: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    The PumpkinSMP community is a very kind community and our staff are always here for you no matter. We are also a crossplay network, meaning we offer Bedrock Edition support.PumpkinSMP is a peaceful place for you and your friends to have fun and vibe.Servers are on 1.17.1 through 1.19+– Experience the true feel of an SMP!– IP: Port: 25577

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  • WildWood SMP

    WildWood SMP
    Players: 107/400 Votes: 3850
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Crystal Caves Mapped: 9 Pirate Ships Captured: 1
    Magical Frogs Kissed: 2 Hidden Villages Discovered: 2
    Forbidden Grimoires Read: 6 Titanic Battles Fought: 23
    Dragon Eggs Hatched: 1 Endless Mazes Conquered: 1
    Phantom Horses Ridden: 1 Meteor Showers Witnessed: 3
    Doomsday Clocks Constructed: 0 Eldritch Beasts Summoned: 1
    Love Letters Sent: 6 Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    WildWood SMP is a brand new SMP-based server! We plan on becoming a one-stop network for all and any SMP gameplay desires! Here’s what we’ve got so far:• Lifesteal SMP – Build your base, kill players and collect their hearts! But don’t run out of hearts, or you’ll be punished!• Earth SMP (COMING SOON) – Survival Minecraft but with a map that mirrors planet Earth!• SMP (COMING SOON) – Easy, Simple, and relaxing Minecraft SMP!We allow both Java and Bedrock players to join! IP: Bedrock Port: 19132

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    Players: 103/900 Votes: 235
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Mythical Beasts Vanquished: 0 Astral Projections Made: 3
    Gryphons Tamed: 1 Reality Warps Survived: 2
    Fairy Circles Danced In: 12 Eclipse Rings Activated: 4
    Cursed Artifacts Uncovered: 3 Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 1
    Interstellar Fungi Gathered: 0 Dragon Eggs Hatched: 1
    Magic Items Found: 4773 Lost Souls Rescued: 6
    Celestial Crowns Worn: 5 Legendary Scepters Created: 7

    New Minecraft Servers

    As part of the unGODLY series, this server is similar to its previous counterpart in that its primary focus is giving power to the players while still allowing for a significant degree of challenge and difficulty. Hostile mobs are much stronger and faster, but players are given better tools, abilities, and opportunities in order to properly combat them.This server has many plugins – far too many to name – and so there is most certainly something for everyone.

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  • Legend of the Wild

    Legend of the Wild
    Players: 98/200 Votes: 5859
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Cosmic Hamsters Found: 3 Lava Oceans Crossed: 3
    Alternate Realities Explored: 5 Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 133
    Magical Moments Shared: 9 Gnome Villages Protected: 4
    Wishing Wells Wished Upon: 11 Phantom Rings Equipped: 21
    Cosmic Pies Baked: 2 Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 4
    Vanishing Items Found: 3 Dragon Scales Harvested: 350
    Astral Staffs Crafted: 20 Magic Crystals Found: 14

    New Minecraft Servers

    We are a new survival server with economy, jobs, mcmmo and more. Check us out! We use grief prevention/claims plugin to keep your builds safe!. We aim to provide quality of life updates as well as make the game more involved and fun: More /Jobs! More Fish! More Enchants! More Crafting! More Potions! Custom Loot! More Tags! More Crates! Custom Monsters! Custom Bosses! Custom World Generation (The Wild) More ways to earn rewards in game than ever before! We are currently OPEN to new users. Thanks for stopping by to check us out!

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  • Ozryn Middle School

    Ozryn Middle School
    Players: 91/600 Votes: 6096
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Legendary Items Repaired: 4 Phantom Ships Sailed: 1
    Lunar Eclipses Witnessed: 3 Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 2
    Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 7 Cursed Artifacts Recovered: 10
    Astral Mages Summoned: 2 Buildings Constructed: 14
    Farms Harvested: 683 Cuddly Creatures Pet: 25
    Haunted Redstone Contraptions Built: 4 Magical Frogs Kissed: 1
    Mysterious Portals Opened: 14 Underground Cities Explored: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    OzrynSMP is a semi-vanilla SMP. We are running several plugins designed to make your Minecraft experience just a bit better! We are now offering the choice of either 1.8 or 1.9 Combat Mechanics! Our plugins include, but are not limited to, Grief Prevention, TreeGravity, SilkSpawners and Player Warps. We have a ready made XP farm for players to use upon joining too. One of our best features is our different reward crates. The keys can be earned through voting or purchased on our store ( We are currently a small but very close server and we would love to have some new friends join us!SERVER IP: Sever Port [Bedrock and Pocket Edition]: 19137 Server Port [Java]: 25714

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  • AetherConquest

    Players: 104/600 Votes: 1646
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Storm Giants Negotiated With: 2 Twisted Realms Survived: 3
    Glorious Feasts Held: 12 Cozy Campfires Lit: 22
    Void Armor Forged: 27 Holy Grails Found: 1
    Legendary Armor Sets Assembled: 18 Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 1
    Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 2 Wilderness Tamed: 15
    Horror Stories Survived: 6 Forbidden Doors Opened: 3
    Runic Tablets Deciphered: 35 Lost Artifacts Recovered: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Aether Conquest is a server based on a custom gamemode with custom-coded features; the closest category being a “box server”. However, unlike box servers, we offer tons of extra content, such as a level system, custom crafting system, boss spawns, unique and dynamic PvP systems, and more! We plan to keep updating Xanatos with more exclusive features as time goes on!

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  • Hemisphere Survival

    Hemisphere Survival
    Players: 91/900 Votes: 447
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Vanishing Structures Built: 4 God-Tier Weapons Forged: 31
    Dragon Eggs Hatched: 3 Phantom Knights Defeated: 9
    Spectral Entities Defeated: 6 Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 4
    Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 2 Blood Moons Survived: 1
    Epic Quests Completed: 13 Infinite Doors Opened: 1
    Epic Bosses Defeated: 2 Duplicated Mobs Battled: 5
    Talking Trees Consulted: 4 Living Statues Befriended: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Vanilla Survival Minecraft Server with QOL/Performance Datapacks and Mods, including Simple Voice Chat. Friendly Community for anyone who loves Minecraft as much as we do. No plots or protection size limits. Creativity is always encouraged.

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