Welcome to our Minecraft server, where calling someone a stupid stuck up bitch for not liking your painting is not only accepted, but encouraged! We believe in expressing our true feelings, even if it means being a little rude sometimes. Join us for a community that thrives on brutal honesty and sassiness.

Our server is home to the most epic art battles you’ll ever witness. If someone doesn’t appreciate your masterpiece, feel free to unleash your inner artist and show them who’s boss. Who knows, maybe you’ll even earn the title of the Picasso of Minecraft!

New Minecraft Servers - Tomie's Minecraft Mayhem

But that’s not all – we also have a secret underground society of chickens who have formed their own government. Rumor has it they’re plotting to overthrow the players and take over the server. Will you join forces with the feathered rebels or fight against their poultry revolution?

So if you’re looking for a Minecraft server where drama is the norm, art is a battleground, and chickens are plotting world domination, then look no further! Join us today and prepare for a wild ride unlike any other. Just be ready to defend your paintings and watch your back around those scheming chickens!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY