
Pros Cons
Large player base Can be overwhelming for new players
Wide variety of game modes Can experience lag due to high number of players
Frequent updates and events Can be competitive and toxic at times

Toasted Eggplantia Community SMP

Pros Cons
Emphasis on collaboration and light role-play Smaller player base
Small, close-knit community Lack of variety in game modes
Chatting in Discord while playing Limited events and updates


Which server is better for a new player?

For a new player, the ”Toasted Eggplantia Community SMP” server might be a better choice as it has a smaller, more welcoming community that can help you get started.

Which server is more competitive?

Hypixel is known for its competitive gameplay and can be more toxic at times compared to the focus on collaboration in the ”Toasted Eggplantia Community SMP” server.

Which server has more frequent updates and events?

Hypixel is known for frequent updates and events, while the ”Toasted Eggplantia Community SMP” server may have limited events and updates due to its small size.

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