Reality3 Farms!
Welcome To Reality3 Farms!
This is a farming server where its addictive and fun to play with your friends in a rank based server!
Ip Is Reality3farms.mcserv.fun Port: 25565
Use any version of minecraft to join!
This new server is the sequel to Reality3 creative Minecraft server, a server which is nearly 10 years old.This brand new server is a unique farming based server with a simple economy, land claiming relaxed rules and level based ranking system with heaps of exciting things to do as you gain through the levels.If you like servers in which you can have a relaxed atmosphere with a casual gameplay in a friendly place this is the server for you! Bare in mind this is a brand new server and there is lots to come in our future, We officially opened on September 2 2023On the server to gain levels is simple: once you log in type /rankup immediately to get to level 1Then once you do that have a look around spawn to see what the server is about, if you are happy to be one of the first people in the minecraft community to stay and play type /tprandom until you find a place you want to start your farm, you can also have access to a few kits, /kit claim will give you the tools to start claiming landThis server is a money based farming based server so in order to get more claim blocks and higher ranks you will have to earn money, higher ranks will give you different kits as well as easier methods to earn money, MCMMO has been tuned in such a way to flow with our ranking system so the endless gameplay will never get boring! Lvl7 and up gets /fly, we only accept “tip” type donations but this server is fully free to play and free to win the gameplay is endless with a strong focus on freedom within Minecraft with a Farming theme!We are transparent with our plugins, These include:
ChatColor CropChecker DoubleShulkerShells FurnaceEnhanced GriefPreventionJetsSellChests mcMMO Gsit MarriageMaster ViaRewind ViaVersion TabPlugin DiscordSRVOtherAnimalsTeleport PlayerKits2 PlayerMagnet Rankup ShopGuiPlus TimeVote VIaBackwards Weathervote Ultracosmetics Jobs! PlayerVaults
Latest update: Added PlayerVaults!