Amazing fun box server with new updates almost every day ! make sure to do /daily for free rewards and when you vote here you will get a vote key !
Amazing fun box server with new updates almost every day ! make sure to do /daily for free rewards and when you vote here you will get a vote key !
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RHC | Really Hardcore is a server oriented around:
Difficult and skill-based survival mechanics Significant alterations in Minecraft’s progression system Stronger mobs/hazards around the world Features reminiscent of Alpha/Beta Minecraft
This server is much like BetterThanWolves, RLCraft, other hardcore-esque modpacks or servers.
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Survival Custom │ Server compatible up to 1.20.2 │Map version 1.20.2 │Server setting and dedicated to pets │ No server theme (free construction) │ You can choose a rank and level up to get improved things │ We will have many surprises !
New Friendly Survial Server with tons to keep you busy! Come spend time with your friends & Family Core Protect | KitPvP | Minigames | Greif Protection | Land Protection
Our server is about smp you can pvp there you can make money there and get the strongest and richest player. We have many fetueres.
Start your journey today! Join the server now to play the best survival, bedwars, and more! We are a new up and coming server in 2022, with one thing in our heads, making a great experience for our players, without pay-to-win advantages.
OGLIFESTEAL IS A TRUE INDIAN LIFESTEAL SERVER WITH LPT OF NEW FEATURES. Custom Core | This server has an entirely custom Core Lifesteal plugin. Server Levels | Enjoy a new aspect of Lifesteal by levelling up your account and your hearts! Coin Shop | Let players spend coins on Chat Tags, Colors, Ranks & MORE! Skills | Give players endless fun with 15x skills & perks to level up! Teams | Ally with other players to compete with other teams. Strategize together to level up your team! Playtime Levels | Entice players to stay on your server by rewarding them based on their playtime! Cosmetics| Particle Effects, Emotes & Pets. Resource World | Let resources be renewable! Players can join the resource world that resets every 12 hours. Custom Generation | Break away from basic Minecraft Generation and enjoy custom-generated terrain! Arena | Players can fight each other nearby in the arena world! KOTH | Every 4 hours, a King of the Hill event will happen. Only the best shall win! Leaderboards | Compete against fellow players with 6x leaderboards at spawn! Server Menu | Players can easily access a server menu to navigate the server’s commands. Backpacks | Let players carry more than their inventory permits. They can use backpacks to store their goodies away! Lottery | Players can gamble their in-game currency in the lottery! Ranks | 5 Donator Ranks Quests | Keep players engaged on server with 50 Quests! Shop | Buy & Selling Shop GUI with a balanced economy. Sell Wands | Let players purchase Sell Wands to ease their gameplay! Daily Rewards | Give players a reason to log in daily and increase retention on your server! Combat Log | Stop players logging out mid-combat. Anti-Cheat | Keep cheaters off your server with Anti-cheat. Vote Party | Reward players for voting & being online with a VoteParty. Spawners | Break away from Vanilla Spawers. On this server, players can upgrade their spawners to make them stronger! AFK Zone | Give back to AFK players with a reward pit for them to stay and earn rewards! Bounties | Keep players fighting by allowing them to put bounties on each other. Auction House | Players can sell items to other players with the Auction House. Crates | Fully Custom Crates with items.
Naruto anime mod server, custom jutsu, modes, raids, story and open world plus a survival world! Events all the time!
Welcome to our unique Minecraft server – a world where building and survival become a real art! We are a friendly team, where each player is a valuable member of our virtual family.
The installed WhiteList provides protection from unwanted guests. To join, leave a request on our website – Admission is from 16 years old, but we are willing to consider exceptions for those who are willing to share their experience and creative ideas.
Join us and together we will create a unique Minecraft world full of adventure and friendship! The server map is available at Welcome to our community – Discord: Check out the Wiki –
We are waiting for you in our open spaces!
Welcome to Viper.
We’re your home with the Hardcore Factions and the PotPvP gamemode. We’d like you to join us for a fun experience.
IP: Website: Store: (65% off sale) Discord: