”The most creative anarchy server”join the discord! https://discord.gg/QeHG6mfeUa
I aim to create a vanilla creative mode Minecraft experience.
End portal locations: -1286 886 and 968 -1497
Offline/not working? try some other ip’s: mc.2b2d.org | 2b2d.creativeanarchy.net

Updates since last year:
– [NEW] I now have a discord for the time being!https://discord.gg/QeHG6mfeUa [See player history/updates]
– Over a 1000 people have joined 2b2d! 8/23/23
– Updated from 1.18.2 to 1.19.4
– Various updates to the server to make the playing experience better. (mostly stability stuff)
– Updated Anti-Cheat (2b2t 1.12 like) (wayy looser though)
Available Commands:
– /help (see the important commands)
– /gamemode survival or /gm s /gm c
– /tpa [playername] (Since its creative i think its fine on a server like this.)
– /warp spawn (warps you to 0 0) (same reasons as tpa)
– /stats (see the amount of people who joined and other stuff)
– /playtime (see your playtime)
– /fly (useful for survival)
– /speed (both for walking and flying)
– /sethome (same reason as tpa)
– /nick (don’t know why might disable later)
– /msg /w /r /ignore /whisper (chat messages)
– /mail (send messages to offline players)
– /suic*de (respawns your player)
– /clear (clear your inventory)
– /seen (see the last time a specific player joined this server)
To see the TPS and Ping, look at the player list.
About the server/history:
back in the day my server (ssmsurvival.theworkpc.org:25565) was just a regular survival anarchy server i made for fun. i added the creative anarchy world on the 5th of may 2022.I realised people were way more interested in that so i quickly made the creative world the main world on my server. Thats when creativeanarchy.netwas also born. The survival world has since been removed. The server was very exploitable at the time, illegal items were allowed and people went litteraly crazy. crashing the server everyday. the server has sincebeen fully updated to prevent any crashing and exploiting. With the help of some amazing people. This is the only server were you can find alag free, stable Creative anarchy experience. The server map will neverreset. there is no admin interference. and will run 24/7 for years to come.
Supported versions: [1.12.2 to 1.20.4]
For the quickest way to support, type this ingame.
/mail send 2b2dBot [Message]
For larger questions, please refer to my email [email protected]
Join now! 2b2d.org
what does 2b2d stand for? Its all up to you. The server itself is called Creative Anarchy