Hello, thanks for checkin’ this post out!
Server IP:
Look, I know. I’m working on the custom IP.
EchoCraft was started by myself and two of my friends, we aim to have a relaxed community with some mild tweaks to Vanilla Minecraft. Although we currently don’t have cross-platform compatibility it’s on the list! The server is on Hard difficulty, with overall goals of being relaxed, take it at your own pace, make farms, make epic builds or well, anything you want. We’ve fostered a nice little community so far and hope to see you join us sometime!
When it comes to items buying, selling we have opted for an in-game trust system, akin to Hermitcraft – so no economy plugins! No chestshops either! This is of course, open to change but for now we’ve all been content to trade, buy with diamonds or IOU’s.
The sever is based in North America and our world map is here!
We have zero intentions of ever adding lootcrates/voting systems
We have swapped to a whitelist! Applications found in the Discord
What Do We Have Installed?
- AngelChest
- BigDoors
- ChestSort
- GriefPrevention
- LuckPerms
- mcMMO
- SlimeFun4
- MobisHome
- SafariNet
- SilkSpawners
- SimpleNicks
- Vault
- EssentialsX+Chat
- Tab
- DiscordSRV
- ChatItem
- Armored Elytra
- Banner Flags
- Better Item Frames
- Blaze And Caves Advancements Pack
- Craftable Spore Blossoms
- Custom Nether Portals
- DnT Stronghold Overhaul
- Double Shulker Shells
- Item Display
- More Mob Heads
- Multiplayer Sleep
- Silk Touch Budding Amethyst
- Silence Mobs
- Terralith
- Terralith Biome Saplings
- XP Management
There might be more that I’ve forgotten to type up, but a lot of VanillaTweaks Datapacks!