New Minecraft Servers

Top Dolla Minecraft Servers

Life-Changing Top Dolla Minecraft Servers

  • Anthrocraft Factions

    Anthrocraft Factions

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    New Minecraft Servers

    Here at Anthrocraft, our goal is to provide you with free, non-stop entertainment of the highest quality available while insuring uninterrupted game play. We have a variety of custom plugins. Unlike most other servers, anthrocraft runs on it’s very own dedicated server, ensuring a lag free experience.

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  • ScumCraft


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    New Minecraft Servers

    YT Trailer:

    After a two-year hiatus, ScumCraft is back and better than ever! Today the long-awaited return of this nostalgic server will finally be brought upon us!

    If you’re new to the server, ScumCraft is a Minecraft survival server that takes the game back to its roots. There are minimal plugins and rules to give it a more vanilla vibe. On ScumCraft, you choose your path. You can be a nomad and explore the ruins of the land, or create a group and start an empire! The choice is yours. Do you miss the simple survival servers that had an actual community? If so, join ScumCraft!

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  • mcPantheon


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    New Minecraft Servers

    This is a friendly server where you are welcomed to come and build. You can join other people or build on your own. We have a separate factions world if that is your thing. We have a bunch of Mini Games from team death match games, racing games, Hunger Games, Parkour and many more!

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  • DreadGamers – Survival PVP

    DreadGamers – Survival PVP

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    New Minecraft Servers

    IP: SMP.DREADCRAFT.NET Discord: Forums: Dynmap: —- EAST. 2010

    Plugins installed on server: Towny, DeathChest, Lockette, Jobs, McMMO, Craftbook and More!

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  • networkgeeks


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    New Minecraft Servers

    Small community with a brand new server. join the server to play. join on 1.12 to 1.19.2 our server is running 1.19

    our servers: survival under development: mini games

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  • Craftingyourself


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    New Minecraft Servers

    Grieving, killing, generally anything that’s fun!

    Through our kill ranking you can become part of the top 5 on the server!

    Create a clan and fight together against others!

    Make peace with your fellow players and find allies!

    Take part in events and get lots of items for free!

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  • BackAnarchy


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    New Minecraft Servers

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  • BlockKingdom


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    New Minecraft Servers

    For over the past half-decade, server owner ChickensBurning has been diligently developing a series of balanced, secure, and riveting Minecraft servers. These servers have garnered a strong, tight-knit following over the years that gives a sense of community rarely seen in Minecraft.

    Grind and level-up with MCMMOs, an RPG plugin that adds powerful abilities to the game, or maybe expand your tech-tree and create new machines and tools with the Slimefun plugin. Conquer the wilderness and create the settlement of your dreams with the Towny plugin, and invite your friends to expand your nation!

    You want a plugin that BlockKingdom does not have? No problem! BlockKingdom’s server files are open to the public for review and recommendations on GitHub off of the server’s official website; Just simply access the files or contact one of our friendly admins on the BlockKingdom official discord.

    Enjoy the optimal Minecraft experience, and welcome to BlockKingdom!

    Connect Now Server: Discord: Website:

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  • NightCoffe – SkyPvP

    NightCoffe – SkyPvP

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    New Minecraft Servers

    NightCoffe | SkyPvP – 1.16.5-1.19.1:

    ● Hundreds of unique items ● Buying and opening chests ● Unique package for each rank ● Auction house, trading ● Custom missions (coming soon..) ● Unique daily chest reward ● Fight, evolve and mine ● All our islands have unique items.

    Join us too: ● -> Diamond Block

    Owner: ItzMyYeti

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  • Kenziecraft


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    New Minecraft Servers

    Kenziecraft is a survival server!

    This server is faction-based, so you can create your own factions and invite your friends to play with you!

    This server allows raiding and PVP. So if you don’t expect to loose your things once in a while, expect the unexpected.

    This server is a small community, and we need new players, like you!

    This server has the MCMMO plugin to maximize your PVP experience! Level up your sword, bow, and acrobatics skills to become the champion faction!

    The server has a unique staff, which will help you with whatever you may need. The staff is EmmyKenzie (Owner) sparedtugboat (Admin) AssassinofCreed (Admin) Thaddman45 (Moderator(Myself)) and Mason (Moderator)

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