Epix 4EVA SMP is a minecraft survival multiplayer server that gives players many opportunities to do whatever they want! Make nations, build whatever you want, play with your friends, anything!
This isn’t the first entry in the Epix SMP series, but Epix 4EVA adds the addition of cores, better vanilla compatibility, & longer lasting uptimes!
Each milestone will have their worlds reset every 6-12 months based on community approval + voting on which changes could be made for the next milestone world. Previous milestones will have 6-12 more months of uptime depending on activity. Once it reaches its end, it will be officially shut down and have its world files archived for the public domain.
Epix Cores are obtained after defeating the Ender Dragon. They contain very useful items (diamonds, netherrite, gold, etc.) and can be placed on top of an active beacon to unlock it.
There are 3 types of Cores that you’re able to obtain after defeating the dragon that are randomly chosen by chance.
Gamma Core [Lowest chance of obtaining] – Has the most value of items
Beta Core [Moderate chance of obtaining] – Has lots of valuable items, not as much as gamma
Alpha Core [Highest chance of obtaining] – Has valuable items, though not as much as the others
Join our discord for access to discord-mc bridge chat and the community here: https://discord.com/invite/hnnwZzPZtJ
Everybody is welcome!
Please read the rules on the discord or on the mc server, they are quite short!
Server hosted by SkylarZYX & Epix Administration w/ Oracle Cloud