Welcome to EasyMine! The non pay to win SMP, SkyBlock and Minigame server, with no real world purchases.
Here at EasyMine we provide a 100% free Minecraft server. We don’t charge for ranks, cosmetics or perks, everything is earned by completing SkyBlock challenges, minigames and using in game money.
The only money we accept is donations, and the only perk from donating is a Donator prefix.
So how do you get perks? Not only will you already have some cosmetics and perks from the start, such as trails, multiple sethomes, /back and /tpa but you’ll be able to find perks and cosmetics dotted around the server buildings. You’ll be able to buy them with in game money which is obtainable by playing minigames, selling items in SMP and completing SkyBlock challenges, and we host building competitions and minigame speed runs with all sorts of prizes.
Come and check out EasyMine and forget about the richest players having the most perks!