Welcome to the LostLands server. Here you will find:
➕ updated version of minecraft 1.20.1 and the latest mods
➕ a hand-crafted collection that takes into account the experience of past seasons, diluted with a touch of magical freshness and unique content
➕ thoughtful complexity, challenging with a variety of opponents, changing environmental conditions and new mechanics for the player
➕ improved generation of all vanilla biomes, refinement with new parts and structures, new underground biomes
➕ replacement of familiar things with in-game mechanics: atlas and mini-map on vanilla maps, obelisks for teleportation, private blocks with inexpensive crafting, bags with random loot
➕ more social mechanics, including records with the ability to add your own tracks, image frames that also allow you to play YouTube videos in them, an emote mod, voice chat
When you enter the server, you will be greeted by a hand-built island with NPCs,
giving advice and selling useful little things to help you get used to new conditions.
Website: https://lost-lands.ru/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/JfqjyNUNaM