New Minecraft Servers
slowboy Minecraft Servers


  • Sigma minecraft

    Sigma minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLYSigma Minecraft is probably closest to an SMP server. Currently, our main task is creating the ultimate Sigma commune in survival Minecraft. We have meetings where we talk about our progress, but discussion is also opened up to the floor, so you can raise any topic whatsoever, even if it’s not Minecraft related. We are more than just a Minecraft server, we are a support network. Many people find that by working towards a common goal with people who share their beliefs and ideals, it brings them a sense of fulfilment one cannot get anywhere else.

    We don’t have P2W ranks, we’re competitive, but not destructive, and by playing on this server, you will find you get more out of life.

    Become a true Sigma today

    Our whitelist process is very straightforward – we’re not looking to exclude anyone, it’s just much easier for everyone if we only let interested players join the server for grief prevention reasons.

    We have the means to rollback all forms of griefing.


    If you particularly like building, please apply! Our current goal is to build up “Sigma Mountain”, but if you’re not a fan of building and would rather mine, hunt, or just make your own stuff, you are more than welcome too.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Pixelmon Untold

    Pixelmon Untold

    New Minecraft Servers

    On the basic level, we offer a growing community with an active moderated discord. With tournaments, gyms, dungeon crawls, server events and giveaways, you will always find something is happening.

    But this server is also unique. Untold Kingdoms, is a medieval pixelmon server. The server is filled with many unique structures, unmarked ruins and landmarks. Adventurers can discover dungeon crawls, hidden lost legends, relics and treasure hordes. The rich, growing law, and constantly developing world, opens up doors to both role-players and to those finding standard Pokémon hunting a little too repetitive.

    It is a medieval server with a world that strives to be real, with battle events and changes happening as cities grow, fall and alliances are made.

    This server is always running the latest version of Pixelmon Reforged.

    Check out Pixelmon Untold’s Official technic!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Abysscraft


    New Minecraft Servers

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    New Minecraft Server
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  • MCNexus


    New Minecraft Servers

    1.16.1 MCNEXUS SURVIVAL RPG SERVER ADDRESS/ MCNEXUS.SERVERMINER.COM:28447 FOR MINECRAFT INSTALL/ 1.15.2 RELEASE Features: * Creative Mode * Casino * Player Stats * New Armor Slots * New Items * New Monsters * Economy * Magic and Abilities …and More!!! VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE MCNEXUS.ENJIN.COM

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Gold Digger

    Gold Digger

    New Minecraft Servers

    Join This amazing Server. its survival, fun and im looking for staff. I think you will enjoy this server because its AWESOME! it makes me go like ftyguhdnjcnyrfhuidjkcmgtfvijkmltgfkmtygjfomkrufijkthgijvkftgfijkrufijkturgfijktgfvijkgttfnijgtfvijgtfuivjgf7uvigt78uifgtfvuityg7uigt7uitguifyt7g8uigtuit8ygui because its sooo good.

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  • Death mc

    Death mc

    New Minecraft Servers

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    New Minecraft Server
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  • JDBcraft


    New Minecraft Servers


    New Minecraft Server
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  • Jappaland


    New Minecraft Servers


    Come join our survival Minecraft community!

    We’re not your run of the mill survival server though. We’ve carefully and painstakingly put together a unique experience we’re calling Survivalist Towny!

    Some of our main plugins include:– Towny– McMMO– Jobs Reborn– Auction House– EconomyShopGUI

    Come check us out at!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Phantoms Bane

    Phantoms Bane

    New Minecraft Servers

    Running 1.19! Home of the Phantoms Bane custom enchantment! Find it in End Cities.

    Phantoms Bane, is a network of Survival, UHC, and PVP servers, sethomes & tpa on some servers. We allow players to get on the nether roof and even have a couple TNT dupers so if you’ve been searching low and high for a vanilla server that allows technical gameplay – without going full on anarchy – your search is over 😀

    We have NO claims and NO grief protection.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • HeavenMC


    New Minecraft Servers

    Spanish-speaking server from the creators of MineSy Network with more than 5 active modalities. hosting in EUROPE and custom plugins

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