save 12 mice Minecraft Servers

2024 Best save 12 mice New Minecraft Servers

  • Podzol Network

    Podzol Network

    The Podzol Network is all about unique, entertaining gamemodes, such as Wizardry, where you will find yourself when you first join.

    On Wizardry, you slay monsters, survive blood moons, fight bosses, level up spells, go on quests, summon minions, get achievements, find rare items, craft powerful spells, and explore dangerous, wealthy ruins. Wizardry is Survival, and there is PvP, you can protect your houses using a protection spell (which can be cast on sponges). But beware! If your protection is not leveld up, other players can take it over using a protection curse!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • NemeGaming


    NemeGaming was founded in 2011, and has since then been a staple household name, reaching millions of unique players logged into our network. We offer a variety of gamemodes, each of which provides the players with a variety of custom features never seen on any other server.

    Our current gamemodes: – KitPvP – Skyblock – Survival

    Join now at

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • ANiHost Factions server

    ANiHost Factions server

    ANiHost’s new server!

    We are brand new, but we are great! we have many amazing plugins, such as economy, worldedit, multiverse, Auto-Rankup(fun!)

    we are ALWAYS recruiting, but DO NOT ask for staff, or items! 🙂 Hope to see you there!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • FuZioN PvP

    FuZioN PvP

    We have a really great PvP survival server with free effect kits for everyone. For a Limited time everyone gets free vip. We have events which include spleef, bowspleef, mobarena, adminarena and more! When you join will get a free op starter chest which includes lots of goodies to get started. We have custom made weapons with custom made plugins! Come and play op pvp today!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • smoke2k server

    smoke2k server

    ello and welcome to my minecraft server. We have this server for over 4 years and we recently changed to a new host and a new ip. We have people playing on this server from the start and we managed to become a nice community with a lot of fun events. Right now we are focused on towny + minigames like skywars and blockhunt. We try to have fun events every day to keep the server interesting for everyone. We do events like thewalls, marriages and we hold tournaments where people can win prizes.

    I hope you want to join our server and have fun with us.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Craftpvp


    Hello and welcome to Hardcorepvp. A lot of fun and joy awaits you, I hope to see you in the fight. You can build a base, so it’s a server where you can farm and do PVP action. I would be happy if you could visit me on the server. It never gets boring on the server, the server doesn’t lag around, the server is restarted every 12 hours.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • AmicorumCraft


    We are a survival server. Family-friendly, mature, and only interested in building and having fun. Griefing, stealing, killing animals, etc, won’t be tolerated. We have anti-griefing plugins in place as well as logging to help prevent crass behavior/language and to repair/replace anything that’s been messed with. Come check us out and have fun!

    Our server rules are very simple. – No Griefing – Property or Players – No Stealing – If it’s not yours, don’t touch – Use Common Sense – Don’t beg Admin/Mods/Players for stuff – Don’t ask to be op’d

    There are no restriction on the size or type of builds, as long as they’re not obscene. Your given basic gear when you log on, and maps, posting of the rules, warp points, and a server mall is available at the spawn area. As long as you aren’t in another players claimed area, you’re free to build anywhere or anything you’d like. Players can mark their territory using any means they choose. Mods are available for questions and advice. There are six player ranks, Coal, Lapis, Gold, Emerald, Obsidian, & Bedrock. Permissions are based on rank. Players are ranked up using a point system. There are 6 categories in which points can be achieved. Materials used, complexity, decor, landscaping, difficulty, & size. Players can earn in-game money by voting for the server once every 24 hrs.

    Our server has been pre-paid so there is no worry of it shutting down. Visit us at for more information.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • McAnvil


    Obsidian Breaker: Most Factions servers don’t include this nifty plugin. Our configuration will allow TNT that is not protected by water (use hybrid cannons for water!) to be blown up in 5 direct explosions. (Creeper/TNT) Image

    Mcmmo: We have the Mcmmo plugin with large nerfs and removals on combat skills. We configured the plugin so that is a 100% unique experience. (Don’t worry, no armor shattering or disarming!)

    Lottery: Every day, you can buy up to 20 lottery tickets. Simply do /lotto for more info!

    Auctions: If you don’t like the prices items sell/buy for in our dynamic, extensive /warp shop, you can auction or bid on items with other players in a scam-free way.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • DayLightCraft


    DayLightCraft Survival + KitPVP + Creative No PVP in normal world. We use grievance prevention to prevent grievers. PVP in nether en end. We use discord to communicate.

    The server has been active for more than 2 years.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Minecraft Romania

    Minecraft Romania
    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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