BrokeIn60Secs Minecraft SMP
BrokeIn60Secs, fast track to bankruptcy, financial collapse, financial crisis, financial disaster, financial downfall, financial hardship, financial instability, financial mismanagement, financial ruin, instant bankruptcy, Minecraft, money mismanagement, money troubles, poor money management, quick financial downfall, quickest way to go broke, rapid depletion of funds, rapid wealth depletion, reckless spending, smp, sudden financial lossOMG, let me tell you about this cray cray Minecraft SMP I’m on! It’s like, the most lit server ever, like seriously. So, like, the other day, this dude joined and he was all like, “I’m gonna be the richest player on this server!” And we were all like, “LOL, good luck with that, bro.” But then, get this, he spent all his diamonds on a pet pig and named it Bacon. Like, who does that?! And then, like, Bacon ran away and he spent all his diamonds trying to find it. And now he’s broke AF and living in a dirt hut. It’s hilarious, you gotta join this server, man. It’s a total shitshow but in the best way possible. Trust me, you won’t regret it!Novylen
Comunidade Minecraft Portugal
Minecraft Portugal Community
Server Just Launched/Reset!!!
CursedMC is a unique Factions & PvP network offering an amazing PvP experience. Our server is unlike most faction networks, and offers lots of features that are not found on most servers such as:
– Large 100+ Player Community – Factions, tons of Raiding and Intense PvP – Custom Faction Commands – Amazing KOTHs – Rare Custom Enchants – Great Cannoning – Amazing Hit Detection – Fair Donor Ranks – Balanced MCMMO Skills
We also have a very knowledgeable staff team that are dedicated to guide you around our server, and guarantee a fun, anti-hacking, PvP + Factions experience. So what are you waiting for? Join now for a one in a million experience!
Zedwork Vanilla
Zedwork’s Community-run Vanilla Minecraft server; always updated to the latest version of Mojang’s vanilla Minecraft.
Founded by __Laurens__, now run by the Zriends, the Market provides a place to trade with other players. Shop plots are available on request, and all shops are protected from block-breaking.
Originally founded by luckyscharms323, now run by SneakySkeleton and the Zriends, the Nether Hub provides fast travel all across the world. Anyone may connect to the hub, though access from spawn is restricted to Zedlings (members) only. (Must play 15 hours on the server to gain Zedling status.)
Maintained by the community, this public farm is located near spawn and provides both new and regular players with food. Just remember to replant! 😉
The Council is a collection of Zedlings whom meet bi-weekly to organise community projects and events, whilst also highlighting any issues players have so they can be resolved. Meetings are open for all to attend, check out our forums for more details of the next meeting.
Be sure to read the rules before heading out.
Please join and HAVE FUN! ^_^
Horsecraft is a super fun Dutch Minecraft server!!!
Toro League
Why should you go to BuildingParadise? Server checklist: Net Admins? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ☑ JA Big city and lots of land to live in? _ _ _ _ ☑ YES Shop? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ☑ ME People who are constantly insulting? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ✘ No Freebuild/PvP? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ☑ JA Pay To Win situations? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ✘ No Farmworld? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ☑ AND Lots of commands for standard users? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ☑ YES Ranks? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ☑ YES Pure rip-off? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ✘ No Jobs? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _☑ AND
Liberty Survival
1.7.10 Vanilla Hard Mode
Follow @LibertySurvival on Twitter
News and other Info at
A growing server that has a one world devoted to the hard life of Factions PVP, And another just for competitions, Including HungerGames and Spleef.
The Faction world has been changed to try and make minecraft combat more balanced. We have removed most buffs that make fighting impossible, such sharpness, enchanted golden apples, and other such strong enchants. Raiding is another thing that has been changed. While raiding is acceptable. Griefing is not. This means that yes you are allowed to break into their base, kill them, and take their goods. What you are not allowed to do is take down their base block by block, kill animals, or farms.
The Comp world is as listed before for competitions. This includes Several home made maps of HG, Spleef for ages, and Races to test that speed demon inside of you.
Every world on this server is watched. Hacking is not allowed on any level. If you hack we will find you.