New Minecraft Servers
paige bueckers overtime Minecraft Servers

paige bueckers overtime



    New Minecraft Servers


    New Minecraft Server
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  • MCraftGaming


    New Minecraft Servers

    this server is a fun faction server and you can donate

    New Minecraft Server
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  • All the Mods 7

    All the Mods 7

    New Minecraft Servers

    All the Mods 7 free server , you’re allow to do anythings in this server . I bought the server just for fun, whenever modpack updated my server do so pls check your modpack if u cant join . FREEDOM

    New Minecraft Server
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  • ShadeCrest


    New Minecraft Servers

    Server IP:

    Shade Crest is a collection of Minecraft servers with a strong community that values fun, competition, creativity, and variety in gameplay. While being competitive in groups, we genuinely respect one another, help each other out, and share experiences via our forums and teamspeak. We have a professionally led team of helpful staff that are constantly working to improve the server for the community. Shade Crest was founded in February 2011 and while we do not wish to be the biggest server, we do want to be one of the servers people think of for quality creative and survival experiences.

    Shade Crest Survival is a multiworld server which shares a single iConomy/ChestShop based economy. Whether you chose to live in peaceful or pvp, your items and money transfer across worlds. There is a single spawn world where players come together to market goods, advertise towns, compete in events, and participate in arena based pvp. Our peaceful world is for those who wish for a challenging, cooperative PVE experience without the burden of global PVP, while our PvP world is tailored to thrill-seeking players who want to participate in exciting PvP fights and town rivalries. We also have a mining, nether, and end worlds which get periodically reset as new world generation content is implemented or needed to stimulate the economy.

    ShadeCrest Creative is a multiworld server which promotes cooperative, creative building with an emphasis on quality building skill. Over time as you continue to prove your building skills, you can be granted higher ranks which give you access to worlds and tools like WorldEdit and VoxelSniper.

    Interested in Joining? 1. Connect to 2. Enter the portal to either the creative or survival server. 3. Complete the new player tutorial, taking time to learn the rules. 4. Have fun!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Skyblock SMP

    Skyblock SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    The Skyblock SMP or the Floating SMP is an SMP with floating islands, plugin mods, flying boats to travel, custom villagers at spawn and different worlds of floating islands! Keep in mind, this is an SMP. No griefing, stealing, hacking, xray, etc etc… Use common sense.

    The YouTube video below was filmed at spawn!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • PaleCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Palecraft is a newly launched chill mature non-pvp MineCraft Survival server. Feel free to come visit and check out the server.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • CreepersGoBoom!


    New Minecraft Servers

    For more information on what our server has to offer, visit our website!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • jairuswow


    New Minecraft Servers

    fun server online sometimes plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssjoin

    New Minecraft Server
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  • chillyminey


    New Minecraft Servers

    the sever is pretty chill and the people to and the people give stuff somtime and im cool to ………………………………………………………………………

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Flipside Tech

    Flipside Tech

    New Minecraft Servers

    A server hosted on Ubuntu, that is really fun. Fun and creative(Not the game mode lol),Economy, Protection,Free Build. Nice Staff No Pvp

    NEW MARKET, It has all the new items, and real elevators and music from zelda! It will blow your mind

    99% up time over 7 months

    Now in a new data center!!! State of the Art electric and cooling systems, including redundant UPS and diesel generators 24/7 biometric security Fast data transmission to the West Coast and Pacific Rim markets

    If you need help go to

    Now with 24GB of RAM

    New Minecraft Server
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