CovfefeCraft [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Avg. 20 Online} {New Map} {Hermitcraft Datapacks}
Guide: https://wiki.covfefe.club/
Now Support: Java, Bedrock, Windows 10
Season 3 Started!
About us
– Server Name: CovfefeCraft
– Server IP: mc.covfefe.club
– Version: 1.19
Apply here! https://covfefe.club/network
Why is this the community for you?
LGBTQ friendly
Accept all kinds of players. Zero discrimination tolerance. (Let’s be friends!)
Helpful community with a balanced economy (Diamond based trading)
Well organized Shopping District
A very active community with 20-30 players on average
Fast ticket support from staff
All staff play in survival & get treated as players
Grief recovery. (Coreprotect)
Active Xray Protection
Most current Paper optimization
Community Projects
Active Discord server
New map (+15k Radius) https://map.covfefe.club/–
Treat all players with respect & follow chat etiquette.
No cheating, no stealing
IP: mc.covfefe.club
Apply here on our Discord (FAST REPLY!): https://discord.gg/FUGdWVkg5W