New Minecraft Servers
overreaching Minecraft Servers


  • ContinentalMC


    New Minecraft Servers


    ContinentalMC is a1:750 earth server where **YOU** can choose to create a town that is either completely PvE or PvP based! =-=-=-= Some of our server features: – Long, multi-day wars with siegewar – Online, web-map – Small community – Options to be completely neutral, PvP can be turned off – Graves – Teleporting – Vehicles, such as planes and drills – Much more!! =-=-=-=

    New Minecraft Server
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  • WavyCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    WavyCraft is a Christian SMP server with a community of BASED and REDPILLED Gigachads, a booming economy, quests, and fun minigames!

    Server IP:

    Versions 1.9 -> 1.19 are supported!

    » Survival » SkyBlock » BedWars » Parkour » PVP Arena

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  • Galaxypixelmon


    New Minecraft Servers

    About this server Enter Galaxypixelmon and Start your adventurous journey!!!….. minecraft..1.12.2 pixelmon..8.4.3 (–POKEMONS–) (–RAID–) (–POKEMON CREATION- -) (–SYSTEM CLAMS–) (–GLOBAL PURCHASE AND SALE SYSTEM–) (–DEFENSES–) (–DUNGEONS MASMORRAS–) (–QUESTS–) (–PVP– ) (–CONSTRUCTIONS–) (–TOURNAMENTS–) (–EVENTS–) (–DRAWINGS–) (–LEGENDARY KEYS AND BOXES–)

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  • BeastMC – Network

    BeastMC – Network

    New Minecraft Servers

    beastmc is a small new zealand hosted minecraft network, with lots to come still. we are arming to have a survival, creative, skyblock and a good amount of minigames to play across our servers i.e.: paintball, splegg, TnTRun, and so much more to play.

    we’re waiting for you to join us.

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  • CastlePvP


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to CastlePvP !

    Warriors, let the medieval times run through your veins. Build your castle and conquer your enemies so you can rule on this server.

    You can enter one of these modes: Factions Flare – 1.8 Factions Enchanted – 1.19

    Good luck in this adventure and enjoy every moment in CastlePvP!

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  • The Noob Adventures

    The Noob Adventures

    New Minecraft Servers

    This server is based upon the hit series THE N00B ADVENTURES on Youtube!

    Our Survival and Event server has fantastic admins who are great at helping players save and manage their creations! Take part in pvp, mob, raid, hungergames, quest, dodgeball, admin-run, holiday, and trivia events DAILY! Brew your own custom potions and beverages! Grab several custom magical weapons and firearms! You can play with all the characters from the N00b Adventures too! Gaylord Steambath might even grief you! I’d recommend staying away from him though…

    There are also global donator perks such as pets, nicknames, and magic spells Learn more about it in the server or on our forum and get gear for just voting for us!

    Drop on by when you can! We look forward to playing with you!

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  • Minedonia


    New Minecraft Servers

    Minedonia Est. 2021 | Turning Your Dreams to Reality

    About Us Minedonia is an open-world, free-to-build roleplay server with two worlds – a collaborative city world (main world), and a 125×125 plot world for build creations that may not fit in the city; or for just letting your imagination run wild! We have a dedicated community of builders, and laid-back players to play and hangout with! We have server rollbacks and daily backups created so all your creations are safe! We also have many resources to help you build anything you may dream of, including World Edit, Armor Stand Editor, Head Database, and more!

    How to Join We offer support for both Java and Bedrock Editions! Come join us with the IP’s below! Java Edition – Bedrock Edition – | Port: 8162

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  • Factionether


    New Minecraft Servers

    Factionether is a small factions server hoping to build a community of dedicated players! Explore the world in a Skyrim-eskt manner where you can discover new grand cities. If you prefer a less honorable means of gaining wealth… raiding is allowed! Build a faction with other players to protect yourself from raids. Factionether also has discord integration so you can talk to players on the server even when you aren’t on yourself! Join us and have some fun!

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  • CrownMC


    New Minecraft Servers

    TOWNY | MCMMO | ECONOMY | CUSTOM BOSSES | CUSTOM WEAPONS | SO MUCH MORE! Welcome to CrownMC, a towny adventure server! CrownMC has been closed off to a small group of players for several years, but is now opening up to the public. Our main goal here at CrownMC is to create a fun and co-operative community, while also pushing the limits of Minecraft as a game. CrownMC has an avalanche of customized features; armor sets, weapon models, enchantments, boss mobs, crafting recipes, it’s all been turned up to 10!

    Features: Towny – At it’s core, CrownMC is a towny server. For those unaware of how towny works: players are able to create their own town where they can claim land, create laws, tax citizens, ally up with other towns, and so much more. Towny is an extremely in depth plugin, and the possibilities are endless!

    Economy – CrownMC also is heavily reliant on our economy system. Players can buy and sell items either at the admin marketplace, or at another players shop with the chest shop plugin. Purchase new ranks with money and gain access to more features and adventures to go on!

    Dungeons – CrownMC also has many pre-built dungeons that players can unlock. Once unlocked, you can battle through these dungeons to collect unique loot and legendary weapons!

    Elite Armors and Enchantments – CrownMC has a large variety of custom armor sets players can craft and collect to become stronger and make defeating boss mobs and dungeons much easier. With 30+ armor sets and 50+ unique enchantments, you’ll never run out of combinations to try out!

    Come and join us! You can also visit our website at:

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  • KraxiaMC


    New Minecraft Servers

    WHAT IS KRAXIA? Kraxia is a Skyblock server with a twist… Between the various quests, open world inspired town (spawn), dungeons, leveling, talents and prestige systems, we’re sure that you’ve never seen a server quite like this. Kraxia prides itself on being a community-driven environment and is constantly evolving based on the needs and interests of the community.

    WHAT IS SKYBLOCK RPG? Kraxia is a traditional Skyblock server with many RPG elements, including a full 1-60 leveling system (xp is gained from farming, forestry, ranching, mining and fishing), featuring a dynamic quest line and various daily quests and challenges. Throughout the server you will find yourself immersed in a traditional RPG setting all based around your island and your experience. We respect that everyone is unique and based on that we’ve created a unique talents system that allows you to play how you want to play!

    WHAT MAKES KRAXIA SO UNIQUE? Kraxia has been in development for over four years prior to release. The progress has been slow and steady and the final product is something we are very excited to share with the Minecraft audience! Our small development team have created unique systems exclusive to our community and never seen before content to the larger Minecraft community. We are pleased to share our work with you and invite you to explore our uniquely crafted server!

    WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION? Kraxia has a dedicated Discord ( and Twitter ( where you can stay up-to-date with the latest features and changes to our community server. Our helpful staff and community members are just a quick message away from answering your questions!

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