Hello and Welcome to Boxtropolis! Here we make sure everyone is having fun playing within our server and we also make sure that players feel welcome within the discord and in-game!
About The Server  We are a one of a kind Box server and we introduce new things that some box servers don’t have including Custom Items, Custom Bosses, Custom Made Plugins, and so much more! Our staff team provides security and moderation within the discord and the Minecraft server to make the server feel safe and secure from rule breakers and exploiters!Feel free to ask any questions needed within our discord below!
Our Staff Team  Our mature and professional staff team provides security and moderation within the discord and the Minecraft server to ensure that all players feel safe and welcome into the server. If you would like to apply to become staff you can because Staff applications are currently open! 😄
Current Positions Helper (0/4) Mods (1/3)
You need to have great teamwork, quick thinking, problem solving skills ETC ( Same for Helper )
Builder (0/2)
You need to have amazing building skills, and have great teamwork  Director (1/2) You will Mange Giveaways and host Events for our playerbase. You need to be Good with people, Have a joyfull attitude, active within our discord and ingame, and be a problem solver
Join Today!