BerryWorld – A project that will not make you bored!
This project was created for the mode: Anarchy.
We have an adequate administration that communicates with players on equal terms. Those who create discomfort for players do not stay on our team.
The BerryWorld project is on powerful hosting, this gives a good TPS, so you can always enjoy the beauty of the server without server lags!
You can contact support at any time, they will answer and help you as quickly as possible.
BerryWorld began its work relatively recently, so you can expect frequent discounts and coupons for in-game goods.
Waiting for you!
BerryWorld ©
IP: c2.play2go.cloud:20067
Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/YdACQpeJdC
Community on VK: https://vk.com/s_berryworld
Donation website: berryworld.easydonate.ru